Magnesium: Why You Should Take It

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In this episode of "Talking with Docs," Dr. Zalzal and Dr. Weening delve into the importance of magnesium in our bodies and the benefits of taking magnesium supplements. Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in many bodily systems, including muscle and nerve function, blood pressure regulation, and energy production. Despite its importance, many people are deficient in this vital nutrient, leading to a range of health problems.

In this informative discussion, the doctors explain the benefits of taking magnesium supplements, how to determine if you have a magnesium deficiency, and the best dietary sources of magnesium. They also discuss the potential side effects of taking too much magnesium and how to safely incorporate magnesium supplementation into your diet.

Whether you're a health enthusiast, athlete, or simply looking to improve your overall well-being, this episode of "Talking with Docs" provides valuable insights and practical tips about the importance of magnesium and how to ensure you're getting enough of this vital nutrient.

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The general information provided on the Video is for informational purposes only and is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute therefore. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider properly licensed to practice medicine or general healthcare in your jurisdiction concerning any questions you may have regarding any information obtained from this Video and any medical condition you believe may be relevant to you or to someone else. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Video. Always consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program. Information obtained on the Video is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment.

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Рекомендации по теме

Started taking magnesium 250 mg each day at beginning of winter. I am over 65. I noticed that my muscular strength improved dramatically. My small of the back muscles used to get tired easily while shoveling snow. This year, we had the most snow ever, and I never got tired while shoveling show. Other Strenuous exercises I used to be able to do every other day, I was able to do every day. Sleep was much, much better. Used to wake up about every hour, now I wake up maybe once a night.


I work outdoors in the Florida heat, and I'm diabetic. I must've had a magnesium deficiency for years because as soon as I started taking magnesium supplements, there was a huge improvement in my mood and my sleep. Like life altering. A coworker recommended it to me and I'm so glad I listened to him. Best decision I've ever made.

Ps- I take 200mg with breakfast and another 200mg with dinner.


My magnesium six month ago was dangerously low, and I was really sick, Doctor found out and put me on 1000 mg per day, it it good now, but am now on 250 mg per day, and feeling so much better! Thanks for your advice on Magnesium, it also helps a lot to know more!


I had terrible time sleeping because I woke to pee every hour. I started taking 300mg of citrate at night, and now I sleep! Waking once. It has also relaxed me over all. ❤


You two are my mega dose of humor and information each day! 👍
I watched this video twice, once for the puns and once for the knowledge and it was funnier the second time!😉
If we had teachers like you in school, we would never forget anything because you have a great balance between humor and knowledge!
Magnesium PI gave us a plethora of facts while Chicken Wing Doc poured on the puns! What a dynamic duo!
We are so lucky to have your humor and knowledge so we know how to take care of ourselves, you never let us down! You make learning fun!

What we learned from this video:
Don't eat toasters, way too much metal!
Chicken wings don't have enough metal!
Magnesium is a metal!
Zinc is a metal!
Iron is a metal!
Too much metal isn't good in the stomach!
The right amount of metal can help you sleep as well as a bunch of other things!
Pumpkin seeds are a good source of magnesium (and a lot of different nuts) and can be eaten with your favorite game! "Pass the chocolate covered pumpkin seeds!" but easy on the beer!
You'll know when you have too much magnesium! 😱
Dr Brad is a baby boomer?
Increase magnesium as you feel a difference!😁
Decrease magnesium as you feel a difference! 😲
Magnesium can help with leg cramps! And heart palpitations, etc.
Plant based foods are good sources of magnesium!
Dr Paul would still like chicken wings but hasn't figured out how to coat them with magnesium! 💊💊💊
Did I miss anything? 🤔
Thanks for sharing another memorable video! 👍
Sure I know there were a lot of other things but I didn't want to plagiarize your video! 😋 I just provide a synopsis! 😚


I take magnesium every day to help lower my blood pressure. When I had a surgery recently the doctors gave me a magnesium drip afterwards. 😊


Another excellent video. Unlike most YouTubers who claim to be 'doctors', you guys are the real thing - stellar credentials. Keep these videos coming - you are doing a great public service.


I’m literally in tears. I been taking PPI’s for months after my surgery and I can’t thank you guys enough for sharing this. Headed to get Magnesium NOW!!


I take Magnesium Glycinate. My doctor recommended it for my leg cramps. I find I have to double the dosage in the summer with the heat. I find it relaxes me and I take it 2 hours before bed. I sleep much better. I have found since taking it that my hair is growing faster, my hair is getting darker (less grey) and it keeps my bowel movements regular. Thank you for your videos - keep up the great work!!!


Last year I went to the Hospital thinking I was having a heart attack at age 49. It turned out I was having a very bad case of heartburn, but after a blood test the doctor found I was severely magnesium deficient. I was put on a 2 hour long IV infusion of magnesium. I also found out 20 years ago I was severely deficient in B12.
I have been taking pariet to treat acid reflux for 25 years, I was assured by my doctors that long term use was safe. When I started pariet, I was a healthy martial artist, I could do cardio for long periods of time and had a deep reserve for strength endurance activities, my blood pressure was normal and my ability to recover after intense activity was excellent.
Within 5 years of taking pariet, I developed moderate COPD, constant muscle cramping, onset of type 2 diabetes, tremors, vision problems, extreme fatigue, constant muscle pain.
Now my COPD is severe, I walk with a cane, the tremors and cramping is worse than ever and my quality of life can be described in a word - SUCKS
After that magnesium treatment, my cramping went away for about 2 months. I started taking 200mg of magnesium a day, 1000 IU of vitamin D, 1000 mg of Vitamin C, and 10000 mcg of sublingual B12. Guess what? Blood tests still show those levels as being dangerously low, which means my gut lacks the ability to process them.
I understand that the occurrence of PPI's causing malabsorption of B12, magnesium and Vitamin D is relatively low in the general population, but it does happen... and I cannot seem to convince my doctor that I think this is the cause of my health problems. Let's face it, Vitamins and minerals are not treated like medicine by most doctors. They treat each symptom separately while the underlying cause continues to do more and more damage. 
I do not want to end up blind due to macular degeneration, suffer from heart disease, kidney disease, osteoporosis, anemia, dementia and many other issues that come with a vitamin and mineral deficiency that can be easily treated with regular vitamin/mineral therapy.
How do I convince my doctor that after combing through PubMed, NIH, NHS, and various medical journal peer reviewed papers that support what I say... that I need to try something different than treating symptoms.


I take magnesium every evening for years. Helps me relax and sleep.


I take magnesium glycinate everyday to help me relax and sleep better. Also, I tend to get cramps in my legs at night and tingly feet, and magnesium helps! Can’t live without it. Thank you, guys, for educating with humor—the best way to make a dry topic memorable and enjoyable! You two are the best!


I'm in my 60's and I take a 400mg Magnesium Oxide supplement. I now find I sleep much better and wake up refreshed.
Love watching your videos, very informative and amusing at the same time. Excellent 👍


Hey Docs! I’m a laboratory technologist and we have quite a few patients who are hypomagnesemic. My coworkers and I have always wondered what some of the symptoms and causes of this condition are. This video was a great explanation, thank you for the info!

Excited to get in to my Night Shift and share this information with my colleagues!


I’m a plant based eater, but had horrible anxiety. I supplement with Magnesium Glycinate and no longer have heart palpitations. I heard other doctors say that stress, sugar deplete our magnesium. They also said that our food doesn’t have enough magnesium because of our soil. And I eat lots of beans, greens, and pumpkin seeds. I feel amazing having found magnesium.


I was taking magnesium at the same time as a zinc supplement. Thank you for letting me know this stops the magnesium absorption. You two are the best.


My doctor prescribed 400mg because of heart palpitations and leg cramps about a year ago. Both have improved tremendously since taking the magnesium. I’m also regulated now .


I started taking 200mg of magnesium glycinate a few months ago for sleep and for a muscle relaxant. It took me a while for my body to acclimate to the magnesium as it caused bathroom issues the next day, but I kept taking it and all that stopped and I have no issues with my gut from it now. Overall I actually feel better and sleep is great!


I started using it before bed to relax and sleep faster. Having had a spinal fusion i have chronic pain and this I found has helped me immensely at night. Helps take off the edge from nerve pain. ❤❤


I love you guys. I have been taking magnesium for sleep and constipation. I also have celiac and osteoporosis and never knew it was helpful for these conditions. I wish you made videos for doctors. Do you know how hard it is to get a primary care physician to address nutritional deficiencies?
