These 3 Diets Can Put Hashimoto's Into Remission

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There’s no question that changing the food that you put into your mouth and body can have an impact on your immune system, thyroid, and overall health. This means that changing your diet has the potential to help you reduce or lower your thyroid antibodies if you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Based on my experience, here are the 3 best diets to use if that’s your goal: 1. The gluten-free, dairy-free, and soy-free diet. Just removing these 3 food groups is enough for many patients with Hashimoto’s to see improvement. 2. The autoimmune paleo diet or AIP diet for short. I’m not a huge fan of the AIP diet but there’s no question that it has worked for many thyroid patients. 3. The carnivore diet. This low-carb diet has shown some promising results but you should be aware that low-carb diets can negatively impact thyroid function. Don’t be afraid to play around with your diet to see what works best for you. #hashimotos #thyroid #thyroiddiet #hypothyroidism #thyroidtreatment

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This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this website or video.
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I need a comprehensive food list and everything I find is contradictory. Eat dairy, don’t eat dairy. Eat eggs, avoid eggs. Eat nightshades, avoid nightshades. Eat leafy greens, avoid leafy greens. This is absolutely ridiculous. How is anyone supposed to know what’s healthy anymore?


I cut out gluten entirely as well as dairy and soy (also processed foods) for over a year and my antibodies dropped from 29 to 9, also my tsh was at a 4 and drop to a .6, im amazed how much a diet can actualy impact if you're consistent, i never took medicine, i was in the early stages of hashimoto's and my doxtor was tryna make me take it but i refused and decided to try cutting certain foods, beat decision i ever made, its like i dont have it anymore!


I have hashimoto’s and 2 nodules on the right side of my thyroid- I was diagnosed a week ago & started AIP the day after my diagnosis. So far it’s been life changing. Yeah, it’s restrictive, but I bodybuild so I’m able to switch my diet up instantly. I feel 1000x more energy, where before I was drinking 8 cups of coffee a day. Within a week I’m down to 1 cup (cold turkey) and feel no withdrawal symptoms. I feel more mentally sharp and all around better. Low inflammation diets, especially the AIP, has done wonders so far!


I was dairy free for 5 years, soy free for two years and gluten free. My thyroid got worse lol now I eat all three again but mainly eat more animal based and have been able to half my thyroid medication. Everyone is so different.


for me it’s plantbased diet! i swear my gut health improved tremendously, even my glutem sensitivity is reduced to almost zero


Dairy free and vitamin D3 at 20, 000 IUs lowered my TPO antibodies an average of 15 points per month. The vitamin D3 lowers it faster. I will be in remission in four months.


Low carb diets can cause thyroid issues IF inadequate protein or calories are consumed for long periods of time


I’ve been doing the hashimotos protocol created by Dr. Izabella Wentz, found in her “Hashimotos Protocol” book. You do 3 phases to cleanse your liver, then adrenals, then gut. I’m currently on the gut balance protocol and have not been eating gluten, soy, dairy, and grains. I had my antibodies checked the other day. Last year they were at 960, and a few days ago they were at 317. Still not great but it’s definitely made a huge difference. I’m playing around with cutting out eggs now too.


My TPO was 563 and I have gotten it down to 43. I eliminated meat and all inflammatory foods. I eat bananas, apples, blueberries, lentils, most beans, chickpeas, beets and beet greens, green beans, carrots, celery, zucchini, yellow squash, quinoa, chia seeds, raw sunflower seeds, 2 Brazil nuts, avocados, skim milk, nonfat Greek yogurt, cucumber, mushrooms. I do not eat any bread or oats. My HDL is 44 and my LDL is 84. Also, I take Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides powder in my milk for all the amino acids it provides making the protein from the beans complete proteins. I do not eat anything with dyes etc. The apple helps eliminate any mercury or other toxins. I am having success with this method and will continue eating this way. Also I take a multivitamin with no dyes or additives.


Can you please talk about how low carb diets can worsen hypothyroidism?


I went gluten free for almost 3 years. I started introducing it back slowing. Still feeling good, don't just naturally eat a lot anymore. I believe t3 has made a word of difference in my Hashimotos.


The only reason a low carb might lead to thyroid issues is because eating lots of protein is so satiating that it is easy to chronically undereat.


I did a version of the carnivore diet for six months I've been meaning to message you actually about how my diet helped my thyroid!

Recently, I went in to get my levels checked, my thyroid antibodies went from over 1000 to 164!


I've been dairy free for almost a year. Gluten-grain free and lectin free for 3 weeks under the direction of a nutritionist. We'll check my labs again in 90 days. Feel good, dropping weight. Fingers crossed.


I am on a intermittent low carb, low sugar, healthy fat diet. I have gone from 7 tsh to 0.66 tsh. What do I do? Can I stop taking levothyroxine?


It’s insane that I/we can’t figure out what to eat!!! Hoshimotos says no nuts and seeds but anti inflammatory diet says they and nut milks are ok. Hoshimotos says yes to fruit and most veg, while Keto and others say only sparingly.

I also have gallstones and diverticulitis, and if I followed all of the recommendations for all three of these conditions, I’d only be eating meat. I’m SO 😩


By removing gluten, a little dairy and soy, adding selenium 200, Zinc 50, vitamin D (250 because I have a considerable deficiency) omega 3, my TPO levels went from 691 to 413 in 2 and a half months! Thank you Dr.


Im 28, i was diagnosed with Hashimoto and hipothyroidism at 15, i took the food detective test and it showed i was intolerant to egg, dairy and wheat protein. My doctor said it happens every time to the patients with Hashimoto.

I'm confused, should we try the carnivore diet or is too risky and can mess up the thyroid?


I’ve been carnivore for 67 days, zero carbs and haven’t lost a pound. My body is still in unbelievable pain literally 24/7. I’m so frustrated and desperate for a solution
