How Narcissists Tell on Themselves All the Time (How Narcissists Confess Without Confessing)

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How Narcissists Tell on Themselves All the Time (How Narcissists Confess Without Confessing)//Narcissists are all around us. They're in our families, in the workplace, and even as friends. Narcissists can be difficult to spot because they do a lot of their damage on the inside but there are clues that you can pick up if you know what to look for. Rebecca Zung, top lawyer and narcissist negotiation expert, shares two things narcissists want from people and how they will tell on themselves when they don't get it!
#Narcissiststellingonthemselves #Figuringoutthenarcissist #rebeccazung

🎓What you’ll learn in the webinar:
The 3 empowering secrets you need to take back control when communicating with narcissists.
How to develop a winning, foolproof strategy to drive the outcome you want out of negotiations with narcissists.
How to be more powerful, persuasive and confident when negotiating with narcs.
What to say in negotiation and how to say it so that you can beat narcs at their own game!
How to anticipate what the narcissist will do and be two steps ahead of them at all times.

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About Rebecca Zung:
✅Rebecca Zung is one of the Top 1% of attorneys in the nation, having been recognized by U.S. News & World Report as a “Best Lawyer in America”, as “Legal Elite” by Trend Magazine, and recognized by her peers and the judiciary as AV(c), preeminent rated in family law, the highest possible rating for an attorney by Martindale Hubbell.

✅But her journey wasn’t always easy. She got married at 19, had 3 children and divorced at the age of 23. She was a divorced single mom when she decided to go back to law school. She went from being a single mom, college dropout, to becoming one the most powerful lawyers in the country at the helm of a multi-million dollar practice. She is now committed to sharing her secrets and empowering others to live their lives at their optimum level of success, professionally and personally.

✅She is the author of the bestselling books, Negotiate Like You M.A.T.T.E.R.: The Sure Fire Method to Step Up and Win and Breaking Free: A Step-by-Step Divorce Guide for Achieving Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Freedom, and is a sought after major media contributor.

✅She has been featured in Extra, Forbes, Huffington Post, Newsweek, Time, Dr. Drew, NPR Talk Radio, Good Day New York and CBS Los Angeles among others. She is the host of the popular show Negotiate Your Best Life™ which is available on YouTube and as a Top Podcast. She is also a frequent keynote speaker.

The commentary and opinions are for informational purposes only and not for
the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact an attorney in your state to obtain legal advice with respect to any particular issue or problem.

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1) gossip
2) lie
3) bait
4) project their flaws and behaviors onto others
5) act up for pretextual reasons (they act like something else is the problem when it's their own inner demons and turmoil)
6) gaslight
7) manipulate
8) concern trolling (they'll lie and be manipulative, then act like it's their "concern")
9) won't respect boundaries
10) ask invasive questions in explicit or creative ways
11) weaponize all personal information
12) share information that shouldn't be shared


The other famous line is “You know I would never……cheat on you, lie to you, etc.” Any time they start a sentence with that phrase, they’ve done it.


I think anytime you hear them say, “I would NEVER, lie, cheat, etc., is a give away that they are lying, cheating, etc.!!!!


When they find a new source of supply they are trying to secure, their personality will literally change because they are concentrating so hard on mirroring and love bombing that person. They will say things to you that make no sense because in their minds they are focussed on that new source of supply they are trying to get nailed down. It’s VERY CREEPY!!


My husband does this all the time! It's how I know when he's cheating on me because he starts accusing me of nonsense.


One of the common mental illnesses you get from Narcissistic abuse is PTSD. An empath can be diagnosed with PTSD after Narcissistic abuse .


It took me fifteen years but I have now learned i don't have to attend every fight that im invited to " and boy it's driving him insane" 👍😉😉


01:46 1. Projection

They often accuse others of being stupid, but I think it's simply because they are stupid.


Narcissists will pause to think about how to spin the lie, if they weren't expecting the question.


Anyone ever had a narcissists accuse you of being a narcissist? 🙋🏼‍♂️


I enjoy hearing you talk about narcissist. When you're around them you feel like you are the only one noticing what is going on. You have them figured out so well. Your personality is great for this too.


Recently my now eX partner and I were out walking and we passed a young girl with a hare lip. Once she was out of earshot he started doing a horrific impression of someone with a speech impediment and laughing. I was utterly appalled and just stared at him in shock. He then said ‘What? I’m just trying to make you feel better about yourself’ I suddenly twigged that’s how he makes himself feel better about himself by mocking others and his mask had just slipped. It’s made me feel sick tbh.


They tell on themselves and somehow twist it so that they're the victim.


A personal experience of mine dealing with a narcissist was me telling him I was tired and needed sleep. His response was “why?” I told him “because I just spent 8 hrs working.” His response was that I was an adult and that I could push through it. He told on himself that he’s a person with no concern or empathy. He had no care for the fact I was tired or that I had already spent the day pushing through because of course I was there to entertain him and he wasn’t tired. That’s how narcs think. I listen very close to what people say and I speak less than I listen. If you pay attention ppl tell on themselves all the time.


This is SPOT ON! Mind blown. This video and the suspicious phone habits one. It's sad when you've been made to think that you're "crazy, jealous, insecure, controlling" because you question the odd behaviors that just don't add up.


Just yesterday I asked my wife a question about a situation she told me she was involved in when she was younger
She called me a liar and said she never told me that,
I reminded her of the subject of the conversation in which she told me of the incident,
She calls me a liar again this but time she says " you're a liar because that's not the conversation I mentioned that in"
To which I replied
"well in which conversation did you mention it to me?"
Just as she was about to reply, she caught herself let out a guttural scream and
shutdown refusing to speak.


Narcissists have issues with endurance and consistency. Healing is all about being there and consistency showing up for yourself and loved ones!
Projection is their distraction.


Oh, yes! The lies of omission! The gift that keeps on giving! Anything that they tell you that paints them in a good light, is painted with the brush of omission! Especially if they swear they’ve told you everything. You can always bet there’s a barrel of omissions lurking in the shadows!


My ex husband would change the way he dressed, the music he listened to, and His vocabulary would change as well. It was like watching a chameleon! Our children would watch these changes and wonder what on earth he was going through. Well now we know! Divorce was finalized a few months ago and I had a very successful mediation thanks to your book, Negotiate Like You Matter!!


They are indirect while being direct and project all their wrongdoings
