7 Things to Try to Reduce Your Acid Reflux

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Acid blockers may relieve heartburn. But they can't stop the epidemic of reflux in this country. Try these steps to figure out what may be causing your reflux, and how you may be able to reverse it.

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I suffered from GERD for about 8 months at 25 years of age.. I am happy to say that now i can finally sleep and eat in peace. Oh yeah…. And breathe. Let’s not forget that one. Here are a few of my thoughts briefly about the matter and what was my approach personally.

There’s a lot of misconception that flows around that GERD is a problem that is caused by excess stomach acid production. Very rarely this is the case. From my experience and the knowledge that I have gained during this time, in most of the cases that is not true however (emphasis on ‘in most of the cases’ - that does not mean all of the cases). Usually, the older you are the more likely you are to suffer from any kind of reflux problem. This is because stomach acid production starts to reduce from our mid teen years at about a rate of 1% annually, which means you cannot digest food as fast and easily as you grow older. What happens then usually, is that your lower sphincter remains open as the food remains undigested in your stomach. Furthermore, the low stomach acid content is not enough to give the right signal to the LES to close up tightly. On the other hand, if you have a good amount of stomach acid, you will digest food faster and thus your LES will not remain open. Also the acid would give the right signal to the LES to remain tight so not to allow acid to flow up your esophagus. IThe body always knows what to do.

Want to have a guess in regards to what reduces stomach acid production in addition to age? Yep.. STRESS. A lot of the time, problems with GERD in younger people especially began after a period of excessive stress. When you are stressed you are in fight-flight mode. And because your body reacts and responds similarly to the case as being chased by a saber-tooth tiger, your body is not going to bother producing hydrochloric acid when the only thing that is important for you at that moment is to RUN and save yourself. So when there’s excessive stress in your life for prolonged periods of time, your stomach acid production is being suppressed, your immune system lowers its defences so to allow the right amount of energy to flow in your arms and legs. To fight.. Or flight….

A lot of people suggest an alkaline diet for treating reflux symptoms and that is partly true - and partly not. If your esophagus is loaded with pepsin that came upwards with the acid (as in my case), you surely do not want any acidic substances to interact with the pepsin as that will trigger the pepsin to start eating out your esophagus…. and that will cause excess irritation there. So you would need to eliminate very acidic foods i.e tomatoes, citrus fruits, caffeine, cocoa as well as alcohol consumption and smoking… Note: you do not want to lower the acidity of your stomach with a straight alkaline diet or alkaline water of any sort...

So where do we start in terms of fixing the problem? First of all, chew the food. Digestion starts in the mouth. 80% of all the enzymes that carbohydrates need for digestion come from the mouth. If carbs do not get these enzymes from the mouth then you’ll find some hard time digesting them properly. Also, a super important thing in regards to your dinner, is to eat about 3-4 hours before you sleep. Never eat or drink and sleep! Then make sure you place a few pillows so to raise your body while you sleep - not only your neck! Your body, from your waist upwards!. If you can’t sleep on your back (prefered) and you always sleep on your side, always prefer the left side.

Start taking firstly some digestive enzymes and Betaine hydrochloric acid. These need to be encapsulated as surely you do not want any hydrochloric acid interacting with pepsin in your throat. That can immediately start helping with your digestion but also sending at the same time the signal to your LES to get tighter and not to be relaxed. Remember, you have to work with the body, not against it.

Also while you level up your digestion, you can do a few more things if the problem persists such as taking some supplements that will help to tighten up your LES and UES and coat the esophagus properly for less severe symptoms. Liquorice might be able to do that but please consult your healthcare professional before doing that as liquorice might be potentially harmful if you have high blood pressure.

Make sure to as well do some blood analysis or some alternative to that. If your zinc levels are low then your body will find a hard time producing stomach acid used for digestion.

Also important to note: Taking loads of digestive enzymes is signalling the body that there’s no need in producing enzymes of itself so this could weaken the digestive process in the long term. They will help your digestion without any side effects and that’s super important. Just know that once you get better it’s good to start looking into moderation and lowering your dosage.

Also trust your body. Your body always knows better. If you eat toxic food all day i.e food full of antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides and preservatives - the body knows that - so why would it secrete digestive enzymes to break it down in the first place? It won't put a lot of effort as it knows that the more that food is digested the more toxins could be released into your body. Fix your diet. Eat good, pure, fresh food.

Disclaimer: Everyone is different. Above, I have stated what has worked for me along with a few notes that I had in mind from the general research that I was making. Please consult your healthcare professional before doing anything or do your own research as this might not work for you - Furthermore, just noting that this was my own personal opinion and everything that i have stated shall not be put into action unless addressed by your healthcare professional first !

Good luck, stay strong!


Who didn’t have gerd before covid 19 happened 🤚


Eat approximately 1/4 to 1/2 cup of raw oats before going to bed and problem solved. I suffered for years, waking up choking with acid in my mouth, nose and sinuses and nothing helped until I tried plain Quaker oats and it works every time. If I eat or drink too close to bedtime I just eat a handful of dry oats with as little water as possible to wash it down. The oats will absorb excess liquid and keep the acid down in the stomach where it belongs. It may sound weird but it works for me every time.


ive been suffering from chronic acid reflux for 3 years now. i am currently out of medication and have had it 42 hours straight now. people often times dont realize how painful and disrupting this disease is. i cant eat or do anything, and my stomach is always sore inside, always. bless any of you who have this and worst <3


Some good ideas here Doc. The best remedy for reflux I found during a bad attack was fresh kale leaves. I was desperate and had it in my fridge and I ate 5 leaves and got almost instant relief. It turns out the leaves are highly alkaline as well as packed with fiber and nutrients. I hope others out there will try this. I was amazed.


I always feel like there is a lump in my throat, and the chest tightness. And I can hear my stomach growling uncomfortably...and yes then comes the panic attack of having a heart attack that starts causes the dizziness and shortness of breath... which worst will always take place or happen when I am outside... I am so glad to know that I am not the only one... even right now when I am typing.. I feel choked...and that lump in my throat kinda feeling... I realize not just by eating right or losing weight or oily food or anything that causes it.. sometimes...I think what causes my is starving, skipping meals and lag of rest...


Thank you sir for all your helpfull suggestions. I normally don't comment but I came back to do this as a pay back to help some one who be may looking for help like I was. After so many Doc visits and testing and thousands of dollars of medical bills, I was dx with silent reflux and gastritis. Had severe allergic reactions to PPI and carafate could not help much, I had to ask God to show me which way to turn because GERD had taken over my life. The reflux was so bad I was regurgitating and the acid was burning my throat, back pain, weight loss, belching, excessive gas, sleepless nights that led to anxiety.
He brought me to this video and many others and lots of research, I am beginning to feel like normal again after several months of misery. I pray that this helps some one.
This is what saved me:
Prayers, lifestyle changes, anti inflammatory foods/ plant based, lots of smoothies and juicing during triggered days. DGL, zinc canosin, mastic gum, probiotics, stomach formula alovera juice, melatonin, manuka honey. AVC did not work for me b/c of the burn on my throat from the acid backing up and the gastritis. Find what works for you, reduce your stress, nothing really matters if your health is not in other. Be patient and consistent you see results.


more tips:
1. Watch what you eat
This may seem obvious, but it’s worth noting. Certain foods are known to cause gastrointestinal problems in some people, and if you’re one of them, you need to know the culprits.
2. Ban the bubbles
If you suffer from acid reflux, you may need to kick the can. Carbonation — whether in soda, water, or beer — causes stomach acid to bubble up into your throat.
3. Change your sleep position
When you sleep on your back, acid easily flows from your stomach to your esophagus. If you find that your heartburn hits you in the middle of the night, this could be your problem. Try propping the head of your bed up with bed frame leg extenders, or buy a foam wedge that will keep your head higher than your feet.
4. Skip the after-dinner workout
While a leisurely stroll around the block is a pleasant way to end a meal and actually aids digestion, a strenuous workout can do just the opposite. If your routine involves bending and lifting, you’re actually encouraging stomach acid to make its way back up and into your esophagus.
5. Don’t eat and sleep
You may be able to conquer your acid reflux by simply changing your bedtime. People who go to bed too soon after dinner often report increased instances of heartburn


During pre covid I just sat at home & ate & ate & now I'm having this heartburn & the pain is unbearable, I'm just content to know that I'm not the only one 🙏


It kinda a relief seeing that your bot not alone .. hope everyone gets better 🙏🏾


I have beaten my GERD and finally free from it after 2 months.
These are the things I've done:
1. PRAY Everyday to GOD
2. Drink multivitamins
3. Exercise or yoga every morning
4. Eat fruits and vegetables every day (BANANA)
5. Eat lean meat, like chicken or fish
6. Avoid sour, spicy and fatty foods
7. Eat slowly and eat little
8. Walk 20-30 mins after each meal
9. Sleep atleast 6-8 hours everyday
10. Take deep breathes, when im feeling stressed
11. Take a break when im feeling tired
12. Practice deep breathing exercises
13. Meditate
14. Write on my notebook to express my feelings when im being anxious
15. Talk to your family, friends love ones if you need help.
16. Drink probiotics
17. Eat a lot of cucumbers


Give the guy a break. He's actually trying to help people.


For the older sufferers - Here is a simple fix that got rid of ALL my acid problems and makes sure that my esophagus is happy. I chew sugarless gum for at least 20 min before going to bed. Now if you eat less than three hours before going to bed it won't work as well. Getting sleepy after eating and giving in to that is not good. Certainly not for your esophagus. As you age part of the problem is less saliva is produced. The gum takes care of that. Guess what heals irritation in your esophagus - Saliva!! If your acid reflux has caused you to have to have that lovely little procedure where they inflate a balloon in your esophagus, chewing gum when you feel irritation (heartburn) can help you avoid that. And sugarless gum leaves your mouth much cleaner! I like Extra brand gum. And it is much cheaper than a LOT of medical treatments.


Who's here because start getting heartburn and thought they was getting covid19 ✋


EVERYONE should look into adding high quality fermented foods into their diet. That cured my acid reflux and stomach issues (like consistent nausea and lack of appetite) I had for 8 YEARS. No solutions from doctors/gastroenterologist (they made it way worse by putting me on antacids). I learned that most doctors are only trained to assume you have to much acid in your stomach when a LOT of the time the problem is having to little stomach acid to properly digest your food. Another awkward symptom of really low stomach acid is if you feel irritation in your rectum (like an itchy feeling). That irritation is caused by undigested food going through your digestive track. You can test if you have low stomach acid by drinking a glass of water with a bit of baking soda first thing in the morning. If you start burping then you have at least some stomach acid, but if you don’t, then you don’t have much at all, which was my situation. Fermented foods seem to help to produce the hydrochloric acid your stomach needs for proper digestion. From an evolutionary point of view it makes sense because humans have evolved eating portions of fermented food (we never had access to the abundance of fresh food we have at grocery stores). Besides fermenting foods on purpose (sauerkraut, miso soup, kefir, kombucha, etc.) if an apple was slightly fermented, people didn’t throw it away like people do now, they ate it anyway because food was harder to acquire. And fermented foods are one of the common denominators of the “blue zones” - areas of the earth where people have the highest quality of life. Do your own research but I hope this helps someone. If it does pass it on. It took 8 years of research for me to figure this out myself.


From a Life long Acid reflux sufferer ! , taking tums, rolaids, Prilosec, so I Stopped eating sugars, starch foods, rice, pasta, fast food hamburger buns (breads) anything that turns to sugar. also I take the Probotic “Align” Expensive but very good . I have not stop eating starch foods completely. But I cut way back . I also lost 20lbs, Surgar kills!


Its so hard to apply those diets when you live in an asian country.. Sighhh


One more reason I am such a fan of Functional Medicine and Dr. Hyman. Most doctors first line of defense is the Rx pad. Dr. Hyman always takes a natural approach first dealing with the cause first not the results.


Ok So I have suffered from Acid Reflux since I was in my 20s and now in my 50s. Started with Rolaids, Prescription Prilosec and than over the Counter Prilosec, I though it was from stress, inherited, eating before bedtime? Diet ? I have had 5 Endoscopic procedures in that time. Prilosec does work but removing all acids from your stomach not good, by taking Prilosec you are stopping Acids from splashing up to your Esophagus Creating issues like Barrett’s disease or cancer. I changed my diet to Lose weight so I stopped all Starches And Sugars. Breads, Rice, anything that can turn to sugar, I lost 20 lbs in 2 months lowered my blood pressure than I did not even realize that my reflux was not what was, so I stopped taking the Purple Pill! It has been 5 months I have only used the Purple Pill 2 times since than just because I ate spicy food (just in case) So why my Specialist never took the time to talk about diet or what really caused my issues. Thinking back the changes I made when I was in my 20s, You guest It FAST FOOD ! McDonald’s, Burger King Pizza Hut, try to illuminate starches and sugars from your diet just for a short time it works for me hopefully it will work for you ! Add Magnesium Supplement


I’m going through it I feels like I’m gonna die I am over weight I’m changing my lifestyle pray for me
