Has the Roman Catholic Church Changed Since the 16th Century?

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The Roman Catholic Church has changed since the 16th century. But has it gotten better or worse? In this brief clip, R.C. Sproul explains that the need for reformation is far from over.

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AMEN to that R.C. you are sorely missed!!


I would love the extended version of this talk by RC. Where do I get it?? God, please raise up some more RC Sproul’s.


What about the Eucharist? No Christian DID NOT believe in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist for the first 1, 000 years of Christianity. Not even Luther was on board with the reformers regarding this matter. That is the primary difference I see between Protestant Christianity and Catholicism. Also, when it comes to new doctrines that the Church decrees, isn't that related to "whatever you bound and loose on earth will be bound and loosed in Heaven, " as Jesus stated to the apostles. I would genuinely like to receive a response from Protestants on our differences and how you guys rationalize your perspective. I'm often drawn to the expository preaching of Protestant preachers like R.C. Sproul and John MacArthur, but when it comes to the issues raised here, I can't help but agree with the Catholics. Any thoughts/suggestions?


Miss this blessed Man of God. May he rest in peace in the presence of Our Lord


Whatever you do, don't watch the James White Patrick Madrid debate. Worst mistake of my life.


All the Vatican 2 catholics say it's too confusing, I don't understand it's confusing ! Or the mass is enough, no, it's not enough. You must have the true Catholic faith.
There is nothing confusing about it !!! 

Pope Gregory the 16th 1831 let nothing of the truths that have been defined, it be lessened, nothing altered nothing added, but let them be preserved intact in the word and then meaning.

Vatican Council of 1870 session 3 chapter 4 part 13 and 14 EX cathedra -- for the doctrine of the faith which God has revealed is put forward not as some philosophical Discovery capable of being perfected by human intelligence but as a Divine deposit committed to the spouse of Christ to be Faithfully protected and infallibly promulgated hence to that meaning of the sacred dogmas is ever to be maintained which has once been declared by holy mother church and there must never be any abandonment of this sense under the pretext or in the name of a more profound understanding.

Pope Pius the 10th syllabus condemning the errors of the modernists 1907 article 62 : the proposition the chief articles of the Apostles Creed did not have the same sense for the Christians of the first stages as they have for the Christians of our time is hereby condemned as erroneous.

St John of the Cross 1591 wherefore if there be revealed to us anything new or different we must in no way give consent to it not even though it were spoken by an Angel.

St. Thomas Aquinas doctor of the church 1274 all those who deny one Article of Faith regardless of their reason are by that very fact excommunicated.

Pope Eugene the fourth Council of Florence Session 8 1439 ex cathedra whoever Wills to be saved before all things it is necessary that he holds the Catholic faith unless a person keeps this Faith whole and undefiled without doubt He Shall Perish eternally.

Popplio 13th 1896 the practice of the church has always been the same as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the fathers who were want to hold as outside Catholic communion and alien to the church whoever would recede in the least degree from any point of Doctrine proposed by her authoritative magisterium.

Council Florence session 11 February 4th 1442 ex cathedra the Holy Roman Church condemns reproves anathematize has and declares to be outside the body of church which is the Catholic Church whoever holds opposing or contrary views.

Popplio the 10th 5th lateran Council session 8th 1513 EX cathedra and since truth cannot conjure the truth we Define that every statement contrary to the enlightened truth of the faith is totally false and we strictly forbid teaching otherwise to be permitted we decree that all those who cling to erroneous statements of this time this sewing heresies which are wholly condemned should be avoided in every way and punished as detestable and odious Heretics and infidels who are undermining the Catholic faith.

Saint Athanasius God's word is one and the same in the doors forever unchanged always the same

Pope Pius the 9th, qui Pluribus I'm faith and religion November 9th 1846 paragraph 20 never cease to instruct all men in it never tolerating and letting pass anyting which could in the slightest degree defiled the purity of this faith. What the same great strength of Mind Foster and all men their Unity with the Catholic church outside of which there is no salvation

Pope Saints sixtus 3 nothing new is to be allowed for nothing can be added to the old look for the faith of the elders and do not let our faith be disturbed by a mixture of new doctrines

St Vincent of Lerins 445, all novelty in faith is ashore Mark of heresy Saint Paul Cried Out aloud again and again to all men to all times and to all places that if anyone announces a new doctrine let him be anathematized.

There is no confusion unless you're a heretic and belong to the vatican 2 fake church, there is no confusion for true Catholics, I'll say that again there is no confusion for the true Catholics the teachings of the church are simple and clear. Nothing is to be changed Nothing !! If you disagree with this your excommunicated from the church you no longer are Catholic you no longer have a father in Heaven !!!


Bless you Rev. Sproul, Sr. for your videos on God's Reformation and Satan's Counter-Reformation!


There’s no such thing as an infallible human, Pope or otherwise.


yeah they got dethroned .italy took away all of their earthly power making them lord of themselves AND THEY TOOK AWAY ALL OF THEIR TEMPORAL POWER making them powerless


Eucharist Mass Wafer = Abomination of Desolation noted in Book of Daniel and Matthew 24 = Image of the beast noted in Book of Revelation. Papacy claims through Transubstantiation wafer literally becomes Jesus. They turned wafer into idol. The wafer is their pagan god aka the Abomination of Desolation aka The Image of the beast. Babylon in Book of Revelation represents Apostate churches ( Roman Catholicism, Jehovah Witness, Mormonism, Portion of Protestant churches that have become Apostate like Church of England, United Methodist, Presbyterian USA aka Antichristendom). APOSTATE in the Greek equals the number of the beast 666.


Sorry man no protestants for XVI centuries


All this because Luther removed himself from Roman Catholic Church instead of remaining in and make a change. He made a cardinal blunder by burning the Papal Bull. He is the cause of the Schism... Hence not a great hero as RC Sproul venerates him


One thing’s for sure; RC Sproul is no longer a Calvinist. Sproul worshiped theology & psuedo intellectualism more than Christ Himself it would seem.


Well we can pray that Sproul having passed from this world, lived a life in which he really believed the lies of the "Reformers" and was so indoctrinated by their fables and rupture from the Faith once delivered, that he is or has been purged by the refining fire, and is now a happy Catholic in heaven. Can't blame him for wanting the easy way out, even if it was a rejection of Bible Simplicity, as has remained unchanged by the Catholic Church. Even though his misleading statements in this clip may compel others to not seek out the Truth of Christ and His eternal message, and they stay in the darkness of the errors of Private Judgement (contrary to the Bibles own statements.) We do have to hope in God's mercy. The main difference between Catholics and Protestants when it comes to the Church is... The Catholic accepts that Jesus gave us a visible Church (very Biblical) that is a Hospital for Sinners. Protestantims (and there is a new one invented every five minutes) Teaches an Invisible Church (non-biblical) that once you do your part and say "Lord Lord" you are elevated from being a sinner to a personal adviser of Jesus.
