Is Keto TOO Much for You? Do This Instead [Lower-Carb/Better-Carb]

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A keto diet is a very low carb diet. The purpose of a keto diet is to encourage your body to produce ketones, which are breakdown products of fat metabolism. Ketones can be measured, and if your body is producing them, you are burning fat.

In other words, a keto diet is an effective fat-loss diet. But what if it is too extreme for you? Restricting your carb intake to around 20 or 30 grams per day cuts out a lot of favorite foods and limits fruit and other plant-based foods.

So what do you do if keto feels out of reach? You can get fat loss results by simply reducing your carb intake and making better carb choices. This video explains the difference and how you can enhance this less extreme strategy to make fast, healthy progress.


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Disclaimer: Dr. Becky Gillaspy, DC received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1991. Her use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to herself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Gillaspy was a licensed chiropractor in Pennsylvania, but she no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Gillaspy and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Dr Becky Fitness LLC and Dr. Rebecca Gillaspy, D.C. are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any conclusions drawn, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
Рекомендации по теме

This lady is so peaceful and well spoken.


You are the only person in the Keto/Low Carb space that doesn't need to shout to get their message across. I love that. 😁


I like keto but it's a little too much at times. I lean more toward the lower/better carb eating healthy! Thank you for this.


I stopped sugar, soft drinks fast food, deep fried, bread and alcohol. Researched better nutrition choices to improve my blood chemistry; lipids, A1C and such. Just making better nutritional choices, eating smaller portions and nothing after 6:00pm. Add a daily dose of exercise and I’m down 50lbs in 4 months. No “diet” with a fancy name and plan to maintain.


Keto makes me constipated, unable to sleep, and emotional. Lower/better carb helps all of those things but still keeps me healthier. Do what YOUR body needs.


Keto IS too much for me, but I've had great success with eating as low-carb as I can go, with your well-studied guidance. THANK YOU!😊


Thank you for pointing out the unfortunate strife between diet camps - it is a real thing. Just eating should never have become so difficult to figure out. Like you said, all healthful ways of eating really boil down to avoiding processed food first and foremost. Then whatever way of eating works best best for you - go for it and perhaps leave others to eat in the way that best suits them without fighting over it all. We all need to make adjustments in our diets as we learn, as we age, and as as we are able to afford. Success to each of you!


This is the most rational and sensible diet video I have watched in quite a awhile. The most pleasant presenter ever and very well communicated! Thank you for both content and presentation!


As a person who doesn’t like to count, measure, and be told how to eat I really love love love this video. I have been doing intermittent fasting for four years mostly 18/6 and three months ago, cut out dairy, sugar, and gluten, have reduced snacking, (which were always carbs) and the weight is coming back off again. So much more sustainable.


You are really providing a wonderful service and gift to all of us who just want to feel better and be healthier. Thanks for all of the hours and effort you put in for the videos which are so down-to-earth, informative, laid-back, and comprehensive. I like that you don't speak too fast, too. 🙂


I really love not only that you did this video, but your ultra soothing, empathetic tone! 🥰


I despise the keto police. I use low carb 125 grams of carbs during holidays/vacations. I always go back to 20 grams or less of carbs most days. I have maintained 80lb wgt loss for 3 yrs.


I've been following you for a few weeks now. I cut added sugar 3 weeks ago and then started following the full 0-1-2-3 plan 2 weeks ago. Down 7 pounds already, and no longer feeling hungry all day!


Listening to your soothing voice already make my blood glucose stable 😁. Thank you very much for those explanation and advice Dr Becky 🙋🏻‍♀️🥰


Yes, this is the kind of sustainable diet that I want to eat! More videos about low/better carbs 👍🏽


This is what I’ve been doing and I’m losing weight every week 100 gms net carbs daily. Lost six lbs the first week.


Your videos and instruction is always perfect


I was in the prediabetic stage but thankfully I’m out of that range but realize that I can easily get back there! I was doing keto but it’s just too restrictive and I have been researching the diabetic diet and saw that it ranges from 100-140 carbs per day and I like that. Your video is great as most of us in this situation got there because of the processed foods that are so readily available and taste so good. I will now be following your advice for better healthier carb choices. Thank you!


Thank you for this video! I’ve been struggling with Keto trying to stay at 20 carbs a day. I’m having issues with my energy levels and constipation (sorry tmi). I feel like I can now try low carb. I already cut out sugars and processed foods but would like to add more healthy fruits back in. ❤️


Thank you. I am almost 74. I am in great shape due to being a life long Dancer/runner AND my own food journey. I go back to the Atkins days so I devised a hybrid diet in more recent years of trying to keep my healthy carbs to 50-60 gms. I am generous with my proteins, make sure I get healthy fats, and now being older try to keep my sugars at 22-28gms.
