How To Stop Feeling Depressed - Instant Relief From Depression

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Bestselling author, Noah Elkrief, will show you how to deal with depression by showing you that you're not who you think you are.
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Feeling depressed? Do you want to know how to deal with depression? This video is meant to give you relief from your depression right now.

Noah Elkrief

This video is about how to deal with depression. It may seem as though your depression is created by there being something factually wrong with you or your life. But, the truth is that facts don't create depression. If facts did create depression, then you would feel depressed in every moment that the facts remained the same. However, you don't feel depression in every moment. In any moment that you're distracted from the thoughts that say "there is something wrong with me (or my life)", then you don't feel depression.

If you want to stop feeling depression, if you want to know how to deal with depression, the answer is to look at what thoughts are going through your head when you feel depressed... and then look to see whether they are true/real or not.

I hope this video about how to deal with depression is helpful for you.

#depressed #depression

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I just want to say to all the people who feel the same, I give you a huge hug. You are not broken ♥
Its cliche and you always hear it, but I saw with my own eyes that you CAN beat depression, I promise you. I know it's hard and it will be a constant battle but it's worth it <3


It's a feeling, exactly. It has been created by my thoughts because my brain believed it. Believed that I was going crazy. Believed that I am never gonna get better, believed that I have no point in life if I'm gonna deal with this forever". I have this with intense and severe anxiety. I know that in reality I went through so much stress that it made my mind too weak to understand negative thoughts. All the panic attacks I went through caused me to have a mental breakdown. I know that I can believe my way to feel okay. My thoughts convince me the most negative things ever but this has rough me a lot of relief but when I'm with these thoughts I get scared immediately and believe them. It's all the intrusive thoughts and the OCD symptom of depression. My thoguhts fight to stay negative and I have to keep reminding myself that it's not real. It's pattern of thinking due to believing these bad thoughts.


I really can't stop crying for 10 seconds to watch this


This is my first view, fantastic! I'm feeling better already, thank you. I've downloaded it and i will listen to it the moment I wake up and my bedtime story to drum it into my head and train my mind to STOP!


Thank you so much!! Made me cry a couple of times but in a very good way. I am so glad that there are people like you who share their wisdom, energy and help :)


Thanks Noah. It was the first time i really thought someone can understand me. Great video


Man you can calm an elephant down. Love this. Can you do one on ADHD and impulse control?


thoughts create unhappiness, suffering stems from judgment about the event, suffering is not caused by the event itself


Thank you so much for making this video. Now every time a negative thought occurs in my mind, I treat it as a delivery guy coming from the pizza outlet I never ordered food from and just say " No I didn't ask for your advice. I jus had my dinner. I did not order any food. I am content."


i am so moved by the empathic comments below for Jake wanted to Thank Noah so much and when i saw so many people saying i feel the same as Jake helped me even are helping each other by simply saying this is how i feel Period. I wish we all could be right here right now in this very moment together saying relief i am not alone


this is all very correct and I can see he has good intentions but this is not how depression works.


Thank you.. you make feel im worth it.. you make me realise im a normal person..


as a guy without a nose i find this video offensive


This helped a lot, I will not let thoughts control me anymore 🙂


You helped me and so many people thank you


just brilliant, I totally understand  you made it so simple to what its about ...


Holy shit, after watching this I feel I'm high 🤤.


Just closed my eyes and listen to your voice helped


Thank you for this video it's helped a great deal.


thanks this video helped a lot since i am dealing with depression adn the urge to suicide
