How to make BUTTER from scratch!

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Hey there darling! Welcome to my kitchen. Here I share recipes from a real family that loves to grow and eat real food. Don't say you can't cook! You just haven't learned yet. I'm so happy to have a chance to encourage you in the journey to eating nourishing, whole foods!

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PO Box 4239
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Jess you should do another video this summer when your cows are eating grass. It would be super cool to see the difference in the colors.


I used to be a 4th/5th grade teacher here in Oregon. And every year, during our Oregon Trail unit, my favorite activity to do with the kids was make Johnnycakes (corn-based pancakes) and homemade butter. 🧈 We'd all help mix the batter, and while I cooked the Johnnycakes, the kids would take turns shaking the jar of cream to make the butter. While we ate we'd talk about how the emigrants often hung their cream from the wagons and let the bumpy road do most the work. But, secretly, it was just my way of helping to demystify store-bought food for the next generation. I'd like to think that some of those kids (now, young adults) might think back to that day in grade school with Ms. Nowak and feel empowered to learn to make other commonplace store-bought foods in their own kitchens, too.


I remember my grandma making butter on their farm when I was a little girl….she had the old hand churn…yes, I wish to this day I had it! When they moved to “town” and took the farm animals with them, she got an electric one. Butter tasted the same but to me it wasn’t…she made homemade biscuit every morning and the rounds of butter were kept in a domed holder….I haven’t had butter like that to this day. She was a hard working woman! She was about my age (74) when she they moved to town. She passed when she was two years older than I am now. She was the most amazing woman I have ever known. I miss her more than anyone I’ve ever lost. ❤❤❤


I remember making butter when I was in kindergarten. The teacher gave us all a saltine with a spread of it. It must have impressed me. I am 63 now and still remember. It is the best I have ever had.


Jessica you are incredibly blessed!! As a person who lives in an apartment in a major city I find the notion of milking a cow and using the cream to make butter incredibly romantic as well! 😂I’m sure as you said once you’re doing it daily it just becomes another chore but what a life!! I sometimes wish for that lovely life of chores and homesteading and wonder what’s holding me back. Likely because with every passing year I’m becoming older and my bones are creaking more and I make those grunting noises when I get up from a chair, but oh what a life it must be. So nice to be able to live vicariously through you!! Thank you for sharing! God bless🥰❤️🇨🇦🍁🙏🏻


I remember helping my mom make butter ... She would barter piano lessons for fresh milk (or homemade bread or fresh produce) with a less fortunate farm family. When they were milk rich, we had more cream than we knew what to do with - so we learned how to make butter! There is nothing better than fresh baked bread with homemade butter!!


I spent many an after noon at my Grandmother house sitting on the couch with a gallon jar rocking it back and forth until it became butter. I never thought of her and my Grandfather as homesteaders but I guess they were. They shaped my life into what I am today, not a homesteader but some one who gardens and raises chickens on my 40 acre farm. I remember many a homesteader lesson growing up without even knowing what we call homesteaders today. Nothing and when I say nothing went to waste at her home right down to pulling buttons and ripping out zippers because they could always be used again. I had a wonderful childhood learning the basic of living off the land.


As its summer down here in New Zealand I am enjoying homemade garlic butter on toast with my fresh Black Krim tomatoes, sea salt flakes and ground pepper.
Sublime summer breakfast x


I had no idea that a lot of heavy whipping cream and whipped creams contain carrageenan, even some organics have this, so read the labels if you're using these store bought products to make butter. Thanks Jess - love your new channel and cooking with you!


I did it! I had cream left over from making your turkey with sausage and fig stuffing (the first time I’ve made any but my family recipe and I just turned 78). I used my kitchenaid with whisk and shield and was so excited that it did just as yours had done. Whipped cream and then it broke. I’m getting ready to leave town and thought the cream would spoil. Your video was a double win for me. Cream didn’t spoil and I got to learn a new ‘trick.’ Thanks.


One of the few experiences I remember vividly from kindergarten was sitting in a circle on the floor passing a quart glass milk bottle around taking turns shaking it! It seemed like magic to me that the cream turned into butter. As an adult teaching middle school I a suburban environment, I watched as some of my students had about that same experience. So many of our children (and adults, for that matter) have no idea where food comes from or what it’s actually made from. Thanks for sharing this butter-making process and bringing back that early memory to me!


I am so enjoying “The Farmer’s Table.” It’s a wonderful addition to your family channels.


I've made my own in a mason jar using room temp, store bought whipping cream. It took about 18 minutes of shaking. It was a fun thing to do, but at the time, the whipping cream cost more than the bought butter. I imagine it tastes better when you have a dairy cow and milk of your own. 😊


I so love this! My husband and I went to Easley, SC, this morning to pick up a transmission for my dad’s old truck that our son drives. If we had more time, we were going to go scope out Beulah and the downtown area, but it took us almost six hours to get home in central NC. I told my husband it was ok that I will go back down when you guys open up the store. I know his cousin will love to take the road trip with me. She loves you guys, too. Of course, living in NC finding raw milk is very hard. You have to know someone, and I don’t. All my friends use all of what they get from the few animals they have. I am hoping to find somewhere along the border where I can score some because I just really want to make some real butter. I want to see what real, unadulterated milk tastes like. My mother-in-law has always had digestive issues with pasteurized milk, but always was able to enjoy raw milk when she was young and that was the only way they could get it living out in the country. She is getting older, and her husband just entered rehab after having several strokes, so I am looking for some comfort for her. It will bring back so many lovely childhood memories in just a glass of milk. Such small things. If anyone out there in SC has your own cows and sells raw milk and lives near I95, please reach out. Love you, Jess and family. I always tell my husband that you are the daughter we never had. ❤


I could watch you do just about anything. I enjoy the way you make me feel like I'm sitting in your kitchen having a chat.
P.s. I'm allergic to dairy and still watched your video.


I remember making butter as a kid with my mom for fun, then on a farm tour in elementary school, and later in culinary school, and later, talking to some friends who had no idea how butter was made. I’m so glad you’re putting this video out there for those people who might not know the first thing about such a common staple food!


I tried making my own butter the summer before last summer when cream were really cheap but butter prices were going crazy. Really simple process, I thought it was really fun to try out. New skill unlocked 😊


Absolutely loved this! Your new channel has become my favorite. I am a grandmother who cooks, but your cooking videos are wonderful. Hugs Jess❤


My nephews are coming to visit in a couple of months and this would be a great project for us to do. I remember making butter in a mason jar as a little kid and was just amazed!! Thanks for sharing this and giving me this idea.


great and informative video Jess! i have 4 antique Dazey butter churns, ( 2, 4, 6 and 8 qt churns) i've made butter several times in the last few years using heavy whipping cream as i have no access to fresh cream. as long as the whipping cream is room temperature it usually takes less than 30 min to churn it. when i wash the butter, i put it in a flour sack cloth and run it under cold water, squeezing and working it til the water runs completely clear. i add pink salt to mine and i taste test it using saltine crackers. the purpose of using saltines is so when it tastes real salty, then i know i have enough salt in the butter and its not over salted. i think everyone should try making butter at least once! we make homemade apple butter in a copper kettle, hand churn real butter and bake a few loaves of fresh bread and have an afternoon of teaching friends and family how to do it! overwhelmingly everybody is impressed with it!
