Did Jesus Found the Roman Catholic Church?

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In this video, I address the claim that the Roman Catholic Church was founded directly by Jesus.
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Some church fathers strayed from the earliest times. Its mentioned several times in the Bible and the church of Rome uses these people as proof of unbiblical doctrines


Well I know one thing for sure. I will never bow, kneel or whatever to the pope, never! Jesus is my Lord, and Peter was NOT the 1st pope.


for us christians we have to be careful on this touchy subject. i am roman catholic, but i am allowed to go to any christian church and listen to the sermons. but we allsmsay jesus is saviour and died of our sins. i wish more people would read about catholicsm and understand what us roman catholics beleive in. but i can read on martian luther and at leaest i will understand what a lutheran beleives without pointing fingers and say i am right you are wrong. no body wins that aguement. God is the only one who can judge others not us. God is love and we all need to remember that.until jesus saya otherwise on the true church.


You talk about the Early Church a lot and I notice the books of the Early Church Fathers on your book shelves. Wish you would talk how the Early Church worshiped, what they believed.
As a Catholic I look at you as a brother and have nothing but love for you and my Lutheran brothers and sisters. We have way more in common than differences. We should focus more on that.


No, I'm sorry you have swallowed propaganda regarding Luther. Jesus DID found the church appointing Peter as leader of the apostles. Therefore, the Apostolic succession was created. No, it's not the Pope that is the essential focus it is the resurrection & the true presence of the body, soul & divinity of Jesus.


Yea And the split with the oriental non chalcedonians remember them?


Jesus was a Jew! He gave Peter, His Rock, the keys to His Kingdom…Heaven!


There is a Catholic monk on YouTube that traced back his priestly line and found that it only goes back to 1504…. And then he looked up other priests he knew that were ordained in different parts of the world, and they all go back to that same person. He concluded that even tho the church didn’t appear to have a record of apostolic succession, he would take it as a matter of faith… but it’s *almost* like the apostolic succession claim is just a propaganda lie to discredit anyone that disagrees with Rome - and it began in the priests leading up to the official Reformation.


Your whole video doesn't make sense. Jesus gave the keys of the KINGDOM to Peter and as early as AD110 Catholic Chruch was mentioned in one of the letter by st Ignatius of Antioch to Smyrna. Secondly all were in unity and only Catholics churches were around and Peter went to Rome and died There hence its the Holy See. The chair of St Peter. Plus during those times is when Quran was developed opposing Catholic churches teaching ( a common misconception) that we worship Mary ( Quran claims we believe Triune God as father son and Mary) which clearly states that church has always been Catholic and moreover Bible was complied by the authority Catholic church under the guidance of the Holy spirit, God is not the God of confusion. If Catholic church had the authority to complie the bible then it is still guided by the Holy Spirit until Jesus returns to take the kingdom of the keys which were given to Peter in apostolic succession infact 1st 3 Popes are mentioned in the Bible.. Peter, Linus and Clement. Until reformation everyone believed in the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Then it become a symbol. Only Catholic church has kept the faith since 33AD so as to say the churchs consistent teachings since 2000 years. Its a hospital for sinners. Hence u see people doing wrong things. Plus the Eucharist miracles and uncorrupt bodies of saints and apparitions of our Lady. There is too much proof to deny Christs church.


I don't understand. So you claim that thre is no church in the world which belief is correct, and we sholdn't worry about that?


See Proverbs 9:1. The Founder, the House, and the Seven (7) Pillars.

God Himself is the Founder, the Wisdom of God.


The only Christian are the ones from the Catholic Church thanks very much


I have always looked at the catholic Church as the first apostate church.


Can we go a bit further? Rome says that they claim to have the relics/bones of the famous historical figures so if a group is arguing that they are over 2, 000 years old, how can they have the relics and bones of apostles ?


I think jesus through Peter did found the Catholic Church but since they're heterodox now they're not necessary.
That's why I'm not Catholic.


One only has to observe the 'Labarum' (PX) embroidered on catholic priests vestments to realise the 'catholic' church was founded in the summer Palace of roman emperor Constantine ( who later murdered his wife & son) This symbol is a combination of the pagan sun god saturn & Jesus. The Labarum was etched on the shields & banners of his soldiers as they sallied forth killing their enemies ( Millvanian bridge 312AD, 317AD against Lininius 324AD). It is a pagan not christian religion.


Didi Jesus found the Roman Catholic Church? BLEEP NO!! He founded a "universal" church (which the Greek word "catholicos" means) but its "Roman" character developed over centuries and included doctrines the apostles never alluded to in their writings. It's nothing but propaganda, and I spent most of my life worshipping as a Catholic.


"Did Jesus Found the Roman Catholic Church?"
Answer: Yes. The Church Jesus built on the foundation of the Apostles came to be called the "catholic" Church early in the 2nd century.


And you’re a DOCTOR?

Like, a doctor in LGBT studies ? Or what the heck
