Dealing with Difficult People

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Like a pilot that warns his passengers of upcoming turbulence, Paul cautioned Timothy about the difficult people he would encounter in ministry. Even within the church, he warned, there would be corrupt men and weak women that appeared to be godly but who were ruled by their love of self. How are ministers to approach such people? Alistair Begg examines Paul’s advice and encourages today’s church leaders to follow the apostle’s example, to cling to what they’ve learned, and to rest in Scripture’s authority.
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I've been listening to this Pastor since I was 20. I'm now 53. He's such a gift to many.


This is a public service announcement for those who are not familiar with Alistair Begg and the Truth For Life Ministry. You have just listened to a sermon by one of the most gifted and dedicated and knowledgeable ministers that you are ever likely to find on the internet or anywhere else for that matter. You would do yourself a great favor to take advantage of every oral and written message that you can find from this man and his church organization. They have a great deal to offer all who would be interested. For the record, I am not a member of this church but I am connected to them through our common faith Christ. If I was looking for a local church to attend it would be this one or one like it. They have been a great help to me through the internet alone. Many thanks to Truth For Life and Alistair Begg for reaching out through videos like this one.


I thank God for this preacher. I came across him while on my way home from my moms one night years ago. I remember trying to remember his name so i could look him up. It okly picked up on top of a mountain and I knew i may not hear his sermons on the radio again. Since then ive grown closer to the Lord by listening to his sermons. God bless you Mr Begg.


Christians would not be led so easily astray if they read the Bible for themselves. I thank God that I grew up in a family that revered the Word of God. As I have gotten older, I am appalled at how far America has drifted from the Lord. I grieve for the terrible laws that have totally ignored God’s laws. More and more, I realize that this world is not my home. I am grateful for preachers who stay true to Almighty God. ❤


I thank the Lord Jesus for Pastor Begg. I listen each day and ponder the message all day. I've learned so much about God's word. All glory to our Lord and King🙌❤️.


Timothy and Malachi are shockingly unfolding before our eyes. May God raise up his servants to shed light in this darkness


I did not grow up in a Christian church nor in a family that revered God. I only came to know Him through reading the scriptures. There I found what a sinner I was and how I was so desperately in need of a savior. Jesus the Christ. It is through Biblical world view teachers and preachers, I get more of an understanding of how depraved I really am. Sharing with others has become even more difficult in this day and age, yet so necessary. The risk is even greater for persecution whether light persecution or hard persecution. I’ve learned that if your not receiving some sort of persecution, your not serving God the way scripture says we ought to. God bless you for your teachings!


Father, thank you for the faithful teaching of your Word by this your servant Pastor Begg! Always encouraged, lifted up and hopeful !


Thank you Alistair for speaking the truth! No wonder the website is TRUTH FOR LIFE. Blessings on you forever and ever. Amen


Loneliness is a big problem within the church and always will be because the life we are called to is not popular


I'm in Florida, but not a fossil - Seeking God, teaching others, and advancing the kingdom until there is no breath in me. Great message!! Thank you for your stance on the Word!


Another heaven sent sermon. Thank you Lord! And thank you too pastor Begg.


This man is one of today's preachers who is faithful to the Word of God.
I am an American, and I want to say that, unfortunately, the preachers who have decided to oppose God are the ones who get more publicity. We do have many, many men of the cloth who are faithful to God.


Greetings from Chiang Mai Thailand. Thank you for the message! Blessings to you Pastor Begg and your ministry.


Especially when the difficult person is in the mirror. Listening on the app and this comes up. Totally different message but always good. Thank you Pastor Begg and staff at TFL! 🙏♥️🙏


Im grateful for Pastor Beggs teaching. I listen to his sermons daily. He is up there with the best teachers. I know he is
honest and speaks Gods word.


I forever grateful to the Holy Spirit for convincing me that the Bible is true and faultless.
I became a Christian in my twenties. I don’t know when it happened but at some point I knew the scripture was true .


Good morning👋🏻📖☕!
Praying each of us here, listening along & learning from Pastors Begg & Lepine, are well, & may enjoy a Safe & Blessed Week in Christ Jesus our Lord🙏🏻!


So good to see an interpreter for the Deaf & also some on the Autism Spectrum. I enjoy Pastor Begg several times a week. This is surely among my favorite "Watch Later" videos that I use to store my "KEEP on REPEATING" videos!!!


My daughter at 5 piped up from the backseat:” mum, when are we the idiot driving?”
