When Did The Roman Catholic Church Go Wonky?

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Today, Christians understand that there are many significant doctrinal differences between Protestants and Catholics. When and where, though, did the Roman Catholic church start on the road to heresy, false teaching, and apostasy? Jump in the Delorean with Todd as we go on a history lesson through the errors, heresies, and blasphemies of the Roman Catholic Church.


Wretched TV and Radio are hosted by Todd Friel. On the show, you will see and hear live witnessing encounters, discussions of tough theological issues, and christian commentary on current events. We might even make you laugh.







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40 years Catholic, I started reading the bible and it took 7 days to leave the Catholic church. First Timothy 4:1-5 put me on a path.


I was raised Catholic, born in the 50's, we had a family Bible for listing the family tree but weren't aloud to read it-the priests said laymen couldn't understand it without their help. In the 70's as a teen I received apologetic training by the priest to counter what "evil history teachers" and evangelizing classmates said. God moved us to a state where the priest didn't get involved with the youth. Friends prayed for me and kept quoting Scripture. Curiosity got me (actually the Lord drew me) to the Word. I read it on my own and saw many discrepancies with Catholic teaching, God taught me His Word through my reading, His Spirit enlightening and faithful Bible teachers. Went to a Baptist church and Catholic mass for awhile. I was saved by God and His Word. I even wrote the priest and told him how he could get saved. Never heard from him. "Depend on it, if we learn anything correctly, we will have to learn it from God." Spurgeon


Sad thing is that as a kid, I couldn't see the difference between witchcraft and Catholicism. The occult was more "fun.". Jesus saved me from both years later.


A Catholic apologist just asked me how people got saved before Luther. I answered, the same way they always have. They read a Bible and trusted God instead of ceremonies, memberships, and good deeds. (Big mistake on the RCC’s part, letting people see Bibles.)


Well done, Todd. I was born into Roman Catholicism, and my pathway out into the freedom of the Reformed tradition replicated this history lesson in many ways. A difficult journey, but I knew God was with me every step of the way. I had my Luther moment early in my college years. I tried and tried to get RC priests to engage with me and my questions, and none were really willing to. I was teaching elementary school kids in Confraternity of Christian Doctrine classes and stumbled over so many Catholic practices that I could not substantiate in the Bible - which I was actually discouraged from reading by priests and nuns. I knew Scripture was authoritative - my spirit bearing witness to the Holy Spirit-breathed Word. Finally, I started reading Luther and Calvin for myself, and the jig was up. My eyes were opened to the falsehoods of the Roman Catholic church and its teachings. Sola fides. Sola gratia. Sola Scriptura. Soli Deo Gloria.


As per my request, my aunt sent me a book to strengthen my faith in the RCC. It took me some time as I had never read a Bible before, but as I compared the two it became obvious to me that I needed to leave the church. A few months later I came to Christ at a Billy Graham crusade! MANY years later I discovered the reformed faith and everything finally made sense.


That's why I left the RCC, I compared the Catechism of 1992 with the Bible and then it was impossible for me to receive Eucharist again. By the grace of God I haven't looked back since.


Raised in a Catholic family/home and community but praise God He pursued me and opened my eyes to find salvation in Jesus alone🙌🏻. Raising my boys in truth and starting a new legacy.


The #1 issue with Catholicism for me is absolutely Mariology. Nothing about what Catholics say about her is true and it just completely takes me out of it. Catholics try and argue they don't "worship" Mary when basically all I ever see is them worshipping Mary and putting her on a pedestal above Jesus. But let's hypothetically say they don't ACTUALLY worship Mary.

They declare her to be a perpetual virgin when she had other children. They declare her to have had an immacculate conception (which undermines Jesus being the only immacculate conception). They also declare that she never sinned in her life, while at the same time declaring she was a perpetual virgin. These two things are complete contradictions, because she was married.

1 Corinthians 7 "3 The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. 5 Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control."

Jesus was a perpetual virgin, but he also never married. If Mary was a perpetual virign then that contradicts her need to be sexually faithful to her husband. Therefore, she sinned against her husband, and could not be forever without sin. Its a catch-22, literally an impossible situation.

Catholics in general try to downplay sex overall, though, so that's not surprising. Sex is both for pleasure and for children in marriage, its not just one or the other. The angel even tells Joseph not to sleep with her until after the baby is born, directly implying that yes, they will consummate after that is done.

Another thing that comes up is that they also sometimes call her the "Queen of Heaven". The "Queen of Heaven" actually DOES exist as a term in the Bible:

Jeremiah 7 "17 Do you not see what they are doing in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? 18 The children gather wood, the fathers light the fire, and the women knead the dough and make cakes to offer to the Queen of Heaven. They pour out drink offerings to other gods to arouse my anger. 19 But am I the one they are provoking? declares the Lord. Are they not rather harming themselves, to their own shame?"

This obviously predates the existence of Mary, and its clearly describing worshipping a false Goddess. Its another description of the depravity and idolatry of Israel.

Purgatory and the Papacy are other pretty big issues, but Mariology IMO is by far the worst aspect.

As for the Apocrypha, it already was translated by Jerome because they believed the Apocrypha was good reading to support the scriptures but not actual Scripture. Later they decided to incorporate it as actual Scripture, and it contains certain things that they use for examples of "praying for the dead" for their concept of "purgatory".

The problem is that the examples used here do not qualify. The fallen soldiers that were being prayed for in 2 Maccabees were found to be guilty of idolatry. Idolatry is a "carnal" sin which means you must go to confession to have your sins forgiven again to not go to hell. Purgatory is only for those who still have to pay penance but haven't committed any carnal sins.


When the RCC began to refer to Mary as "co-redeemer, " it became crystal clear to me how apostate they had become. She is highly favored, yes, but co-redeemer??


This is a subject I’ve studied a good bit. 313 ad. is when the whole thing started sliding down that slope. When Constantine decided Christians weren’t as bad as he thought. He started to blend paganism with Christianity. Some of those people were so relieved not to be hunted anymore they figured what was a little paganism among friends? By 400 ad. The real Christians had to go underground again.
In my area, there is NO church that teaches only from the Bible! My good friend and I have resorted to listening to good pastors on YouTube and getting together and having a Bible study together. These end times are difficult to navigate, BUT GOD…..!


I used to be a Protestant and believed the Church taught all the things you say it teaches. Thank God he lead me to the Catholic Church that Jesus established! I think there are quite a few things you misunderstand about Catholicism. If we believed a lot of the things you say we do, it would be heresy and I’d run as far away as fast as I can. If you’d like me to explain in more detail what you’re misunderstanding about Catholicism I’d be happy to do so. You listed quite a number of things and I don’t want to leave a small book here so pick a topic and I’d be happy to discuss it! I don’t know everything but I spent 8+ years studying Catholicism under the threat of excommunication from my Protestant church and was told I’d go to hell if I convert. So I wanted to make sure Catholicism was true before converting. I’ll continue praying for you and all of our Protestant brothers and sisters!


I happen to stumble on this. I left the Catholic Church when I was 16 (I’m now 51). Since then, I’m an outcast with my family. My only sibling, my sister is President of her community who is Franciscan (we know it really to be the mother superior of her convent). Talk about wonky…anyway thank you, I learned a lot and reconfirms my decision to act as Martin Luther and leave.


As a protestant, I've spent 4 years trying to fairly and accurately understand the fundamental teachings of historic Christianity, as well as Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.

I highly recommend doing a deeper dive before making videos like this.

For example: They are not. Re-sacrificing. Jesus. On. the. Cross.

That statement is so incredibly inaccurate and frustrating to hear. Please take some time to listen to Catholic apologists on this issue before causing more unnecessary strife between the two sides of the Tiber.

There are enough legitimate concerns about their theology without adding false accusations and inflammatory statements into the mix.


Maybe it’s because I met God when I was totally isolated and didn’t even have internet, this was before social media anyway, but...I started and continue walking with God with nothing but prayer, a dusty old family Bible, and a Christian music CD someone once gave for Christmas and I found buried in a closet while hiding there. From the beginning Jesus has been my teacher and even after he rescued me from my circumstances and gave me physical freedom, Jesus and the Bible has remained my sole teacher. I interact with other Christians and listen to Christians and what they have to say...but at the end of the day my walk and the way I take is based solely on the Bible I read every morning and night, the Holy Spirit who leads me and helps me, and my prayers which I use to ask about things in the Bible I don’t understand or want to apply. I can’t even take credit for this way in which I walk because it was God who taught me and disciplined me and basically funneled me into the river in which I ride. We all stand and fall before Jesus. We all have access to His Word and all His advice and commandments. I don’t judge but I do wish with all my heart that everyone could experience a walk like mine because it’s truly amazing.


I was raised Catholic and am so GRATEFUL that the Lord opened my eyes. I always wondered why there was so many things that didn't line up with the written word. I will be forever thankful for Him pulling me out of a place of such


I’m not Catholic but most of the dates provided are not accurate. In most of the things mentioned you can find much earlier that the dates given.


Unfortunately, most mainstream protestant denominations have become even more unbiblical in beliefs.


Let’s pray that Todd joins the Catholic Church.


I was raised Catholic. Since I was a teenager I asked a lot of questions because I could sense at that age that their teaching
were not biblical. During CCD class I asked multiple times why we prayed to Mary. The whole concept of confession to a priest and him "absolving" us of our sins made no sense. As an adult I left the catholic church and found a wonderful Bible based protestant church.
