Young JOHN MACARTHUR'S Shocking PROVISIONIST Take On General Revelation | Leighton Flowers |

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Young John MacArthur shares a testimony from someone in his congregation that directly opposes the narrative of Calvinism. Surprisingly, MacArthur gives a very provisionistic take on general revelation in this sermon and concedes points that Calvinists typically fight for. Why did John MacArthur move away from teaching in this way?

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The beautiful reality of God's generosity and mercy is the best rebuttal to Calvinism.


The simplicity and the beauty of the Gospel is brilliant. Only God could invent it! Praise the Lord! Blessings, brother!


I knew John Mc Arthur when I first came to the US as an imigrant and was saved after 3 moths of going to church with my sponsor. I enjoyed him preaching the truth of the word of God in a powerful way. I wondered what happened to him, who changed his mind? Do you or anyone know? I felt very sad. I never became a Calvisnist even though I frequented Presbyterian churches. I always ended up having heated dicusssions about tulip. These people that I considered my brothers and sisters in ;christ were really blinded. I loved them and they were good neighbors, good parents, good friends, good citizens, I know how easy it is to drift away from the Lord becasue I did it myself for 14 years in the wilderness of the New Age occult teachings and practices. The Lord who is patient and merciful brought estimony me back into the fold in 1984 and I am spending the rest of my life giving my testimony and writing in my blogs about my experiences with Jesus Christ who is the Lord of second chances. Praise be to God who sees, hears and blesses his faithful children even though we don´t deserve it. Bless you and your ministry.


I've witnessed many Calvinists over the decades, who try & come across palatable with an almost "Whosoever will" presentation of the Gospel. But when you listen more & listen carefully, they remain faithful to their false doctrine.

"The scriptures say, let him who thirsts come" (the thought bubble above their head reads "Only ye pre-chosen elect of course, the non-elect have no hope of responding")


If God has predetermined everything that would be done by everyone, what then is the purpose of prayer?
I mean why would anyone pray for anything if everything is already determined?


I wonder how long ago JM preached that sermon. I think he is more Calvinistic now than he was earlier.


Calvinism has two primary modes of self-representation.
1) Boasting mode
2) Masquerade mode

In Boasting mode:
The Calvinist spends about 10% of his time - boasting the supposed superiority of Calvinism over the characteristics of its alternatives.

In Masquerade mode:
The Calvinist spends the other 90% of his time - trying to make his theology *APPEAR* to have those very characteristics.

Here John MacArthur is providing an excellent example.

He is operating in Calvinism's Masquerade mode.
He seeks to make the theology *APPEAR* to have a characteristic - which in his boasting mode - he would criticize and reject as inferior.

All Calvinists would of course - prefer to spend the majority of their time in boasting mode.
But Calvinism's boasting mode simply doesn't work to make Calvinism attractive - even to the Calvinist.

So here is a word of wisdom:
Whenever the Calvinist points his finger of accusation at you - he is in his boasting mode.
Don't take the bait!
Just wait and watch!!
Give him a few minutes.

He is guaranteed to switch over into Masquerade mode
Because even he - secretly & internally - doesn't find his own theology palatable.


Wow! Macarthur is such an excellent preacher, like many other calvinists. It's just sad they can't see the inconsistencies.


Nothing is more abhorrent to a soul saved by the light of Christ than to listen to the false prophets of what I believe is the ' doctrine of demons' what JM preaches now, if this is disrepectful then so be it.


John McArthur’s Father was a big Calvinist so he was obviously programmed from a very young age.
Calvinists are so obviously wrong,
a person would have to be programmed to actually believe that version of Christianity. I’ve seen so called pastors like James White,
I made the mistake of bringing my mom and very religious Roman Catholic sister to a Debate between
Catholic Fr Mitch Pacwa and Calvinist James White. I had no idea at the time what Calvinism is !
I only thought it was Protestant vs Catholic. I was then and still am a Christian.
Born again and no longer a catholic since 1996. Well, Fr Pacwa came across as gentle, knowledgeable and loving. He was just a really impressive person. The debate was concerning the Papacy. Although Mr White had a LOT to say, White was arrogant, nasty and really irritating. What a mistake to bring my Mom there.
Mom was totally put off by White and obviously favored Fr Pacwa
… it didn’t matter much that James White was more Biblically accurate concerning the Papacy. Fr Pacwa won over the crowd big time ! Except of course his faithful supporters who were also very arrogant and loud. I don’t think my Mom ever recovered from that and went to the grave (according to my sister) requesting a Traditional Catholic burial like my Dad.
I believe my Dad today is in Heaven, or waiting for Jesus to take him there
because although Catholic, he trusted his salvation to Jesus Christ…
I heard him say it myself. My Mom unfortunately,
I will never know until I get there myself. I was only trying to show my Mom and sister the truth I found about Jesus.
In my naivety,
I believe now taking Mom to that debate was a huge mistake !!
I spend the next 27 years preaching to my Mom who just always seemed to have deaf ears to it. So these Calvinist aren’t simply wrong, they are dangerous.
What an idiotic and selfish doctrine. It shows how powerful Satan is here on earth that he can lead even Bible believers to teach and believe such incredible nonsense


I definitely appreciate, that you point out how inconsistent and unclear what pastors who hold to this position preach... –yet cling to the T and the I of their adored systematic. Ugh upsetting to think of an unsuspecting new Christian or anyone getting taken down this inconsistent road with them hmm upsetting to say the least!!! Keep bringing it into the light🌻


This makes you wonder if John M. actually remembers what he preaches. It would be very interesting in a QA session to quote him to himself and see what he says.


I do not know if this doctrine has infiltrated here in Australia. I only know it grieves me deeply. One scripture (among so so many) is where Yeshua states “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me : for of such is the Kingdom of heaven.” Matt 19:14 KJV 🦋❤️🇦🇺


Brother Leighton, that was a wonderful explanation of man's choice in his salvation. Can that also be extended to after salvation? Hebrews 6 comes to mind.


People can change their mind from provisionist to calvinist or the other way around. But being a calvinist, it is hard to preach a sermon that some of the audiences are elected and some of the audiences are reprobates, and there is nothing they can do about it because God has determined that before they are born. So sometimes he need to compromise and tell the truth.


I have a suspicion that there's more money in convincing people they're evil beyond repair. Then, to actually bring them to Christ, to free them from needing a preacher. Greed corrupts.


Iv offen thought about this, how can God justly condemn someone to Hell in light of that scripture, that thay are without excuse. If I was never chosen or born again before I believed the Gospel, and God asks me Michael why didn't you aspect my love and Grace. Well Lord it's because you never chose me I wasn't one of the ellect, I had no choice in the matter. Calvinisim makes you doubt your salvation, cos it happened to me 😢.


Wesleyan Arminian here. I actually agree with MacArthur for once and with Dr. Flowers, as usual. This seems identical to my own view of general revelation, and Dr. Flowers has covered his own ideas about it before, so I already knew we were mostly agreed.


I’ve heard it explained from the mouth of a Calvinist pastor (bred and taught at Master’s Seminary) of how the “so” in John 3:16 does not have anything to do with how much God loved the world, but with the manner in which He loved the world.
And then he stopped there, because the point he was making was that many people have twisted this very scripture to make it sound like God loves the world with an incredible amount of love.
Then I said to myself: well, if you’re saying that, then let’s see the “so” in the context, and I read for myself verses 14 and 15, which ultimately make me appreciate God’s salvation even more: that anyone who has been bitten by the serpent and wants to live, can look through faith at the bronze serpent!!
It is only man’s pure mental satisfaction to split hairs and speculate, come up with new thought, philosophy and theological dogmas that have no place in God’s revealed word to us, mortals.
These people are nothing but the Greeks of old.
They should be out in the market place and not in a church.


This is why I think MacArthur might actually be saved, based on what he used to believe and peach and in spite of what he believes and preaches now. God is faithful to His word when we humans are not and thank God for that!
