The Confusing Hierarchy of the Catholic Church

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The bishop of Rome, better known as the pope, is at the top of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Below him are the cardinals, who pick the next pope. Then there are the archbishops and the bishops. Then the priests, then the deacons, then the non-clergy, the laity. It’s a ladder that can be confusing. In this episode of Intrigued Mind, we are taking a look at the sometimes confusing ladder of authority for the biggest church in the world.

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#CatholicChurch #HierarchyOfTheCatholicChurch #BishopOfRome #VaticanCity #CatholicClergy #Christianity


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Wow, as a Catholic who works for the Church I’m genuinely impressed at how thorough, accurate, and relevant this information was. Even the stock photos were reflective of what was being said in the video. Very well done.


I am atheist, but it fascinating to learn about a Christian church


Superbly written and animated. Concise, clear and factual. IM at their best!


Impt episode in helping one understand the largest religious group in the world. Hierarchy translates into who has power and who can do what to whom.


Okay now regarding bishops and archbishops, theoretically they do need to be in charge of a diocese but sometimes they are raised to that rank as part of another office. For instance, all papal nuncios are raised to the rank of archbishop but obviously they don’t run a diocese since they’re already busy. The loophole of the Church is to assign these bishops a titular diocese. This is a diocese that once existed but has fallen into ruins either since the city was abandoned or the area fell to Muslim powers and the Christian community there was extinguished/converted.

Archbishops in charge of running an archdiocese is called a metropolitan archbishop. An archdiocese is the biggest and most prominent diocese in an ecclesiastical province. For instance, the Province of Las Vegas has under it the suffragan dioceses of: Reno and Salt Lake City. In practice, the metropolitan archbishop has very little authority over their suffragan bishops since each diocese is run autonomously and not in a direct hierarchical manner. The finances and administration of one diocese is not connected to that of another’s and the only superior of a bishop is the Pope who runs the Church through a series of offices called the Roman Curia (since obviously he can’t supervise everything himself). Nonetheless, the archbishop can appoint an administrator if a diocese loses its bishop and the priests don’t recommend an administrator after a period of time. They also have precedence over the suffragan bishops but that’s mostly ceremonial.


I have a very good insight of the Heirachy of the Catholic Church.
You have the Pope, the Curia, the College of Cardinals, the Bishops
and Papal Nuncios.


For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, 16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. 17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[f] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. 22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.


While I dont subscribe to religious beliefs, these decisions about governance and power affect a huge amount of people


I was completely lost within a minute in 😩😂


Deacons are not lesser than, nor beneath priests. They stand beside priests as servants and aids to the bishop. Deacons and priests have some overlap and some differing duties.


Cardinals also form the crucial power positions in the Church, From the Secretary of State to other Secretary position.


purple = bishop, red = cardinal
got it


the bit that wost most confusing was the roles of bishops and archbishops. so this clears it up thanks.


You forgot lay religious and monsignoiri ranks.


Nothing is more confusing than the Anglican Church. Priest, Dean, vicar, Canon, rector, archdeacon, precentor.


Draganlaa nam innavaa kiyalaa dannaa naha anungaa opaa dupa valin gini thiyana cheeththa adina gahanu pirimi nisa apata nosahanna pidhaa nam avaa


Well you see, Italy could really be considered the Ripoff Roman Empire (Benito Mussolini)


Peter, claimed as being one of the very first 'bishops', counselled other 'bishops' " Do not LORD it over the flock" ( 1 Peter 5:3). How is it then that these 'bishops, have a degree in theology ( Peter was an "man unlettered & ordinary" ( Acts 4:13). They live in 'palaces'. Have regal robes, sit on 'thrones' & receive great reverence while wielding authority not only over a congregation ( as in the first century) but over a 'diocease' ( a Roman secular province)? There is no comparison with early Christianity and the catholic & also the protestant church. ( In the UK 'bishops' even sit in the 'house of LORDS'!!) What would Peter think?


"Jesus Christ is Lord..." ✝️
🌹God bless Pope Francis 😇, God's choice by God's Holy Spirit. Amen. 💒Thank You Lord Jesus for Your assurances of Matthew 16 v18-19.✝️🛐🙏

Even the Son of God Himself was rejected by the know-it-alls of His day!
