Curing Acid Reflux

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When medications were no longer providing relief for David Mackrell's chronic acid reflux, the New Jersey man turned to Dr. Ragui Sadek, Director of Bariatric Surgery at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick. After using the endo-flip to precisely measure David's esophagus, Dr. Sadek installed a Linx device to permanently control his acid reflux.

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Some tips I'd like to share during my journey with GERD

1. Drink warm water with ginger everyday when you wake up, after meals and before bedtime. This is powerful for digestion and helps burn food fast.
2. Eat small meals, the more full you get the closer the food is to your spincter making the acid reach your esophagus quick
3. Try walking or stand after meals, this helps the food and acid stay low and far from sphincter
4. Drink lots of water everyday! It helps neutralize acid in stomach

5. MOST IMPORTANT!!!: avoid triggers, coffee, alcohol, smoking, dairy, chocolate, spicy foods, etc. If you don't consume these things for at least two weeks (longer if yours is bad) I swear you will get better! Once you get used to this your appetite will no longer be attracted to the triggers.

In my case, the acid flows back up all the way to my ears which caused me to feel so dizzy and nauseous that I almost fainted in public many times. Please take number 5 seriously as that will be the cure and eventually you can go back to eating some of your fave foods moderately.

I declare healing in our bodies in Jesus Name Amen!


The anxiety is the most annoying thing when you get chronic gerd, cannot control your mind, afraid of something bad, its just hell, carefull guys, God Bless you all ❤


I been feeling good for 3 weeks and I haven't had any symptoms because of Acid Reflux.
I even had an "EGD Test " and it came back Negative . I guess everything I have been doing for a couple of
years, everything is turning out good. Knowing me, I will always keep tracked of my health, like I have for I don't cough like I used too, I sleep on my back but raised up 12', I haven't had any breathing
issues, For each bite, I chew 50 time . I wait 30 minutes before drinking warm water .
I am so proud of myself . I had Acid Reflux for 4 1/2 years . My heart goes out for anyone who has it .
Never give up !


Gerd doesn't let you sleep at night. It is also makes it hard to breathe :(


I suffered from this for a month, i used omeprazole and gaviscon and antacid during those time but only apple cider vinegar (with mother) with honey in a glass of luke warm water cured my acid reflux. Use 1/4 of mixture before eating the meal and the remaining 3/4 after eating the meal. After trying ACV, my appetite went back to normal.


I have been praying every day so it can stop and suffering with it as a kid I need it to go


I used to get this everyday. My parents couldn't figure out why and at school it was torture. I would feel nauseous after lunch and I couldn't burp because I had to be sitting down at all times. So their I was everyday feeling like I was gonna return up my lunch any second. The moments I looked forward to the most was when the period was over because then I got to walk a little and feel a bit better. Usually when I'm like this I would just get some fresh air outside. Lunch time was the absolute worst for me because they had pizza everyday so everyday the smell of greasy disgusting pizza would meet my nose as I would peacefully eat my lunch. Most of the time it was so bad I had to go to the nurse and of course she would tell me I was fine. I don't know why I felt like going their, I was being so stupid. She obviously didn't care nor believed me. Thought I was just trying to go home. She told me the only thing I had was and u quote: "I-wanna go homeidis" that just really hurt a lot knowing non of them believed me. I just felt like crying.


I have the same problem too as well and no matter what I take to help it, it just wouldn't do anything. I'm not giving up on this I'm still going to get this sorted before I go any further.


I have discovered symptoms of GERD in my body too where I develop reflux after I eat a meal. It inflames my left arm too. I don’t want to take any pills so I am trying to cure myself by gaining more knowledge on the subject. These are the steps that I’m taking for improvement :

1) Chew your food 32 times - Take really small bites and chew your every bite no less than 32 times. You swallow only when you turn the food completely liquid. This will help a lot of saliva go in your stomach which will aid your digestion. This also is a great step to loose weight. It makes you feel full and satiated and avoids overheating. It takes some time to get used to this but if you are aware of this while eating it will really help. I am doing this and it has definitely helped me. I am hoping this change will also help me reverse GERD.

2) Fasting - 2 days water fast. Fasting is great to cure 95% of the problems. I will fast for 24-48 hours to bring the change.

3) Avoid spicy and citrus food.

4) I have developed GERD despite taking ACV for almost 2-3 years now. I have one glass of it every morning. I will continue on this making correct food choices. I am trying to go low carb

P.S - I will share result after 2 weeks.


My Linx worked for 2 months during the recover and then it stopped adding pressure to my valve and made my LPR worse than it was before - I had Dr. Daniel C Smith perform the surgery here in Atlanta and it was a FAILURE!!! I regret ever putting it in my body - It also made my esophagus more narrow so the acid shoots up in my pharnyx and causes am now asking him to take it out - and Im looking for other options -


I cured my acid reflux by Yoga and following some daily habits.
I am very happy now. People suffering can take my help.
Edit: Request to people who have recovered, please leave a comment so that others will know that this really work.


From a Life long Acid reflux sufferer ! , taking tums, rolaids, Prilosec, so I Stopped eating sugars, starch foods, rice, pasta, fast food hamburger buns (breads) anything that turns to sugar. also I take the Probotic “Align” Expensive but very good . I have not stop eating starch foods completely. But I cut way back . I also lost 20lbs, Surgar kills!


Don't panic. no need for surgery and medications.Even I had hyper acid reflux . I took PPI for over a year. One day I wanted to stop the medication because it's not safe to take it too long. So here what i did. No one will tell you this.

1. Have 4 small meals.

2. Eat smaller meal at dinner that too 3 hours before sleep .

3. And this one is the key to get rid of excessive acid, walk for 10 mins after every meal. What happen is automatically excessive acid will go down and you will not get reflux.

It will be hard for 5 days. After that it will be start do wondering.

Don't stop the medication at sudden. Take alternate days and take 2 days one for week. Then stop .


Well, I remembered from a child late at night having this type of chest/oesophagus dull pain with lots of burping and bloating. I had no sour substance or burning. My mother gave me a hot salt water mixture, Vicks, and other stuff; no one knew what was happening to me. my mom had a look of concern as if she was losing me. I had no relief for about 3 to 4 hrs later everyone including myself was very frightened. Some 48 years later, in mid-2020 I had another serious episode, thought it was an oncoming heart attack pain from the chest to the back between the shoulder blades and would not go away. All Doctors' Hospital tests came back normal (blood, chest, lungs heart -ECG); I was given acid reflux medication and a referral to see a specialist in case I need surgery or other medications. Nexium 40mg and extra strength Gas-X seemed to have worked for a while. Now three years later, again it began re-occurring, too frequently and to the point where I woke up or could not go to sleep with chest/liver/sternum pain, belching and bloated. Went back to the ER at Doctor's Hospital and the no other diagnosis except a guess that it was GERD. I was only able to use the medication for a week at intervals. The medication did not work well enough for me and I had read that those anti-acid medications cause more dangerous side effects like cancer, liver and kidney failure among other things... but what worked for me was also found on youtube that GERD was due to a lack of vitamins that help create the gasses for digestion of foods. I just needed relief and I found it. Fish, Vitamins D3, B12 and zinc. Since I began taking the supplements I no had the so call GERD symptoms. I can eat cheese, chocolate and other dairy foods, spicy food, juice and even bananas without the effect of GERD. I have been sleeping like a baby ever since.


I am so grateful I am free from this sickness!!


wow. I have acid reflux and been having it for a while now. i remember few years ago I was walking one day and did about 5 miles or so and on my way back home my throat blew up and it felt so hard to swallow and it felt like the tubes in my throat closed. it hurt so bad to swallow. and ever since then my lips started getting rough and chapped and tight. and about a year after that my lips started burning like hell and was hurting me so i went to the hospital and they said there was no doctor there so i had to go back home. so i changed my diet and eventually the burning went away but the tightness and dryness and chappness of my lips are still there, specially after taking shower and/or washing my face. And just this year my mouth started producing so much saliva to the point where i couldnt talk well or even read a paragraph out loud. And my gums and teeth felt so gooey too, i basically always have to swallow like every second. So all this time, up until now i started taking omeprazole, i just started taking it today and the gooeyness in my mouth around my gums and teeth are gone away and i just took omeprazole for the first time today. Saliva still builds up from under my tongue, but it doesnt do it as much as before. but still there a little bit. Ive been scared ever since my throat blew up and try my best to stay home because i cant go anywhere because my lips look so terrible, so i started to use chap stick and now i use chap stick every time before i leave the house. In the video i heard the guy say he woke up couldnt breathing. i had the same thing too where when i fall asleep its like my body would stop breathing and i would have to catch myself and breathe manually just to keep breathing and it prevents me to sleep. i get so scared. I dont know what to do, i am still scared with my life but i did start the omeprazole today and one thing it did do quickly was take the gooeyness away from my mouth so i can finally talk clear a bit and it sounds clean, but i still have just a little bit saliva that fills up in my mouth. Since its my first day taking omeprazole i will see how and if it will help me. the titanium beads seems like an amazing cure. I am 29 years of age writing this message today and is from hollywood FL. I am considering this approach after watching this video and would use all my money to get this done if medications cant help me. I would rather have my health first than anything else in this world. i am happy i found this video along with the website too.


WTH is with all these fake reviews. They not even trying to hide it. Each one says the same thing. #google #youtube please do something to screen these


I'm glad I watched this video. I'm so tried of not having relief after having surgery. I really don't want to keep taking this medication for the rest of my life and have so many of these side effects. I'm going to mention this to the doctor when I go to this appointment this week, see what they say.


I'm 18 and I just got Acid Reflux from normal Steak meal a week ago... Man It hurts I couldn't sleep until 3am. My chest just keep burning non-stop..


Tons of valuable information, thank you so much. It helped me a lot.
