Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Chronic Gastritis

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About IBS Treatment Center

Dr. Stephen Wangen, co-founder and Medical Director of the IBS Treatment Center, and his staff have successfully helped over 10,000 people resolve irritable bowel syndrome and chronic digestive problems since 2005.

Some patients have had IBS symptoms so severe that they spent a considerable amount of time in the hospital. Others are suffering alone at home and are no less frustrated with the impact that it is having on their lives. The thread that tied them all together was that they had never seen an IBS expert (much different than a gastroenterologist), a doctor whose only mission is to help people solve IBS.


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My gastritis flareups always involve getting really severe heat flashes :/ gladly after discovering I had gastritis a couple years ago. It’s helped me improve my diet because I definitely think that played a part. I try to avoid greasy foods and junk as much as I can because if I eat it too much, I flare up again. I find that my flareups always on vacation which sucks because I want to enjoy myself. 😩


Several of your comments are spot on in my opinion. Whatis important to stress is that there is no quick fix and no one method suits all. People are advised to keep a food diary, which is fine but it is a hugely complicated business. I have had this problem for somnething like 30 years and only now have a reasonably good idea of what I can eat or drink when and in what combinations. Also folks, don't understimate these factors 1) speed of eating 2) quantity of eating 3) combinations 4) your mood. Everyone is very different but for anyone starting out trying to find what they can or cant eat, to start with check out how well you cope with sweet stuff, fats, carbs, gluten. They are frequent trouble makers for many people I think.


A naturopathic dr cured my gastritis and IBS with Mastic Gum. I bought Mastic Gum by Solaray online or at a health food store. Don’t take the capsules whole….. you need to open 2 capsules into water and mix well and drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, then wait 30 minutes to eat. Do the same on an empty stomach at bedtime. Bingo!! My nightmare of years ended! Healed my ulcers as well. If you have H Pylori it will kill it off completely too. Mastic Gum is safe and has no side effects. It’s a natural remedy. Please try it and you will be glad you did


Rightly expain doc…. I m IBS c pateient having same syptoms wich u explained…. God bless u dr steven…


the people at the er said its a stomach bug


After my food poisoning recently, my doctor told me I also had gastroenteritis. He also said I was low in potassium. The first day I was vomitting and having diarrhea. Those symptoms are gone, Thank God. However, my stomach has been making a lot of gurgling noise and acid reflux. Sometimes it feels like I have to burp but I can't or food will come up. My chest doesn't burn though. I also have that nauseous feeling at night feeling like I want to throw up snd have shaking. My bowel movement is not the same ever since my food poisoning. I don't go to the bathroom frequently like I did for. I was also told I have inflammation in my stomach.


I’m not sure what I have but I have an appointment soon but I know it’s my stomach I cannot stomach greasy food of anything with too many spices at all I feel so nauseated and feel like throwing up I wake up nausated I have bloating. Certain smells make me nauseas as well! Also when I work out my stomach sometimes bothers me because of the movements I’m making I get nauseated everyone thinks I’m pregnant but I am not! It’s terrible it interferes with my daily life been like this for some time now


I had gastritis July 24 and it’s Aug 4. Now having full ache in lower abdomen… not severe more annoying. For two days now. If I hadn’t had any other symptoms since July 24, would it still be gastritis?


I have had IBS-D for the last thirteen years, with some burning sensation in the stomach. Over the past four years, it took me a long time to eat food. Now I am having breathing issues-difficulty blowing my nose, laughing, sneezing, and talking long sentences. The mid-riff feels burning and the stomach too. One doctor diagnosed esophagitis and prescribed medicines but the latter did not help. Sometimes when my intestines feel better, the upper part of the digestive tract also feels better. In short, it seems my IBS has traveled upwards from the intestines to the stomach and esophagus.


Ppi's have caused me terrible issues for been on them long term following the gastroenterologists advice of having chrnic low vitamin b12 deficiency & anemia because PPI's long term suck all your iron out of you leading to further chronic & serious other issues on top of already suffering with Chronic Gastritis!!


Zinc-L-Carnosine is a good supplement for both


I’ve had gastritis for about a week now and no matter how much gas I release I still feel bloated and cramped with gas, even after taking AntiGas, Laxatives, and Acid Reducers, when I went to the hospital they did a CT scan and said all my organs looked good so I’m still confused as to why I still feel like this, I’m worried 😢


How often do you think IBS sufferers should exam their digestive system through gastroscopy and colonoscopy? I've read in many sources it's believed that ibs can lead to development of other digestive illnesses like chrone disease. Have you seen any connections about it in your practice?


Doctor, I have had chronic pain and back pain  for about a year above the navel. I had a CT scan and there was a thickening in the second part of the duodenum 5mm. I had a scan before without a biopsy, and the doctor told me that it was normal for six months.
But today I had a blood test due to a slight vitamin B12 deficiency
And this was the result

Ac Anti Gastric Parietal Cells
(IF serum/plasma)
Weakly positive at 1/10
-<1/10: Negative Result
--1/10: Positive Result

Result :
Weakly positive at 1/10

Ac Anti Intrinsic Factor
(Serum plasina (EDTA +Heparinė).IT)
<1/10: Negative Result
>>1/10: Positive Result

Result :  negative


Doctor, I suffer from two conditions: congestive gastritis and erosive inflammation of the beginning of the duodenum for two years, which I do not understand, why it causes symptoms of chronic mid-back pain. Other symptoms are also present: abdominal pain, diarrhea, and sometimes gas, but what I do not understand is why there is pain from deep inside that radiates to the back.


I don't know IBS, but I do have pain when gas goes up my left side. Sometimes there is this gas that goes up when I am gonna poop. If it goes to the left going up it hurts. I usually want to lay down on bed when there is gas because it goes up if I am sitting or standing. Laying on bed helps to make it go out without gravity. I have been having gas problem for yrs since I was young. yr 2002 I was having this terrible gas issue specially being stress out so much in my job, it hurts on my left and i endure it coz I can't stop due to the evil boss and my stupid coworkers that relies on me too much. I have issue with diarrhea as well if I eat in the morning. I need to avoid milk, dairy, sugar, bread in the morning coz it gives me diarrhea. But I do have to poo in the morning schedule. SO since this is my schedule. I have a hardtime getting out of my house in the morning because my stomach is very sensitive in morning hours. If I pee, I will have gas too, my stomach gets bloated after peeing, but now it is not that bad anymore. I used to have period issues as well, the terrible diarrhea and dysmenorrhea during period, the swelling and all. But now atleast I am much better my period is not that bothersome. But my stomach is still problematic due to gas. Now I have new issue, the gastritis because of acidic drinks on empty stomach my lining i think is eroded. I keep burping and I also have this burning sensation if I don't eat carbs. In the morning I will have lots of gas in my esophagus and throat and I find it hard to swallow my water coz it hurts when it cross with the gas, the water can't go down nicely if the gas is blocking it. But it is now a little bit tolerable than last month. I just hope this gastritis heals soon.


I had both, my test results, there are no H pillory, no Ulcer & no parasites. so, what are the best treatment? I've changed my diet, no alcohol, no caffeine, no spicy food and taking Prilosec & probiotics every day.


Hello Doctor. I have been receiving treatment for IBS-C for a couple of years and was just diagnosed with acute gastritis last week. I just finished a 5-day course of sucralfate. How likely is acute gastritis to become chronic gastritis? I was also recently diagnosed with lactose intolerance (based on my experience and reporting). Can this be related, too? p.s. I am on the 3-year plan for colonoscopies and have had an endoscopy. (I would love to be your patient but doubt you take my HMO.) So my main question is the likelihood of developing chronic gastritis.


Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food.
