How to Overcome Gastritis

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Gastritis causes your stomach to erode which will lead to more issues down the road. Try these tips to overcome Gastritis for good:

-Avoid overeating and opt for smaller meals
-Don’t drink water during a meal
-Best foods to eat - bone broth, fennel, aloe vera and aloe vera juice, cooked vegetables, cabbage and ginger
-Foods to avoid - spicy foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, alcohol and caffeine
-Reduce stress
-Take the right supplements - SBO probiotic supplement and digestive enzymes

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*This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. Josh Axe, and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Axe nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
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Having gastritis and anxiety sucks because when I get anxious it makes me feel sick


For me being under a lot of stress and negative situations, that caused gastritis went worse.
I had to change the way I eat and being more close to God's word.


You have gastritis because you stress?

No I stress because I have gastritis


I struggled with gastritis on and off for years. Finally, a wonderful osteopathic doctor suggested that I try a gluten, dairy free diet. Also to get my vitamin D level higher. The gut runs on vitamin D. No more gastritis for me !


I’ve had this when I was 7 years old and now I’m 22 and recently got it again sometimes it feels like no one understands the pain and cramping but it feels nice to see these comments and know I’m not alone


A lot of people don’t even know that stressful relationships can cause this. I was stressed out right days a week living with a narcissist.


Why can’t you be my doctor 😭😩 you’re so knowledgeable


Also….FRESH PAPAYA has been sooo soothing to my stomach it’s unreal. Hopefully this helps someone


glad to see people understanding how much gastritis sucks


Straight up, this video was critical for my recovery. I was/am suffering symptoms of gastritis. Bone broth was critical, as were the supplements that he mentioned. PPI's also helped the cause. It does get better. What also helped me was a pretty radical change in my diet, inspired in part by this video. I was at about 12-18 drinks a week and ate pretty terrible food. Once I developed symptoms I stopped drinking entirely, switched to keifer/greek yogurt as my main food source, and slowly worked in unprocessed proteins like chicken, etc. DGL Licorice and digestive enzymes are also key. Seriously, again, this gets better. Just take it seriously and solve the root of the problem.


If I eat my stomach hurts, if I don't eat to avoid pain... my stomach hurts, if I'm hungry, my stomach hurts.


DGL, Glutamine, Zinc carnosine, Manuka honey, Matula tea, Aloe vera, Ginger tea, L. Reuteri, Vit A & D, avoiding gluten and food sensitivities, and deep breathing!


Does anybody else have empty stomach feeling even after having a meal?


We must be connected - been struggling with this for months! The sharp pains after eating are just brutal! Thank you so much. DGL really has helped


My husband was suffering from gastritis symptoms straight for a whole year. HIs doctor's did tests and said he has stomach inflammation, but they didn't know why and couldn't diagnose him with anything. I took it upon myself to order him a Food Intolerance at home test kit, and the results turned out he is Gluten/Wheat Intolerant (Non-Celiac). We eliminated gluten from his diet and he started to feel better. I think food intolerances are the main cause for gastritis. Food in the US is not very clean, so yes avoid processed foods best you can.


It feels like broken glass in my stomach


I am really happy that he made this video cuz my mom is in SEVERE pain from gastritis right now


Okay so I'm only 19 and I've been dealing with this for almost 6 months. It honestly sucks a lot and it's starting to drive me crazy.


I think it is truly kind when someone share valuable information. Thank you for being an unselfish person. Blessings.


I tried a lot of digestive enzymes, but it just burns my gastritis; I read online that "protease" in digestive enzymes aggravates some people with gastritis. Take caution with some digestive enzymes.
