Why Magnesium is so good for you. Dr Sanjay Gupta explains about the benefits of magnesium.

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Why is Magnesium so beneficial? We've teamed up with our good friend Dr Sanjay Gupta from York Cardiology who explains why we're not getting enough magnesium and how it can help so many aspects of our health.

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I saw an earlier video you made several years ago and started taking Magnesium glycinate. Before I started taking them I had swollen lower legs and ankles, restless legs at night and night cramps. Since taking the tablets every evening I rarely get any of the symptoms. I recently took two 6 hour flights and suffered from no swelling of my feet and ankles. My resting heartbeat is only 54 and at the age of 75 I gather that is very good. I would recommend magnesium to anybody. Thank you for putting out these videos.


I'm using Magnesium for 3 years already and it did lots of help in my palpitations.


You sir are an amazing doctor and human, thank you!


Chia Seeds and Pumpkin seeds contain Magnesium


I have now used magnesium citrate 400mg for about a year. My”inflammation “ resulting in severe knee pain and many other symptoms has greatly reduced. My daughter, a chronic constipated person, now uses no stool softeners. We swear by it!


I supplement with magnesium glycinate 200 mg 2X/ day along with vitamin D3/K2, as I've seen in other YT vids that magnesium and D3 are synergistic. Also, I really like your pretty shirt!


Probably the most thorough and clearly explained video on the benefits of Magnesium.


Because of your (and other Social Media Info), I started taking Magnesium Taurate a few months ago and really have no idea if it helps. My GP discovered I have AFIB and had no idea since I had no symptoms of that either. My lack of feelings (awareness) troubles me. I've never really been sick except for occasional colds and flu in the winter. No female problems, never been in the hospital, have a healthy appetite and sleep well. I have moderately high BP (140/92) and slightly high cholesterol and have taken Lisinopril and Lovastatin for many years. But I feel fine, have always been active and have taken Jazzercise, Zumba and various exercise programs. High BP, Strokes and Heart Attacks run in my family and most have died from it so I figured it would be my fate one day also. Thanks to Dr. Gupta's videos, I've become somewhat educated and aware that I do and can have a role in my health. There are many things one can do but first have to become somewhat educated and involved. There are natural, self inflected and hereditary illnesses, and medications, treatments and cures. And there is eventual death. That's life and its precious. Take care of it, live it as long as you can.


It's cured my chronic constipation. I wish I discovered it many years ago its been a game changer. I take magnesium citrate capsules daily.


Thank you for this valuable information. I began taking Magnesium Taurate last year as I was batting Covid-19 and had lost my sense of taste. After only 5 days of taking magnesium I felt a huge improvement in my overall health! I do believe I was deficient but was not aware. We’re so blessed to have caring and knowledge individuals like Dr Sanjay to inform the population, thank you, sir 😊


Thanks for the advice on magnesium in our diets for improved health. Thanks for sharing! On a humorous note, back in the 1950s Volkswagen engine blocks were cast from magnesium.


I have tried a few kinds of mag supplements and settled on mag glycinate and taurate. I have fewer palpitations nowadays and my BP is more stabled and controlled. Thanks for the video, Dr.


Thank you very much, Dr Gupta. This is the clearest and most comprehensive explanation of magnesium I've come across. 👍🙏


As lay person with zero chemistry background, I appreciate your videos very much! I wish to stay healthy as long as possible!


I take it on a regular basis, along with zinc. I also take D3 along with K2-NK7.


Your information is wonderful. I wish you were my doctor. Great doctors are hard to come by. You are one GREAT doctor. Thank god for YouTube. My window to the world.


Wonderful video thank you! At my last annual checkup I told my doctor that I had been experiencing painful leg cramps and toe spasms at night, and she recommended taking a daily magnesium supplement. It's been two months and I've had just one episode. Made a big difference.


I appreciate doctors like you who respect the patient's right to be well informed about their health concerns and the treatments being prescribed!

My doctor who is also a functional medicine advocate recommended magnesium glycinate for my elevated blood pressure, and since taking it (along with daily exercise and better diet) i noticed that I've been getting better sleep, am much less frequently anxious and have stopped getting ectopic heartbeats. Blood pressure has also improved. I'm happy because the amlodipine a previous doctor gave me made me feel frail and lightheaded and consequently more anxious about my health. I wanted a more holistic treatment, not simply be given meds for every symptom I feel.


Hi Dr, 3.5 years ago I had muliple and pretty severe atrial fibrillation events over a 3 month period ... very scary ... following your advice back then I started taking magnesium taurate tablets (also stopped drinking) and I can safely say to this day I haven't had another epidose at all. Can't imagine it's just a coincidence. To the multiple people here who've mentioned palpitations then I can really recommend magnesium taurate tablets. Over about the last 6 months I've taken to only have one a day as I also take a multi vitamin and mineral tablet (that also has magnesium in) so I fugured one tablet of taurate was sufficient to keep me ticking over.


I didn’t hear mention of magnesium L - threonate. I believe it crosses blood brain barrier and more absorbable. Comment?
