Is Your Ex Trying To Make You Jealous? Here's How To Tell

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Hello beautiful people of YouTube, I am Brad Browning AKA Breakup Brad AKA the #1 expert when it comes to breakups and getting back together with an ex…

And guess what? That’s what we’re talking about here again in this video… in particular I’m going to explain how you can determine whether your ex is actively trying to make you jealous.

Sign #1 - Your ex is acting ‘out of character’ with their posts and social media activity.

Basically, if your ex was the type of person who never posted anything on social media -- and would never brag about the person they’re dating, or the fun social stuff they’re up to on the weekend, etc -- then a sudden change in behaviour, where they begin posting that sort of stuff regularly or in a very open and uncharacteristic way, then it’s possibly because of some underlying motive… most likely, to make you jealous of their awesome life or how quickly they’ve begun dating again.

Sign #2 - They’re quick to mention things that you might find hurtful or could make you jealous.

Yeah, this is a bit of an obvious one... but really, if you run into your ex at the grocery store a few weeks after breaking up and he or she suddenly starts telling you about the date they went on last night, or the person at the bar who wouldn’t stop flirting with them last night… those sorts of things, that you’d normally expect a person to keep to themselves out of respect, then they might be saying that sort of stuff in order to make you jealous. If this is the case, most of the time it’ll be pretty obvious.

Sign #3 - they bring their new boyfriend or girlfriend out when they know you’ll be there.

Maybe you and your ex share a lot of mutual friends and end up running into one another at parties, at work or school, and so on…. If your ex is intentionally making sure to bring the new person they’ve started dating, and especially if they’re very ‘touchy-feely’ and affectionate in public with this new person while you’re around… well that’s both disrespectful and also a possible sign they want you to feel jealous about it.

Sign #4 - They appear to be “forcing” happiness and putting on “fake” smile.

No matter how much drama and resentment was involved in your breakup, it’s likely that your ex is going to be feeling heartbroken and emotional just like you are right now… in fact, I can almost guarantee they’re suffering at least to some extent. That’s why an ex who seems like they’re trying to go overboard trying to appear “happy” and upbeat… or forcing a smile and seeming to be faking an air positivity…. Is often a sign that they’re trying to make you jealous, even if it’s on a subconscious level. This is especially true if they’re putting on this fake happy face any time you’re around, because they know that you’re still upset about the breakup and are likely to get jealous knowing they’re already moving on and over the breakup.

Alright, that’s 4 signs… as I mentioned before, folks, don’t read too much into things your ex is saying or doing. There’s a very good chance, especially if you’ve only seen 1 of the signs I just talked about, that they actually have no ulterior motives at all and you’re just overanalyzing. If your ex is really obvious about it and you’ve seen several of the signs I just covered, then that’s more likely to indicate that they’re actually intentionally trying to incite jealousy. If that is the case, then I’m sorry… it’s not a nice feeling, that’s for sure.

I’m going to leave it there…. It’s a beautiful day here in Vancouver and I am going to enjoy it while it lasts. But please don’t forget to leave your questions and feedback in the comments below so I can get back to you as soon as I have a chance.

Thanks also to all of you who’ve shown your support by subscribing to my channel…. Really appreciate it, love you all! Thanks for watching and see you in the next video….
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🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 hey my brotha! Its me again.. Will just say thank you for your coaching back inn october..and the book! For me was no contact the number one.. And making her jealous. Living my life to the fullest! Me and my ex are back together.. We are taking one day at a time. We are both happy, we are both working on ouer self!we are not living together.. And i think thats help a lot! Again brotha.. Thank you from Norway! Kim 🙏🏻💪🏻


Whenever an ex tries to make me jealous through social media immediately after a breakup, I honestly take it as a compliment lol. So concerned about showing the world and me that they've moved on, when deep down inside they are only doing it because I'm still on their mind. Mature adults acknowledge the pain of the breakup and then learn from it before getting into another relationship.


I don’t feel emotional about my ex anymore. Best feeling ever


Its just so crazy to me how some women truly are talking to other men and flirting and sleeping with them but still want you . But dont do a thing to fix the relationship until you move on to someone else


im just tired of caring about the wrong person and keep going back to her when all she does is hurt me and twist things around to where it works in her favor


If they’re trying to make you jealous. Just go into No contact. Pulling back is the key to re attraction. If they reach out, DO NOT ignore them, just match the same level of energy they’re giving you. If they say they miss you, tell them you miss them too. Just keep at that though. If they don’t say they miss you, be vague in your response. They have to be the ones to drive towards you at this point. I’m fighting this battle right now, good luck out there everyone. Remember your worth.


Moving on and being genuinely happy is the best way to handle this situation


After five years of leaving my ex girlfriend I have to admit how much I want to thank you Brad. The best thing is indeed to just move on and never wait for your ex to come back. You were one of the first I found on YouTube with lots of tips, in December 2018. Now when I look back at that dark period of 2018 I am happy that I moved on quickly, no matter how hard it was. Its similar with quitting smoking and getting over it, which I have did last year too. I am looking fresh to the future now for years and got some nice girls I am friends with now. A relationship isn't important, it is more important to improve yourself and being the best version of yourself to other females.


It totally relates with the first point. Before we broke up, she hardly post anything on what's app or Facebook but now her behavior has changed and she's starting to act really strange.Most of her post is about her crush, I don't understand why she's acting weird suddenly. That's not her behavior when she's with me.


Sign #3 is what my ex is doing right now...but I will focus on myself.


Hey brad been watching your videos for about 3 months now! Just got my ex girlfriend back last night . I really want to thank you for everything !


My ex had his new person call me from his phone to tell me how happy they are! My God I smelled the desperation and felt sorry for him.


how would you feel if your girlfriend goes hanging out with your ex multiple times and even having sleepovers and your relationship with her didn’t end well


My ex boyfriend when he cheated on me he ask me out and I told him no. So now he’s been jelouse and trying to make my life a living nightmare and gossip about me. I don’t sweat it. Because I know facts and same with my real friends.people like him isn’t worth my time.


2 months ago my ex of 4 years dumped me. Not long after she started posting non stop pictures on snapchat of everything from going to the bar to just watching TV when she never did that before. About a week ago she had texted me out of nowhere and after talking for a little, says she was out hanging out with a bunch of guys and had a blast and what not. She had told me wanted to be friends and was over me, "happy we broke up" i said I wanted space to try and move on. She doesnt text me really but showed concern that I deleted her snapchat. Is she trying to make me jealous and has feelings or am I over analyzing?


Trying to make me jealous? Nah, she totally succeed in turning me off.


I called for my daughter yesterday and her mom says she has a man. I left her 2 years ago. She even went as far as saying she was engaged. I pray she finds happiness. I'm not Jealous of anyone.😁


He broke up with me while we were getting ready to get married, later he asked me to be his friends, he came to me without calling, and when he arrived he showed me a picture he had taken with women One of them called him a video call with flying kiss and I was hurt. Someone left you and then he came to add to your pain in pain. I'm looking for a way to tell my parents that marriage is no more.Help me at least to ease the pain


previously was blocked on everything then she unblocked two of my accounts on tiktok so i could see who her 'new man?' is. Couldnt feel more proud of myself


Thats why i don't even care.. a few of my exs will go above and beyond just to try and make me jealous.. its funny especially when they have no idea what's going on in my life.. i would appreciate an ex that's real and that will reach out and admit hey i miss you or whatever but can't stand those subliminal messages and fake happiness..come on now who you fooling i know i was your best but it is what it is.. i will say to the new people please keep them happy so they won't have to keep trying to make me jealous to react 😅🤣😂
