What Does My Ex Mean When They Say They Want To Be Friends?

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My experience has taught me that exs who want to be friends either really like your attention (but not you) or want to keep you around as backup. Move on and don't look back... there is much better out there.


99% chances are that the ex doesn't want you to move on so fast, doesn't want you to find love, they want them to be in your mind all the time.. So that u couldn't make progress and u are still there..Where they left you... Please don't ever think that they want to remain friends because they need time or anything else... They just want to be admired and want to be a good person in your eyes.. So that you overvalue them and fall in the trap....the thing is that they never loved you enough... If they would love you., , they will never leave.. And that's the bitter truth and u need to understand that..
And you my friend... U deserve to be loved💕


Stay friends with an ex??? Naaaahhhh. Not a good idea, especially if you want them back. If they choose to dump you, show them you know your worth. Give them the break up they asked for. Move on and if they come back then you can take things up from there. If they don't, there are many, many other great lovers out there. Don't let your ex validate your ability to love.


Don’t be friends with your ex. They are over you, they don’t want you, they aren’t getting back with you. I still am in love with my ex and always will be, and I can’t be his friend because of that. If your ex says they just want friendship, that is what they MEAN.

Do you want to watch your ex fall in love with someone else? I don’t think so


Here's why you shouldn't be friends with ex
1)the only reason they offer to stay friends is that they feel sorry for you. They pity you.
2)you'll likely still have feelings for her and its worse when she gets new boyfriend. Its basically being demoted
3)you won't be her priority any more
4)the friendship would slowly and painfully fade away cuz she has her real friends and jobs and family
5)you'll just be their back up

Bonus: if you get ghosted like I was
loss of respect


Personally I declined, but the truth is once you have already been intimate: there’s no such thing as “friend zone” why do you think everyone is uncomfortable with their partner having a “friendship” with their ex???


My ex and I broke up and met again after 3 months. He told me we were friends but cuddled, had sex for a week. He said then he had feelings but not in love (?) he said he didn’t want a relationship but to explore sexually and have dates and hookups. So he basically wanted me as a backup and as a friend with benefits. When you have “feelings” for someone you don’t behave this way. This is having the milk without buying the cow. This is toxic emotional abuse. You are ABUSING a persons feeling and using it as a tool to get benefits. This is utterly shitty.


Honestly, if my ex asks me to be friends I agree, not because I want them back but because I use it to flip the script, I work on myself and improve myself day by day in front of her eyes, I hang with friends so exciting things, and I post other women on my social media, if you’re gonna be friends with her flip the script don’t let her/him think they have all the power over you.


Never be friends with any your ex cuz once u have a new partner thats never good to be friends with your ex...


Best advice. If your ex breaks up don't accept the friendship, you are worth more. Don't put your ex on a pedestal pretending she or he was perfect. Focus on you and only you. Work on yourself realize old dreams, focus on socializing, and exercising. It's all about you and your health, becoming the best version of yourself. See it as an opportunity... you get to work on yourself and your dreams. If she or he really wants you back again.... they WANT to see these changes because who wants to get back to something that did not work in the first place?.


Eh. Cut em off. No nonsense. Work on yourself and better yourself for you. You shouldn't care if they're still watching/noticing because you're not doing it for them. Staying friends and giving them continued access to you, even just a "friend", validates them and their decision to not value you.


Guys don’t put you in a place to lose you


It's painful especially if he left me for someone else and wasn't honest enough to tell me he wanted to date other people even after we agreed to be honest about this. Then how can you be friends with someone who is deceitful and dishonest? There's no trust. :( And if he is pushing friendship only to keep you as a backup plan when it doesn't work out with new love interest. That is selfish and cruel. I couldn't imagine doing that to someone.


Going through my first big break up right now. You have such a great way of making this whole process make sense. I'm glad I was able to employ the No Contact Rule before even watching your stuff, it really is a game changer.


IF they really loved you, they wouldn’t breakup. I am trying to a “friend” for 6 months. I have had it!


Here's what it means...move on! Get yourself together. Get counseling, get peace, get to exercising, get to fixing up your house, get your finances in order. Just get back to you! It may hurt but move on one day at a time. Trust me it gets better day by day. I lost my ex in January. Today, My feelings are the following: the hell with her! I have a date tonight where I am gonna entertain a young lady on my deck. Yes, get back into your groove by moving on to someone else. Date! And, you will see qualities in others that will empower you to get your groove back. It's not about them; but it's all about you!


Disagree, you only gonna get more hurt and prologue your healing


friendzone is consolation prize a depleted little bone thrown to the who dumped...best position is NO &move on.


My ex wanted to be friends with me after he broke up with me. He said I've been so much of an emotional support to him and if he needs someone right now, that is a friend. So i casually said "sure" although it's killing me deep inside. We're in a long distance relationship. I thought this is better than totally losing him.


I am friends with my ex.And he asked me to sleep with him and I tell him absolutely not.Why would I want to sleep with someone who does not want to communicate?Which was the reason for the break up. It gets pissed off but I love having the upper hand for once. And we've been friends 3 years now and I never slept with him again. I am not giving my body up to a man who does not communicate And meet my needs
