How to Stop Keto Without Gaining Weight - How to Maintain Weight After Weight Loss!

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How to Stop Keto Without Gaining Weight - How to Maintain Weight After Weight Loss!– Keto road trip (keto fast food options)
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Everything in my videos is based on my own extensive research and personal experience, along with people that I have helped, and I hope it is more than enough to help you! "This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a health practitioner/patient relationship between Talita E. Sigillo and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Talita E. Sigillo, and Shrinking with Keto, is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
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If you are a crazy busy person looking for hacks on the ketogenic diet, then this video is for you!
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what a shame that this quality content is not in youtube algoritm


Great video. I want to permanently get out of ketosis to stop the burning. I was on keto for 6 months with excellent results. But the increased metabolism gradually raised body heat. During the cooler months it didn't bother me, but as soon as the hot summer months came, I've been in pain and discomfort from burning and itchy skin in my lower legs and neck area. I've been slowly adding back rice and milk, with some improvement, but I'm still on fire. The only thing that stops the burning for 24 hours is 1/2 cup of ice cream. I have crazy insulin resistance and gain weight from small amounts of carbs. What can I do?


i started adding carbs but even white rice which i hear is so easy to digest
Makes me look 9months pregnant
Any tips for this issue?


I have a quick question if you can maybe answer can i complete leave keto after i reach my goal weight like not eat 5000 calories but the calories that my body needs like 2700 calories and can I eat whatever i whant because i will be in a calorie deficit will i still gain weight or will i be 80kg and mentain the weight?


I've reached my weight loss goal after 45 days on the ketogenic diet .. now i want to go the GYM and build muscles .. what diet should I go on with? .. thanks


I mean even if I do increase my carbs I'm still not going to be eating rice bread or cereal. So I not only went keto but also gluten free. Even when I reach my goal weight I cannot eat too much fruits or stuff with too much sugar because I have a tendency to have sugar crashes. That is why I stuck with keto because it helped me maintain my blood sugar and I rarely had any crashes and I was Fuller a lot longer. I have also went on a gluten-free diet as well and even when I lose the weight I will still be reading ingredients and nutrition labels. But it sounds like I will have to decrease my fats and add more variety to my diet. I would prefer to stick to two meals a day like I've been doing and fasting. I have a once a month cheat period. I mean I could still add fruits back to my diet but it's not going to be a large amounts of it. I have since lost 40 lb and still have 80 more pounds to lose. So I will be continuing the keto diet until I lose all the weight and then I plan on going on a more lenient version of Keto which is 40 to 50 g of carbs per day. 🤔


So I've been on keto for about 3 months now and I lost 11 kg. My goal was bigger than 11kg but I'm going to travel soon and I feel like keto will be hard while travellings. I'm just going to cut it for about 9 days and then go back on keto, I'm really scared that I might gain weight even in the slightest


Hi i just wanted to ask, if i did the keto diet then took a break for two days like you said, will i still experience the symptoms everytime like fatigue and headches etc.?


Hello, i lost 7 kgs with keto but my goal was 14 kgs. I am tired of keto diet because of
My hectic routine, i have to eat Whatever is available sometimes. I wanna go to calorie deficit without gaining the weight i lost, and also want to keep on losing. Is it ok if i do fasting and take my carbs? Can i keep losing weight this way ?


Space out meals of keto, and some carbs no problem


I went off keto about 6 months ago, slowly started adding more carbs, I had stomach problems for months. I didn't gain a lot of weight back, until I started eating a lot more carbs again. I've gained about 10 lbs and I am bloated all the time. I was carb sensitive before keto, but I seem to be worse now. I'm not sure what to do, and I really don't want to go back on keto. I don't know how you would carb up without kicking your self off of ketosis. When I was on keto, if I eat too many carbs, I really didn't feel good, and I gained weight too. I was eating around 50 grams of carbs a day, and I was pretty clean. I'm frustrated that I'm gaining weight, and I'm not eating big portions either.
