The Secret to Getting Motivation with Depression

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Are you depressed, unmotivated, and simply can't get yourself to DO the things you want and need to do. Watch and learn why motivation is so elusive for you and WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT.

Stop wasting your time looking for motivation in all the wrong places. Increasing motivation with depression and gaining the motivation to keep going is WORTH IT. Don't let your mental illness get the better of you. There IS help, and the truth may surprise you.

Watch this video next to hear my own personal journey with severe depression...

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Do you relate to this description of depression and lack of motivation?


Why is this video so poorly viewed? This creator is MUCH more helpful than most of the "how to get over depression" videos that are trending


I have comorbid ADHD, depression and anxiety disorder. I am at the lowest point ever, just completely drained mentally and physically. My apartment is a mess, I can barely get out of bed and take care of myself. I feel guilty for not cleaning. I’m in my last semester of college now and I’m behind 2 weeks in assignments. I feel like a failure and ashamed of myself for letting everything fall apart. I used to be so happy until my early 20s. Now even doing my favorite things like playing games or being around friends feels like nothing. I’m empty and numb on the inside. These videos help stop my negative thinking for a while. I really do feel “stuck” in this mental state but I’m trying to retrain myself to stop being negative because it’s making everything worse. Thank you for making videos to help and give advice for everyone struggling with mental health now.


Just hearing someone say that it doesn’t mean that when you’re not doing something means you must not really want it, helped me so much right now. I can easily imagine how happy I could be making this crafting project. I see it vividly how I’m sitting at the table, completely in “the zone” with all my colorful fabrics, beads, threads and shiny ornaments around me.. But I sit down, I actually managed to do that today, and my spirit starts kicking and screaming internally and I just feel like crying! Lol! Ugh. But what yoi said helped enough for me to go sit down at the table again in a minute. ❤️ Try again


this is exactly how I feel. it's like, what's the point of doing anything? its not going to change anything. I'm going to feel the same way afterward.


This is how i feel about my job search. I dislike my job, but I feel depressed, so i procrastinate looking for a job.


I am currently in a very bad depression and really scared. It’s been two months and everything is getting worse. I have no motivation for anything. My family is not being very supportive anymore as they are all getting fed up. I’m so worried this won’t go away..


I have ADHD and MDD so it took me a long time to really get into the habit of organizing. But seriously one of the most helpful habits is writing down daily goals. These daily goals (no matter how small) give me a little rush of happiness when I complete them, which makes me feel like I have control of my life lol. Also, this is going to sound super embarassing.... but sometimes I imagine myself as a little character doing quests in a videogame. I think its because I'm putting myself in a perspective outside of the intrusive thoughts and personal trauma.


Keep sending ill friends your way :) grateful for your time.


First time I’ve ever seen her video … amazingly - she summarized in a 5 min video about the key to get over depression.. take actions but taking actions inspite of “lack of motivation”… In other words - take action first against feelings - then eventually - habits form and then motivation is a by product because of the results of the actions already taken in-spite of feelings.


That is the problem. Taking action, over the long haul, has not paid off at all. If I had just stayed in bed all year, my situation would be essentially unchanged. Effort-reward imbalance over time is devastating to motivation, and action can actually put you in a deeper hole


I don’t know…. It’s the making a habit by being consistent that gets me. I’ll do yoga for the first time in years and be like wow that feel so good I should keep doing it, and then more years go by until I ever do it again.


I've been losing the old me since 4 years. I've stopped drawing as much as i did, I've stopped writing short stories because i wanted to, and I've been more and more insecure about myself. I was a really confident and energetic girl, hyperactive even most times, but when something happens and it just makes me feel so, so embarrassed, i lost everhthing. I've started rethinking all of my decision, i started feeling insecure and closing myself up from others more and more often. but out of nowhere, just close to 2024 new year, i had the feeling to get my old self back. I almost lost grasp of that motivation, but here i am now at 4 am looking up video on how to get those motivation back. and when this video is the one that pops up, you dont know how grateful i am. you've brought up that little excitement and motivation in me, knowing what I've lacked after these years and what i need to do. Thank you, i will definitely come back here when I've find my old self once again ❤❤


For me it’s the fear, mental illness (anxiety and unmedicated diagnosed add), and trauma. I just need to find a good therapist but it’s hard with these wait lists :( I’m trying though


You amazing heaven sent woman, you have no idea how much this video spoke to me. I went from having the most productive 4 months of my life and getting perfect grades in my courses w/o procrastination and actually enjoying everything I learned to going through the most depressed funk I've experienced with worsening mental health, memory and anhedonia. I was thinking of visiting a hypnotherapist because everything overwhelms me now. Even doing something as simple as the dishes or sending an e-mail has become too effortful. I may start by cleaning out my room in the morning to get a head start


What you say here is so true. I have heard it a lot from people that if you won't immediately do something, you don’t want to do it. And in fact we don't do it cause it means a lot and it's scary if we have a disappointment.


I totally get it. One, because usually once I am actively doing something I can easily keep going. It’s the first step that is the hardest. Two, if I’m trying to do something that has to be done, the more eminent the danger or consequences of not doing the thing gets the more likely I am to do it. Sorta like I won’t do it unless I Have to and Need to do it. Or else blank will happen. Like doing my redetermination packet from DHHS for food stamps. There is a due date that if you pass you lose the benefits. My entire issue beyond it is my depression and isolation is rooted in grief and fear of loss and lack of purpose. All my friends and my only sibling are dead. I’m 38, have chronic pain and live with my mom and aunt. I’m on SSI. I do some household chores everyday but that’s it. Nothing feels worth it because nothing I gain will last. Even my Mom and Aunt. What will happen when they pass? I’ll prolly check out then too to be honest. Hopefully I won’t have to worry about that for another 20 years. But life takes everything. Nothing lasts. So why get back up on the proverbial horse if you already know it’s going to throw you off and that fall will hurt or can kill you? The definition of insanity is repeating something over and over expecting a different result. I’m broken and disillusioned not insane! F the horse.


When you have a crippling anxiety and depression, it's all hell. I don't know how to get out of this!


Wow. That's amazing. And a lightning bolt to my brain. Having never done the thing I want to do, of course I can't imagine how it will feel to accomplish it. And if I can't picture it, I shy away from it. Like the quote "better the devil you know than the devil you don't". Time to go put my butt in a chair, I guess. :) Thank you!! What great content!


This is a beautiful video! I am someone who has 0 motivation to work out anymore (inspite of spending years motivated, dedicated and REALLY fit). But after going through major depression and burnout in the last couple of years, I just cannot get myself to workout. I finally found some solace in this video, thank you for making me feel so heard.
