Gastritis Diet - Best & Worst Foods For Gastritis

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Gastritis is simply the inflammation in the mucosal lining of the stomach.
It has a wide range of spectrum, varying from a simple inflammation to a life-threatening gastric ulcer, complicated with perforation.
Gastritis can be divided broadly into acute gastritis, and chronic gastritis.
One of the most common causes of acute gastritis is drugs, especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen.
In addition, alcohol consumption, infection with helicobacter pylori bacteria, radiation, allergy and food poisoning, abdominal trauma, and burns can also cause acute gastritis.
Most common causes of chronic gastritis include, helicobacter pylori infection, long term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, autoimmune gastritis, and chronic bile reflux.
Common symptoms of gastritis include, heartburn, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, and abdominal fullness.
Eating certain foods while avoiding others can help individuals manage their gastritis symptoms.
The main goal of a gastritis diet is to relieve symptom flare ups and prevent the condition from worsening.
People who follow a gastritis diet often have reduced inflammation in the gastric mucosa.
In a gastritis diet, it is recommended to avoid foods and beverages that commonly cause gastric irritation.
You can include following foods to your diet safely if you have gastritis.
Eggs, without frying.
Low acid vegetables such as cucumber, white potatoes, carrots, and broccoli.
Beans and legumes.
Seafood and shellfish, without frying.
Oats and barley.
Low salt cheese.
Low sugar and low acid fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, and apples.
Plain, low fat yoghurt.
Probiotic rich foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha.
Brown rice.
Skinless, lean poultry including chicken and turkey.
Whole grain bread and pasta.
Peppermint, ginger, and turmeric.
Foods and beverages you should avoid when you have gastritis include the following.
Acidic fruits such as citrus.
Acidic vegetables such as onions.
Corn and its products.
Fatty foods, fast foods, and spicy foods.
Energy drinks.
Red meat.
Processed meats such as sausages and hotdogs.
Potato chips and other packaged snacks.
Carbonated beverages.
Marinades, salsa, mayonnaise, and other sauces.
Fried eggs.
Smoked meats.
Refined grains.
Baked goods and pasta made with refined flour.
Spices such as black pepper, mustard, red peppers, and chili powder.
And tomatoes.
In addition to eating and avoiding above mentioned foods, other lifestyle modifications will also help reduce the symptoms of gastritis.
Some of them include the following.
Drinking a plenty of water.
Quitting smoking.
Reducing psychological stress.
And maintaining a good hygiene.
Finally, it is important to keep in mind that gastritis diet alone may not be able to alleviate the symptoms of gastritis, especially when it is more severely affecting the gastric mucosa.
In such situations, patients require medications to reduce gastritis, and at the same time, the underlying cause must be corrected.

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When you realise you’ve been eating the worst foods only.


Basically avoid the best tasting foods. Got it


To everyone here I feel your pain and understand what you're going through but know that Jesus gives us wisdom to overcome these things. Praise God and bless everyone here


I'm so tired of feeling sick all the time


My doctors here in the us kept saying stress, and i kept on loosing weight so they did 3 endoscopys and still couldent find i flew out to mexico and got my awnsers and found a good doctor that supported me and also guide me and been blessed.ive changed my foods big time.i eliminated fast foods, specially sweets, not much fried foods most grilled starting adding more veggies and fruits and supplements wat a diffrence.hopefully everyone can get there awnsers change your foods.


I cleaned my diet and was done with gastritis in a few months.


Recently had an endoscopy & I was told I had chronic gastritis. Being Hispanic the no corn one hurts the most 😭


Wow, new format is exceptional. Keep it up!


So basically take away everything I love 😅


I thought i had chronic gastritis for years. Now I realise i had occasional bouts of acute gastritis followed by long periods of low stomach acid that causes very similar stomach upset.


Thank you for the great full information


carrots. broccoli. nuts. cucumbers.
Kimchi. sauerkrauts..anything that's
hard to noticed i
can't digest foods..feels like the
foods are not going down, sits in my
stomach too long..fried foods makes
it worse! .greek yogurt, jello, mashed potatoes, smoothies it helps with
indigestion & it goes down easily.


It's been 2 year any having it, burping, farting, fullness, severe chest pain like heart problem, pain all over my body it's really bad for me I am tired and disgust of this . I do not wish no one to get this sick .hurt bad, I've been in pain but all for me no ones know .


Just watching the video as made the pain ease


Gastritis made me lose 25 pounds in two months 😢


foods to eat:

- egg, without frying
- honey
- low -acid vegetables: potatoes, broccoli, cucumber, carrot, beans and legumens
- seafood and shellfish, without frying
- oats and barley
- low salt cheese
- low-sugar and low-acid fruits: blueberries, strawberries, apples
- plain, low-fat yoghurt
- probiotic foods: sauerkraut, kombucha, kimichi
- brown rice
- lean poultry
- whole grain bread and pasta
- peppermint
- ginger
- turmeric

foods to avoid:

- spicy foods
- coffee
- alcohol
- acidic fruits such as citrus
- acidic vegetables such as onion
- chocolate
- corn and its products
- fatty foods, fast foods and spicy foods
- energy drinks
- red meat
- processed meat
- potato chips and packaged snacks
- carbonated beverages
- marinades, salsa, mayonnaise and other sauces
- fried eggs
- smoked meats
- refined grains
- goods made with refined flour
- spices: black pepper, mustard, red pepper, chili powder
- tomatoes

Lifestyle changes:

- plenty of water
- quit smoking
- reduce stress
- good hygiene


I’ve literally done ALL of this and had no relief for a YEAR. I’ve also tried cabbage juice, dgl, slippery elm, aloe Vera and NOTHING works. I’ve had 3 GI doctors give up on me. Idk wtf to do


Question for people with gastritis: do you also get headaches?


i am suffering from the same
i focus on diet rather than on medication
by allmighty i am recovering ver well


Anyone suffering from constant coughing, phlegm and voice hoarseness? been happening to me for months....can't get it better
