10 Signs Your Parents are Making You Depressed

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Are you miserable or depressed when you’re around your parents? When battling depression, it’s important you have a strong support system, and that includes having a supportive family. But it can be difficult when it’s your parents that are causing some of the trauma you’re trying to undo.

Suggested video(s):
Things Not To Say To Someone With Depression:

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Editor: Isadora Ho & Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Storyboarder: Yi Lin
Animator: Napassha
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
Background Music: Richard Jones
Music by Urban Goose Studios
Instagram: @urbangoosestudios

American Psychological Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – 5th Edition. Washington, DC; APA Publishing.
Levine, M. (2006). The price of privilege: How parental pressure and material advantage are creating a generation of disconnected and unhappy kids. Harper Collins Publishers.
Dutton, D. G., Denny-Keys, M. K., & Sells, J. R. (2011). Parental personality disorder and its effects on children: A review of current literature. Journal of Child Custody, 8(4), 268-283.
Olfson, M., Marcus, S. C., Druss, B., Pincus, H. A., & Weissman, M. M. (2003). Parental depression, child mental health problems, and health care utilization. Medical care, 716-721.
Famularo, R., Kinscherff, R., & Fenton, T. (1992). Parental substance abuse and the nature of child maltreatment. Child abuse & neglect, 16(4), 475-483.
Glaser, D. (2017). Emotional Abuse and Neglect: A Study of Psychological Maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 26 (17); 697-714.

Рекомендации по теме

If there's one thing that you could change magically about your life, what would that be and why?


I’m always the happiest when I’m home alone

Edit: does anyone else’s parents say you should be more social but won’t let you talk to anyone see anyone?

Edit2: hope all of you are doing great


“If you tell me the truth, I won’t be mad.”
Edit: guys pls get better parents cuz your stories are genuinely worrying me


the worst thing is that you have issues outside and inside your house. You feel like crying all the time and don't have a support system


The worst part is when they think you are sleeping and they start talking shit about you, it makes you feel. different. it makes you feel, terrible. it hurts you inside, and they just dont know it, but when you talk to them about it they start either saying that you just need to start acting differently, or, they will defend themselves, not even taking your feelings into consideration...


“If you tell me the truth, I wouldn’t be mad”

this made me have trust issues


I'm jealous of those who has good relationship with their parents.


Every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child


I am currently struggling with random episodes of aggression and I have not even suspected why until watching this


the worst part is when they gossip about you to other adults.


Their mind works like this:

“oh my child is not happy? let me take away their phone”


My parents are very discouraging
and honestly it’s so weird for me to grapple the fact that the people who gave life to me are the people who push me to take it away


My parents call be bad things like idiot, stupid, annoying, dumb, etc. They never care about what I want and how it will affect me. They also never cared about my accomplishments. 😢 I cry every day because of them. Spending time makes me so sad.


It's funny how parents don't even realize what they're doing to their child, then the parents say it's from being on the internet like it's not their fault


“Its because you’re always on the internet” No, the internet is giving your child acceptance. That was YOUR job.


I have a toxic mother and I have been depressed for more than 2 years, I'm fifteen now and it all started since my early teen years. I can feel my mom getting more and more toxic with every passing day and now I have got used to it and when she says terrible things it doesn't hurt me anymore but it worsens my depression and I end up having a mental breakdown remembering about how I have been treated in the past and all the traumatizing experience I have gone through. After having a mental breakdown from anger and sadness I feel completely exhausted and it affects my daily life. I have been trying very hard to heal all by myself but after days of progress when I finally think I'm happy and doing better she just crushes it all by arguing and throwing insults at me and mocking me for my studies. She ends up playing the victim in every argument saying that I am ruining her life just because I don't study properly and don't get good grades anymore like I used to. She found out about my depression almost a month ago but I didn't tell her willingly. She found out because she read my diary where I wrote so many personal things and it infuirates me to even think that someone read it without my permission. She didn't admit to me that she read it but I'm sure she did because of the way she acted for a few weeks after that happened. One day in an argument she suddenly said that I am depressed because I stay on my phone all day. She said that I am the one responsible for my depression. I just had enough of her shit at that point and since then even her presence is enough to frustrate me. She has no idea how much I have suffered and how much I am still suffering, how dare she blame me for my depression when the real reason behind it is the trauma that she caused me? I never confronted her because I knew that no matter what I said she'll always play the victim. I just want to get away from her as soon as possible. In her presence I will never be able to have a good mental health. She's very manipulative and she guilt trips and gaslights. Maybe she does it without reasling but now that I'm older I feel sorry for myself as a kid when I got manipulated by her so easily. Now that I think about some of those incidents I can clearly see what was going on. And you know what the most disturbing part is? Even after being so toxic and causing so much trauma she acts so sweet the next day as if those incidents never happened, as if those arguments were never real. How can she act so normal and sweet the next day after threatening me with a goddam knife just because I refused to obey her? It annoys me so much. I'm starting to feel so hopeless, I just can't stand her presence anymore. I want to get away from her but I can't since I'm a minor.


I’ve begged my parents to get me therapy, but my mom says it’s too much money, but she takes my money and spends it on temu


The saddest thing is when you don't even know if you're depressed or if you're just too dramatic


It’s sad that random people on the internet understand me better than my parents ever will.


"Don't be so dramatic, I'm only helping you."

my suicidal thoughts tell me otherwise.
