9 Keto Fruits You Can Eat All The Time Without Gaining Weight

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In this video you'll discover the best and healthiest fruits to keep you in ketosis and continue with your weight loss journey. This list of keto fruit list will surprise you!

// T I M E S T A M P S

00:00 Berries, especially blueberries and strawberries
03:53 Avocados are great for keto
05:33 Coconut oil & MCT oil are great keto fats
06:40 Grapefruit is great for keto
07:55 Olives and olive oil (yes you can cook with olive oil)
13:00 Lemons/limes are great for liver support on keto
15:00 Watermelon on the keto diet?
16:55 Cherries are keto friendly
18:36 Cranberries are a great keto fruit
20:54 Bonus Tip: Do this before or after eating fruit

In this video, we're going to share with you 9 keto fruits you can eat all the time without gaining weight. These fruits are low in carbs and will help you reach your keto goals!

If you're looking for new ways to enjoy your keto diet, then you need to check out these fruits! They're low in carbs and will help you reach your keto goals without sacrifice! Who knows, you might even start liking fruit again!

Keto fruit eating doesn't have to be a restrictive way of eating – with these 9 keto fruits, you can enjoy delicious without worrying about weight gain or health issues. In this video, we'll show you how to eat keto fruits without any fuss, and you'll be able to eat them guilt-free!

Studies & Resources

Freezing blueberries improves antioxidant availability

Anti-clotting. Anti-thrombotic effect of strawberries

Anti-lowering bad cholesterol effect of strawberries

C8 caprylic acid for raising ketones

Grapefruit juice for diabetes

Olives Lower Risk for Diabetes and Obesity

Olives Lower Blood Pressure, Increase HDL, & Other Amazing Benefits

Lemons/lives for antioxidants, heart health, immune health.

Watermelon on keto can help with blood pressure, heart health, good cholesterol.

Cherries on keto can help with gout and sleep

Cranberries on keto for urinary tract infections, immune health, and warding off infection.

Exercise to help with post prandial glucose

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// F O L L O W

#ketodiet #ketogenic #keto

Ben Azadi is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition - Practitioner in Miami, Florida. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a health practitioner/patient relationship between Ben Azadi and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Ben Azadi is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
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Thanks for sharing this information one person on YouTube suggested only eating Avocados, Olives and Tomatoes which does not seem a lot of choice.


Thank you! I am new to keto and I've been avoiding fruit. Now I feel better about it. My fave is strawberries!


My children say I'm obsessed with Watermelon!! After becoming bored of raspberries and blueberries I found that Watermelon did not effect my fat%

It's also very hydrating and filling.. I love it!


I grew up in Puerto Rico and coconut was a staple in my house.
Not just the fresh coconut water but the coconut meat was my favorite. My mom also used the coconut meat to make my diabetic brother low sugar treats 😊. I just moved to Florida and so happy good quality coconuts are in abundance here. Love love love it


Thank for this video. I think every fruit lover appreciated this one.


Great video actually. 99% of the people on Keto have every fruit marked as a no go. They should see this video and have the recommended intake of some, then rotate them so they can have different the next day and so on.


Cherries! Thank you for this great information!


Love all the fruits. Coconut is my favorite. I eat a little of most fruits listed daily. Coconut, frozen berries, lime in my morning tea, few olives in my salad, and avocado.


didn't even finish the video (don't have time right now) but I subscribed right AWAY. I miss fruit much when I try to do keto....and I am sort of tired of having to always feel I am killing myself if I eat an apple. sigh.


good to know all this fruits are allowed on keto! but what about peaches and apricots?


Hi Ben, my favorite fruit is avocados and blueberries. Watermelon only as a salad.


I am Salicylate intolerant and therefore need to be careful but I love berries (yay) and Cherries is my favourite fruit.


Very helpful Ben and love your book Keto Flex…read it twice now and have therefore incorporated berries on my flex days. Quick q….what do you think is the optimal body fat percentage a man of similar age to you should target for health (I know weight loss is not the goal but byproduct)….and if I can ask what body fat % are you?
Thanks as always,
Reza from London


Raspberries strawberries cherries watermelon in the summer blueberries daily I learned a lot from this I didn’t think cherries were on the list I love cherries and I thought watermelon had to be limited he probably does but it was a very good instructional video thank you Ben 😊


I've been having mandarins lately. They are small and only have about 8 carbs, depending on size. 😊


Thanks Ben. "Much obliged" as the old timers used to say. Gary a.k.a. "Gospel Gary"


I love the occasional Raspberries, Blueberries and Strawberries but they’re not a part of my daily diet. Nice fresh sweet treat from time to time.


Good stuff, but be careful. I'm keto but have been watching a lot of carnivore videos. They say the daily recommended carbs is zero - we can thrive on nothing but steaks, if we want (or need to - some of them actually need to). I know, I know - they come off as extremists, but they aren't really wrong.

I remember thinking "what jerks" listening to them calling plants "toxins". But all plants actually are full of antinutrients - poisons or toxins, that can potentially harm all of us. Some of us are better at managing them - some of us get very, very sick eating plants. Ulcerative colitis, IBS, Hashimoto (thyroid autoimmune problem) and on and on - these are helped and even cured by carnivore diets.

So, as sexy and fun as it is to go through and spell out the potential benefits for fruits, humans can thrive - be insanely healthy - eating zero fruits. And veg. Remember, we're descended from people who not all that long ago did not have access to fruits and veg for most of the year. Today's fruit and veg mostly did not exist back then - we've bred them to be tastier and sweeter and so on. Going back 8000 years ago and earlier, our ancestors mainly lived on meat. More fish/shellfish if they were near the coast, but most lived 80% or more on red meat. And to be honest, up until the late 1800s to 1900s (trains, later roads and trucks, freezers, modern storage and so on), even industrial age people did not have year-long access to a wide variety of fruits and veg. They ate what was in season, and from late fall till mid-to-late spring, there was very little fruit and veg for poor and even middle class folk. If they'd preserved or pickled fruit and veg, that was likely all they had - and it often ran out.

What I've learned from carnivores is to be thankful that I can handle the nasty toxins in veg and fruit - and to be on the lookout for signs that maybe I'm not handling them as well as I think I am. We have to be prepared to cut way back on or abandon fruits and veg, if we determine they're hurting us too much. And many, many of us are greatly harmed by them.


What about those of us whose insulin resistance is so high that even just the sweet taste of something can trigger weight gain. Even a little of a very sweet fruit will cause a weight gain with me. Corn starch, pesticides, and preservatives also cause weight gain for me.


Cherries in season 🙌🏽🙌🏽 but Cherry juice 😳 lol
