Gastritis (Stomach Inflammation) Signs & Symptoms, Complications (& Why They Occur)

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Gastritis (Stomach Inflammation) Signs & Symptoms, Complications (& Why They Occur)

Gastritis (Stomach Inflammation) is a condition involving inflammation of the gastric or stomach mucosa. Gastritis can occur from a variety of causes, including alcohol, smoking and infection with helicobacter pylori. In this lesson, we discuss the signs and symptoms of gastritis including why they occur, and we will also discuss the complications of gastritis.

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The first time gastritis affected me was back in March of this year. I never had stomach pain growing up, but suddenly one day my stomach started to hurt and I started throwing up (which I also normally never did). I went to the ER and we thought it was just food poisoning. After a couple of months with no issues, fast forward to August and it flares up. Only this time it was much worse…. I lost over 10 lbs in a week and a half because I couldn’t hold anything down. I was constantly throwing up all day and night. To be fair I made it worse by being stubborn and not going back to the ER sooner than I did. But I just want to say how bad this condition can be. Sometimes you just physically can’t even do the normal things in life. I hope whoever else is suffering from this condition knows they’re not alone and that we’re gonna get through this💯


excellent. No rambling, just a lot of info presented in a straight to the point, easy to understand, concise manner.


Finally cured my hpylori, gastritis, reflux, thank you God for giving me a second chance.god bless everyone with there journey


I do appreciate your work because you go into detail and do a lot of explaining, which helps me to understand even more. Good Job, you're doing.
Gastritis and Erosion Esophagus are very stressful on a person. I have changed everything when it comes to foods and only drink water ( room temperature ).
I went to a new GI doctor, after talking to him for 30 minutes and narrowing it down to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.


This might have just answered everything for me. I had h pylori as a child and have had issues with constipation and heartburn for years. I also have iron deficiency anemia that hasn’t seemed to go away. Recently my stomach has began to hurt all day without ceasing. Hopefully I can be treated for gastritis and all the other issues will go away too.


I have just about every test on the planet. Colonoscopy, endoscopy blood and stool tests. And I basically still know nothing about what’s wrong with my gut. Sooo aggravating 😡😡😡😡


Your videos are awesome! You explain everything so perfectly! Thank you!


I have gastritis and esophagitis. When I have a flareup I have extreme nausea, diarrhea, and bad dizziness/fuzzy-headiness. It’s debilitating. I can’t go to work or enjoy my off time. I’ve some extreme head to stomach pain. Learning to change my diet and eat bland foods. I now take Nexium twice a day and take a probiotic.


I have this, I just found out three months. Thanks for the information.


Cabbage juice mixed with aloe vera has been helping me
I also recommend l-glutamine and zinc carnosine


I have gastritis but it flairs up mostly during my period which comes by the end of the month. I try to take midol or Tylenol to stop the cramps so it won’t cause me to get nauseous. Which cause me to vomit and than I’m In pain


I get hick ups, soaked in my sweat freezing cover in clothes and blankets. I also feel like I have gas bubbles in my hand and feet and my teeth will even start to itch. In a way though I wish this had happen to me years ago because im taking better care of myself now and hope others take their dieting seriously if they haven't.


I hope Doctors start taking note how many of us got worse after Covid.. I never had gastritis till after infected. Upper endoscopy said Chronic gastritis. I don’t drink or smoke. If blood flow is an issue then Covid would absolutely cause this!


This was set off by drinking alot of black coffee on an empty stomach, hours into it by far the worse pain I ever felt, the hospital gave me a medicine called "carafate" and within a few doses I was cured.


Slippery elm.
Diet is everything and can cure this despite what doctors say. Stay away from gluten, artificial sugar, stay away from c02, detox and exercise daily. Lymphatic drainage is very important as well. Chew your food properly I think is a huge problem, slow down when eating this is a huge cause!


Do to anxiety, my stomatch gets inflamed in my stomatch often. Your video was so correct. The reason i say this is because i have an aunt that can speak to God (she is mexican). You may not believe me, but i do. I asked her about what i was feeling. She told me something i can do if im inflamed. I want to share with you guys💗. Just get a bowl or bucket of warm water. Then get a bar of soap and rub the soap bar on your stomatch and lay down for a couple minutes with a planket. It really doesnt matter how many minutes u lay down for. If you feel your stomatch REALLY inflamed just lay down for about 20 minutes or so. Just remember the food that made you inflamed before, never eat that food again even if it was ur favorite food.


Thanks for sharing this information
I have this problem it hurts very badly
What are the best remedies for this


You explain very well and make it easy to understand thank you so much.


"You rarely have that with chronic gastritis ".. me having EVERY SINGLE THING😅


I appreciate what you're saying as well you make it so simple because most of the things that you have listed that causes gastritis I do them and every time I do them I get that bloating that rumbling in my stomach and everything so I'm going to change what I'm doing I just had a colonoscopy today and I had a lot of gastritis thank you for your input
