NARCISSISTS ONLY CARE ABOUT THEMSELVES//Why Do Narcissists Lie So Much//Can A Narcissist Ever Change

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Why do narcissists lie so much? No matter what the topic is, the narcissist will lie. The evidence can be right in front of them and the person with narcissism continues to lie, lie, and lie. It is maddening that you know the truth and want them to be honest, but the narcissists only care about themselves and will lie at all costs. The narcissist works with the philosophy of deny, deny, deny and admit nothing. Narcissistic abuse can be so many different things and the lying is just one way they abuse. With their lies, they use gaslighting to be in control. Even if you have the evidence in front of you, confronting the narcissist with the truth won’t get you the answers and honesty you are looking for. Narcissists lie about everything, even those things that don’t seem to matter. What they did with their mom seems to be an innocent question, but the narcissist will lie. They don’t want to give you the pleasure of having an answer because then you might feel in control. Does the narcissist know they are lying? That is not an easy question to answer. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t. Some of the lies comes so naturally and they believe what they are saying. In those situations the answer to the questions “does a narcissist know they lie” would be no. However, other times the narcissist is actually trying to set a specific narrative for others to believe and then the narcissism lies are done on purpose and they know what they are doing. Why can’t a narcissist be honest? Because they lack empathy and there are deficits in object constancy and they don’t want to appear flawed. Narcissists are liars. That is part of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder and the fantasy world the narcissist has created and must maintain. Narcissists only care about themselves and for that reason if you want to know will a narcissist ever change, the answer is no. No, the narcissist will never change. Narcissist abuse is long-term and they don’t care how they affect you. Can a narcissist ever change? It would take a lot of insight and effort on their part and that is something they are unlikely to ever follow.

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They enjoy ruining people’s good reputations by lying. Truly evil behavior.


They not only To You…they Lie about you!


Narcissists don't know the truth, how to tell it to themselves or other people.


Absolutely. They even lie for a small thing. When they get caught for lying, they easily just say "sorry" without any feelings.


They don't actually "lie", they really, really believe their delusions .


Lying = Cheating = Stealing = Killing. Many best Thanks!!:))!!


What is infuriating is when they start lying about family members to cause trouble or to make others look bad


I'm single and Retired and independent and I have moved on and Discarded everyone I am tired of everything it's been 24hrs of unnecessary Narcissistic abuse Multipulation Mind Games and tactics these Narcissists don't know when to quit the Narcissists can go play games with their own life's I'm on my own and I don't need anything from anyone I can take care of myself these Narcissists are their own problems and they lie about everything and lie even when they don't have to lie nothing but lies thanks, GOD-BLESS.


They are absolutely in capable of self reflection.


After painful relationship with narcissist. What they don't notice is how embarrassing they're telling lies and playing their games. How they make simple situations extremely difficult to themselves and others. And all those childish games inside their head are mastership of manipulation. They're weak people, obsessively attached to somebody who they drain emotionally. Thank you for your videos.


"Denial everything and admit nothing"! This is just spot on!😉 I recently was requested to meet up with my narcissistic mother (not speak for 10y) and I was shocked, at how she could look UP for the reason in me that I do not want it. Not even considering, that there might be something wrong with her😝. It is still hard to comprehend her very twisted crazy mind. Even though people cut themselves off from her for being toxic, she still sees herself as the mother of the year, who should be greeted with a feast on a three-course dinner red carpet like a queen who is willing to see ME!😳. Like she giving ME a favour by wanting a meeting and I am supposed to feel the privilege! OMG, how crazy that is!!!


Spot on!
They see themselves as giants and everyone else as minions.Therefore they think they should be treated better and they think they can do harm and it doesn't matter.


I confronted him asking if he was talking to a certain person. He said no, as I said I know for a fact you are, no no no would not admit it. So I sent a message from this person showing proof. This started the domino effect of I’m wrong, I ruined it. Everything is my fault. If I didn’t message this person, if I’d just be quiet and let things be. I didn’t understand then what the real problem is, but after learning so much about narcissism it’s so clear why he does the things he does. I believe he’s a covert narcissist. He had a very cold mother growing up and hates his mom. I’m sure this had a huge part of who he is today. So emotionally immature or lack of emotions. The lack of being able to commit to anything. Breaking up to do everything to get you back. Are there different degrees of narcissism? I find he becomes worse when we are in the town he grew up in with him mother. When we are in upstate ny verse when we lived in Florida where no family members lived. Also around Christmas time he get weird. Anger, starts seeing me as his enemy. Then we break up for him to pull me back. Years of this I allowed. Learning that they truly can’t love and they are really learned behaviors explains so much. I always felt he never felt comfortable with himself. He’s showed he’s i insecure, but knows it all better then anyone. Talks badly about people behind their backs. When something stressful comes he runs. Drink it away. Will not talk about stressful things will just close up.


Very accurate! Never accepts blame or constructive criticism. Will not communicate fairly. Every question I ask is repeated back to buy time for an an answer. When giving multiple accounts that don't match, he will ho into a rage and, /or leave (run away).


Spot on. I just came out if a 5 year business partnership with a guy I thought I could trust. The rate at which he started lying became exponential in the last 2 years. Threw me for a loop.


I had so many lies during her year of stalking and hoovering ranging from fake pregnancy, her going to delete herself several times, threats to my safety, homeless and most recent was her claiming to be terminally ill. She lied about terminal illness just to try and hoover me back. Her lies during the "relationship" were non stop and the version of events changed all the time. She would lie about the smallest things to the biggest. Non stop lies, deflection and rages when I called her out. Thank heavens I never had a child with her.


Agree with everything you’ve said. I wonder if they also lie because, well, they are good at it, and, as a result, lying makes them feel good. It’s like lying is a drug—a dose of dopamine or any other addictive stimulant. And this idea may apply to all the other toxic things they do and say.


This is another great explanation of illogical narc behavior. It is stunning to me that taking responsibility is too injurious to their fragile egos so they reduce themselves to lying, thinking no one knows they’re lying. I’ve seen it a thousand times and never had a simple explanation for it until now. I appreciate these videos!! 😊


The narcissist lies for reasons and no reason. If they are cheating they will lie and say they're not, they will even lie and say their cheating (at that time) when they're not to make you mad or jealous. The only time they tell the truth is if they benefit from it. Lets say you left them, they will only tell you afterwards that they cheated for the only purpose of hurting you


You just not only explained and clarified in a few minutes, you made a True statement. I am not religious, but confronting the truth to a Narcissist is like sprinkling holy water on a demon. The Filth in words, hatred that comes out.. But in the end? Just kiss their Ego, Looks etc. Or just just stand up and accept hahaaa
