Why Is My Ex Trying To Make Me Jealous

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Why Is My Ex Trying To Make Me Jealous

You're asking yourself, "Why is my ex trying to make jealous?" This is an even more pressing question if your ex decided to end the relationship. The first thing to acknowledge is that when someone ends a relationship, it is because they were unhappy, unsatisfied, and looking for something else.

And now, you have changed because you've been watching our videos, you've gotten in shape, you've undergone a style and attitude change. You've empowered yourself!

If there's one thing people hate, it is losing power, especially the power they once had over an ex. By empowering yourself, you take the power they once had over you. They are now questioning whether they made the right decision after seeing you become the best version of yourself.

Why is my ex trying to make me jealous? Because your ex wants to test you. Your ex is testing you because they don't want to lose the power they had over you.

Don't react! Show them that you changed!


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There are so many elements of this program that make us so proud. But by far the best bragging point for us, is that it really works. We’ve worked with thousands of people just like you. Crushed by a breakup, determined to get their woman back, and ready for some tested strategies and honest advice. I’m so proud to say that our clients come back to us all the time with incredibly inspirational success stories

While our goal is obviously to get you back together with the one you love, unlike some of our competitors, that’s not all we care about. We want to see you grow into a happier, stronger, more confident individual ready to build a sustainable, loving relationship with a bright future.

That’s why our MasterClass covers how to find your way back into a relationship with your ex, and how to prepare yourself for some of the challenges you will face along the way.

We pour our hearts into this work, and we’re really proud to be a support system for the people we help. If you’ve lost the woman you love, the woman you want to spend your life with, we truly want to play our part to help you get her back. That’s why we’ve developed this program to help you with every step along the way.

We want to fully support you and make sure you have everything you need, because we really want to see you back together. That’s also why we’ve made this course way more detailed and comprehensive than any other in the world.

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It would truly be our pleasure to help you be and with the one you love, as always keep fighting the good fight and I wish you all the very best.


Coach Alex, Coach Adrian, Coach Natalie, Coach Steven & Coach Samira
The WMEA Team


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Рекомендации по теме

This is called the crisis point. It's a stage of confusion.☺


My now ex fiance cheated on me. I left her. She made so many excuses of her "mistake" while I knew 100% cheating is a Choice. And I blocked her and left her. Now, all she's doing is partying and making sure somehow I see or hear about her "fun". Long story short, she knows she Fucked up. She regrets it, and I couldn't be happier without that piece of trash in my life. Forget your ex's people. They're ex's for a reason.


My ex tells me her new boyfriend is better send me pictures of him I just text back I wish u the best n much success 😊


MY ex always posting a new person he is with . Always trying to get a reaction from me . I pay no mind to him .


This guy has an accent a lot of women fine romantically attractive, I'm all ears bro


Mines is using social media and showing off the rebound. He is usually extremely private about his life, but I've noticed he sets his audience to "public" anytime he tags the rebound in a post.


Thank You Alex and All Your Colleagues for the Wonderful Wisdom You All Provide !
Much Appreciated !
Regards Greg


We just divorced. She texted me to be friends. I called to schedule child exchange. She blurted out I have a bf. I ended the conversation saying that's a dagger to my heart. She proceeded to bring him to the child exchange. Just broke me.


Thanks for the advice, I am 2 months in, and these things you talk about are actually happening. It’s difficult to work out though at times what the motivation of the women is. She had “accidentally” got a delivery package sent to my address, and wants to pick it up 😂😂


My ex put up his photo with a new girl just after the relationship end. My friend told me they even pass by my work place hand in hand during my shift Trying to catch a glimpse of my jealously. Thank god I was not working on that day.


He picked me up with his new girl and ended up coming to my house with her as well, kissing and touching her in front of me..It was definitely the worst feeling ever


Thank you for uploading this video!☺️❤️👌


Hahaha Alex, you're so right!!! My ex did the same things what you've said


I've literally seen all of these signs from my ex this week. She is nice and pleasant to me one day, we start getting closer, then she pulls away and is hateful for a few days. She is in a new relationship, but is crazy jealous of me talking to a new woman. She actually called me the other night in hopes of ruining a date. I had no idea that it was a sign she felt like she had made the wrong decision and the power had switched to me. Thanks for everything coach


I had a wonderful whirlwind romance with a spanish girl at work. Sadly it went sour and I don't think she was thinking about me at all in the aftermath. Flirting openly with a with male colleague she sat next to, while I was across the other side of the office pretending my heart wasn't being ripped out. I could tell she fancied him, she had stars in her eyes when she looked at him. Not sure if anything happened between them since I quit the job out of spite, but just the thought of it was too painful for words. We never spoke again. Don't date at work people, like really just don't. Unless you really cannot help it, then maybe they are the one, but otherwise, it's a shitshow. Once that honeymoon period ends and you still have to see each other every day.... wow...the pain and awkwardness is hard to describe.


Great advice., why my ex doesn't jealous.


Thx a lot! I rly wasn’t sure on how to react now that my ex is trying to make me jealous, now I know just keep a calm head and be myself and be happy with myself! She has already said rude things about me to my friends and her friends, on her insta stories everyone’s saying for her to find a man which is obviously set up by her friends and there’s other things going on to! But I’ll just be me I won’t overreact and I won’t let them push my buttons I’ll just be me and chill, thx a lot


When someone pushes you in that position.The best option is give her/him back this reaction.I was waiting.The "test " was bigger because i didn't respond.After, i think i am human i have some value, i try to communicate in chat or face but nothing.I switch the game and now this person have understand that where he/she hits there is a reaction.Better than this i dont beleive that exist.Try it.It may push or lose your ex BUT i give a caps, you have VALUE.Don't forget that, because i did this, i was comming here and there wasn't good answer or similar video.Nice work coaches about that video was one of the most important.The thing is that ex are stubborn, never forget it that


Man u get the hope up, she is doing things she knows i would be angry at her during the past.


2 weeks after the break up, my ex posted a picture exactly like the ones he used to send to me every morning before work. HOW THERE But I'm staying quiet and
Ugrrrr!!! I'm not losing this game though!!! Enjoy the No contact sweetheart! Ha!
