Sciatica Leg Pain Reveals Pinched Nerve: How to Relieve It Now

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"Famous" Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck present: Sciatica Leg Pain Reveals Pinched Nerve: How to Relieve It Now

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Just want to let anyone, who is in the middle of sciatica pain, it is not forever. I suffered with it for about 2 yeas. Tried chiropractors. Got better than came back usual story..I started to listen to these guys and constantly stayed with the press ups, using a belt to keep pelvic down has helped immensely and falling asleep on belly helped me. Keep at it, be patient and hopeful ull get through it I know your pain and frustration trust me you will get through it.


I’ve been bed bound for almost 4 day, in AGONIZING PAIN! I even asked the lord to end it all at one point. I’ve been scared to walk because I couldn’t think straight for atleast an hour afterwards. Even while being still the pain never went away. I did the knee to chest stretch a few times, and I actually just walked to the bathroom without moaning groaning or causing more pain. IM SITTING UP SMILING WHILE writing this comment! Thank you so very much! God bless you two, for all of your help! I guess it’s my Piriformis. A lot of my limitations make sense, now that I’m aware.


I never leave a comment to YT-videos, but this roll stretch helped me instantly. I've had leg nerve symptoms about 7 years. It started when I tried to improve my iceskating braking, repeating braking hurdles. I've tried everything, from massage to movement. Feeling now stupid that haven't foud this video from you guys earlier.

Thank you. ❤


I have had extreme lower back pain a few weeks ago and then it went away. The following day I then got severe L3 pain and have hardly been able to walk after sitting UNTIL I just came across this video. I can not thank you enough!! After doing a few of these exercises, the pain is gone. I will be continuing these exercises so that it stays away. THANK YOU MUCH!


Bob & Brad, you're the best! Your posture/exercises really addressed my nerve pain in my left leg. I had been taking B-complex to nutritionally support the nerves, but your exercises brought about the greatest pain relief yet. I owe it to you both for providing this info!


I like how interested Brad is in what Bob is saying, he’s fully engaged 😭🥺 they’re so sweet


Thanks Bob and Brad! I’ve had sciatica and a herniated disc for the last 7 days where I couldn’t walk, sit or stand. Watching your videos and following the stretches have helped so much! You guys are miracle workers! Thank you for your work


I've been dealing with the L5 pain for months now and driving a truck for a living is daily torture for me. The drive sit position is absolute torture. Helpful video though. Thanks guys.


Sciatica is a pain that makes your life hard, it has no mercy. If you have it, do yourself a favour eat proper food . Bad food will inflame more and aggrevate your pain. Sciatica is not life threatening, your disc will slide back in after the inflammation goes down. Depending on your situation. Chiropractor visits and turmeric will help you get through. Just remember your not on your own, be positive and remember it’s not forever. For everyone with bad pain try a Epsom salt bath for 20 minuets, do that 3 times a week it work for me, I sleep better now . Good luck 😉 guys


6 back surgeries later and watching you guys Bob and Brad on YouTube has helped my Sciatica nerve pain in my left leg greatly. Things my doctors never said or shown me how to do for my spine health. You guys are the Best !


I've got to thank you guys because I've had a herniated disc since early June and for 2 full months it never got better. I tried staying active with things like swimming and taking walks and avoiding sitting for too long. Nothing was working. I finally saw one of your videos about how to sleep with a herniated disc and I tried the position with the two pillows under the feet with the legs bent at the knee and stacked on top of each other. I did this for 3 nights straight and now it no longer hurts to walk or sit or stand up. Feels amazing. Big thanks to you guys


this video really helped me, the pain was so bad i couldnt walk from my lower back it went down to my leg n i did the stretches along with a few more and the pain is like wow so much better couldnt believe it got an appointment still for tomorrow, the pain lowered dramatically but doesnt cure it im still very thankful


Thanks guys! Just got relief from some L 5 pain! I have bulging discs and stenosis so hard to figure out what to do sometimes


I have ssiatica from my back round my thigh into my knee & down my shin into my foot I watched this video & did the bringing my knee up to my chest & had instant relief from this intense pain. Why has my physio therapy not given me this to do? You guys are amazing thankyou Evan if it's short term relief at least I can do exercise you show again & again 👍


I stayed in some of those stretch positions for a while yesterday for the sciatica pain running down my leg. I don't know which position worked, but i woke up today feeling a lot better. Thanks. I stayed in those positions for a while because I was in too much pain to do anything else.


God bless you. Although it still feel tender. The pulsing and piercing pain that is torturing me for days are all gone. Just can't believe it left.

Thank you.


Thank you very much for showing us where exactly is L4 L5 etc., it explained a lot to me.

Thanks guys this definitely narrowed it down for me. Posture and sitting incorrectly for long periods. Laying on my belly while pushing up and down helped so much!


Brilliant experts. After failed physios and failed chiropractitioner I found Brad and Bob. Relief at last! Thank you so much ♥️


One of the BEST videos you guys have done. The tape demonstration makes a huge difference for a non medical person. Thank you!
