Getting In Shape After 60 Years Old (MUST WATCH!)

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Getting In Shape After 60 Years Old - Hey guys, in this video tutorial for getting back in shape after 60, I am going to give you 4 great tips on how to get in shape fast after 60. As we get older, we need to do things differently than if we were back in our 20’s. Just because you are in your 60’s doesn’t mean you can’t get back in shape, so let’s get started with the first tip on how to get in shape at 60 years old.

The first tip of the best ways to get in shape is you have to get good quality sleep. You need to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night because sleep is the best time for your muscles to recover. Also, sleep is great for reducing stress. Stress increases hormones called cortisol, and the more cortisol you have the less testosterone you have. Sleep indirectly increases our testosterone levels because it decreases the cortisol levels. Also, you really want to hit the REM cycle when you sleep because that is where you will get the best quality sleep. Sleep is a great first step for getting in shape at 60 years old. Now onto the second tip to get in shape after 60 years old.

The second tip for how to get in shape after 60 is metabolic strength training. This means that you limit the amount of rest time between each set. What that does is it keeps your heart rate up, and it helps you burn more calories because it has increased the intensity of your workout. This is important because when you do this type of strength training it can help boost your metabolism. This type of workout method also increases a lot of your hormones. These high intensity workouts are a huge key for getting in shape after 60 years old. Alright, onto tip number 3 for how to get in shape fast after 60.

The third tip for how to get in shape at 60 years old is Anabolic Cardio. Don’t do steady state cardio, or casual bike riding. You want to take your long, slow cardio sessions and turn them into a short, intense Anabolic Cardio session. Sprinting is great, or HIIT which is High Intensity Interval Training. What you really want to do is increase the intensity for a short period of time, and doing this is great for getting back in shape after 60, and really is one of the best ways to get in shape. Doing it this way raises your metabolic rate for long after you stop exercising, which means you will be burning calories after you are done exercising. This is a huge key for getting in shape at 60 years old. Now onto the last tip to get in shape after 60 years old.

The last tip for how to get in shape at 60 years old is focusing on your nutrition. Combining intermittent fasting with carb-cycling is one of the best ways to get in shape. With intermittent fasting, you go for 16 hours without eating, which leaves you an 8 hour window to eat. That is called the 16/8 method for intermittent fasting. There is also the 24/2 method, which means that 2 days in the week you don’t eat anything. Just make sure to spread those 2 days out, and don’t do them back to back. This is a huge key for getting in shape after 60 years old. Combining this with carb-cycling makes it even better for getting in shape at 60 years old.

Alright guys, that wraps up this video tutorial for getting back in shape after 60. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos on how to get in shape after 60:
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Forget what other people tell you, you CAN get in shape after 60 and I'll share how in this video. Comment below and let me know what you think!


I used your videos 2 and a half years ago, I lost weight, I started playing team sports again, I'd never felt so good in my life, But I got diagnosed with level 4 melanoma they put me on medication and it just drained all my energy. So, here I am again, on 100 percent remission, I'm almost 62 and I need to do something. I started just 2 days ago.


1. Sleep.
2. High intensity interval training (HIIT).
3. Intermittent fasting + carb cycling.
4. Nutrition.


Just turned 60. Low carb high fat diet and 16/8 intermittent fasting. Lost 25 pounds in 11 weeks. Lift 3 times per week. At 12% bodyfat. It can be done!


Listen to this man. Here is true wisdom for a fit way of life.


Hi Mark, thanks for the content. I'm in the 60 year old bracket and would value any further content, specifically for this age group such as: Flexibility exercises, best fasting options, protein increases if required, weekly exercise schedule.

Just some thoughts. Keep up the great work for us oldies!


You can't outtrain a bad diet... I learned that the hard way training so hard and having poor results. Then I started following the Agoge diet, and I finally started seeing some awesome results.


Forgot to mention that a good night's sleep is non-existent, I use Ny-Quil and Melatonin to nod off, been using them for years, even then I only sleep a few hours, wake up, then can't go back to sleep for another few hours. A good night's sleep? What's that? How do people do it? I don't want sleeping pills, afraid of addiction. And why should I struggle with a normal function? Even cows & sheep sleep better than me. Then I'm tired all day because I only got 4-5 hours


Bless you for helping us, am 61 and feeling tyred All the time, highly bloated, as a full time carer no time to nothing, iam dying to do some fitness training, got own weights, and need a simple meal plan for energy ⚡, watching your videos getting more interesting thanks


I'm 62, divorced, 80 pounds overweight (overweight almost all my life), have osteoarthritis (OA) in both knees--knee surgery in one knee--it's spreading all over my body & moving is agony. My back is out of wack; sometimes I'm bent sideways like a crab & can't straighten up. I swim every morning but the "fix" is temporary. Used to go to the gym until COVID closed it. I've NEVER, EVER liked physical activity (I used to feign illness to get out of gym class as often as I could). I'm in constant pain, my stomach is always hurting (poor gut health?), I have headaches almost every day (too much diet soda?), I try to eat healthy but really like my starchy, sugary carbs, I almost get high at the thought of a dish of ice cream, especially with a cookie on the side, or a quick meal from Burger King or the local pizza joint. I tried Keto but missed oatmeal, bread, etc. I don't consider that bad for you. I'm almost ready to throw in the towel, I feel so hopeless & addicted to bad It's a good thing my grandkids don't live nearby because I couldn't keep up w/them anyway. The thought of feeling no pain, of being happy & healthy is so foreign to me as to be almost incomprehensible. My life is a total mess physically. You're giving me some hope, Mark--and you look fantastic!


Mostly about diet. Yeah, walking a lot and carrying home those heavy buckets of ice helps. I love the Farmer's Walk. My Irish aunt, at 70 odd, was still carrying home buckets of water a half mile from the well. I should be so lucky. That potatoes and cabbage diet must have something going for it. Ha!


Thanks for the four tips I think the right on the money. I’m going to seriously try your for tips for three months and see what happens...


I have been drinking a cup of coffee every weekday for decades. Each cup equals 2 tspns of sugar. Thats 10 teaspons per week or 40 teaspoons per month. Due to slower metabolism after 60, that was easily staying in my mid section. Now I am try to cut it out.


I have not slept at night in so many years I forgot what that would even be like. Drove semis for a company at night until I retired, and just got used to it.


Love it, Mark. This video rocks, an award-winner.


Being fit. Means endurance.
Long term low intensity is what builds endurance.


What's plenty of sleep? I workout everyday, I'm 60 and I don't think I've ever gotten more than 6 hours of sleep in the past 30 years.


Thank you sir this make total sense, I am going to follow your advise, And apply these tips to my life.


I will be 60 in 2 months, my carb cycling consists of Natrol Carb intercept, I eat normal food at normal times and yes this includes fast foods, but I never super size !


You nailed it in this short video. Great job
