Day 15 - Half Hour Half Moon Practice - 30 Days of Yoga

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Join Adriene on Day 15 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Half Moon Practice. No experience with Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon? NO PROBLEM!!!

We are HALFWAY there y'all! Day 15 welcomes you to drop into your practice. This sequence can be done in half an hour. It provides opportunity to relish in the space that you have cultivated in the last 14 days. Today would be the perfect day to commit to staying present. You have made it this far - stay in the moment and reconnect to your intentions. This 30 min yoga sequence is great for anxiety and stress relief. This practice takes its time and invites us to keep it fresh and alive! Connect to your breath, lift your heart, and go with the flow. ENJOY! Because you're worth it.


Connect and support others down below! Cultivate positivity. Remember each day is different! The journey is the reward! See you tomorrow!

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❤️ 30 Days of Yoga - Downloadable Collection ❤️
Based on requests from the community, we are excited to announce a downloadable version of 30 Days of Yoga. It is offered on a donation basis, so just pay what feels good!

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Need the BASICS of Foundations of a pose?

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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.
Рекомендации по теме

“Last chance for vinyasa, totally feel free to skip it but I’m thinking you can do it” GOD DAMN IT ADRIENE, NOW I HAVE TO


I didn’t even know I had that muscle till it started to MAKE MY ENTIRE LEG SHAKE


Does anyone else sense a huge amount of happiness when the music kicks in at the end? It's as if "thank goodness I took this time for myself and boy do I feel good!"


Y'all the heels of my feet finally reached the mat today in the third downward dog of this session I am LIVING


Believe me or not Extended child is the most relaxing position ever!


To everyone who feels 'disappointed' because they found this practice hard or couldn't do it: It is OKAY! We tried. And we will continue to try! Sometimes trying is also a victory. Let's give ourselves a hug for that.
Let's be kind towards ourselves. Sending hugs!


I don't have a block, so I use books... books always support me ❤


4 yrs ago I rolled out a towel and started the 30 days of yoga with Adriene. Today I finally did triangle pose without the assistance of a block. I struggled hard with half moon but now I understand what Adriene means when she says PLAY and ENJOY. It’s so incredible to feel and watch your progress. That’s YOGA! I’ve done the 30 days on and off for the past 4 yrs and can look back at that girl on her towel and give her a big hug for trying. My body is my home and Yoga has remodeled it. Thank you Adriene and friends! You inspire me every single day to keep on. ❤️


Day 1
Adriene: Together we meet in downward facing dog.

Day 15
Adriene: Together we meet in downward facing dog.
Me: Yeeeesss


I doubt anyone actually cares and wants to read my dumb story, but if you do, cool. Welcome. So, I’m a tiny human. I look like a stick. Every other day of yoga I’ve done with Adrienne before was a breeze. The hardest part was getting myself to stop procrastinating and get onto the mat. From there, easy peasy! You want me to do the harder version of the pose, sure! But today was very difficult physically. I fell a lot and got REALLY frustrated. It gave me a taste of what I’m sure it feels like for some other people who aren’t as flexible as me to come back to the mat every day. It really put things in perspective. So if you struggle on the mat every day, and come back the next one, you’re strong enough to move mountains with your mind. (I dunno, it’s a dumb metaphor I just made up, leave me alone.) I hope you have a great day and come back for day 16. Because if you’ve made t this far, you might as well finish, eh? Namaste 🙏 🧘‍♀️ ❤️


I wish I could send you a gift basket or something, because I have noticed such a difference in my workouts, how I stand and walk, and just how I recover. Yoga with you has made me actually touch my body and notice the power underneath the chubby layers, and I don't punish myself for the way I look anymore. Yoga has such a wonderful balance where you can notice what you already have and that it's amazing, but it gently pushes you. This was such a great way to get back into working out, and you make my days so much better. I hope you read this, because I am seriously so so thankful. Thank you so much for making yoga fun and attainable for beginners. I wish you many more years of happiness and yoginess!


When Adriene said “or take a rest” I immediately went to downward facing dog before she said child’s pose and was so proud of myself for finding rest in downward dog. Thank you Adriene for guiding me on my journey!


I'm an Indian and yoga is taught in school since such an early age. Yet it took somebody far away from the land of yoga to make me do it for 15 days straight and actually ENJOY it. I feel so beautiful doing it! Thank you Adriene, for the love and positivity you spread, and the comment section is so heartwarming <3 Sending love and strength to all during this pandemic.


When she said something like find a part that needs a little extra love today in forward fold my dog wandered up and got a lot of extra love lol


The half moon pose is for sure the hardest out of all that I did these 15 days... i wasn't able to keep balance nor stretch that far but it is a challenge and i will return to master it soon! Thanks Adriene I can totally feel the energy flowing with those breaths and I am starting to see a positive change in my body... Being a yogi rocks!


YOGA DAY 15/30

JUNE 15, 2024.

I'm getting lazy again but even on this lazy Saturday night I WILL SLAY!!


Sometimes the toughest (but most important?) part of my new yoga practice is reaching the point where you're overwhelmed with the negative thoughts ("I'm too slow! I'm too inflexible! I'm too weak! I'm too fat!), breathing them out (with a few tears!) with strength, and moving on with hope (and maybe some humility? ;-P). Definitely reached that point today. I'll be coming back to this one.


It's official, I can't do halfmoon position more than 10 seconds


I made it to day 15! It's mid April and I started in January, but it's not about beating myself up for not doing a video a day. It's about enjoying the journey, going at my own pace, and accomplishing my goal regardless of how long it takes. Because in the end we're all just walking each other home. Much love! Thank you so much Adriene! Namaste <3


Loving the 30 day challenge! I've been recommending it to everyone I talk to these days! And it's perfect for us while we're staying at home for social distancing :)
