3 Things Narcissists Fear The Most (& Don't Want You to Know 🤫)

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If you've experienced narcissistic abuse, you may feel like you're dealing with lasting damage to your mental health. Narcissistic abuse can leave you feeling powerless, confused, and deeply hurt. But there is hope for healing and recovery. In this video, we'll explore the brain damage caused by narcissistic abuse and show you how to reverse its effects.

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I look forward to helping you on your journey to not just survive after narcissistic abuse but THRIVE

Love Caroline Strawson xoxo

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Accountability is NON EXISTENT AT ALL. It’s insane how they refuse to accept their behaviors.


I feel like they are demons manifested in human form


I recommend the movie Gaslight. There are two versions. The one I recommend is from the 40s starring Ingrid Bergman. It really opened my eyes to what my husband had systematically been doing over the years.
Narcissists are truly evil people. They are always calculating, always trying to work an angle to get the upper hand.
No empathy or concern for others, master manipulators, and liars.


My narcissistic ex didn't understand that no matter how much love I had for the Good side of him I was never afraid to lose him because there was no way I was going to stick around and let him take me down.


17 years with a narcissist and I barely know how to think for myself anymore. Thanks for the video


My husband of two months is showing many signs of narcissism. I am mortified and dont know what to do! This is horrible! He also does something like trauma based dependency stuff too like constantly having our house in turmoil and chaos, like our physical belongings...and he is the answer. He (thinks) he is. He throws away stuff of mine because he knows it upsets me. He's super clingy and always has to hug or hold me and tells me he loves me like 50 times a day sometimes, but he doesn't SHOW me he loves me. He does the opposite. But on the outside looking in, no one can see it but me. This is gonna be a tough road for me. We didn't know each other long before getting married, and now I'm regretting not dating for longer. But honestly, I don't think I would have known any of these things about him if we didnt live together first....so it's all good. I pray that God will give me the answer and path to take, cause I know that the only way out of a narcissistic relationship is a miracle from God cause a narcissist will never change.

UPDATE: He is gone and we are done. I broke it off with him and we got a divorce. I think a lot of you are missing that in my comments here. So let's celebrate FREEDOM FROM NARCISSISTS! Invest in yourselves!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


My husband is a Covert Narcissist and he will switch blame in seconds if he feels a threat that he did any wrong when it is constructive criticism he doesn't know the difference and he gets angry and goes to his bedroom and slams his door and takes a tantrum. This has been very difficult for me over the years and I'm glad I'm leaving him.


Watching this with tears in my eyes. I’m so tired.


Never again will i throw everyrhing i have in a relationshipp ..Im healing and getting stronger ..’it takes time .. Dont think about the good times .. remember how much time and energy that vampire sucked out of you .. In arguments and lies … i used that pain to grow .. Ive been taking my rage and pain out in training on a daily base . Since septembre 2021 ..
Im living my teenage dreams at 40 to be in shape and have a 6 pack .. Best shape of my life .. and started my own construction company .. Dont waste your time looking and searching for answers .. You will keep poisoning your brain .. I know the struggle .. ive been there .. i know more about cluster B ´s than i know myself … Even doe you miss them or you think your in love with them
after they treated you worst tham shiit and left you for dead.. Deep down you know It aint right … Respect that feeling ! Respect yourself .. those people are so broken and ugly inside they lie to themselves .. to make it true everysingle day .. If you have been with a narcissit its because you are beautiful inside .. you see good in bad .. you give your trust to everyone .. you want the best for everyone .. you project yourself into others .. just like a narcissit does opposite sides … thats a gift ! Learn how to give it to the right person …


It’s really exhausting and traumatizing when you finally get out!


I was the perfect prey for my narcissists… completely loving and non judgmental


I’m currently with a narcissist and he says I changed and he wishes I go back to my old self from when we first met … he doesn’t even realize that the only reason I’ve changed is because of him. It’s So frustrating when the person that’s causing you pain can look you in your face and ask you why you are the way that you are.


Was married to one. Took me years to realise. He ended his 25 year friendship with his best friend because he said he was not putting him first. I explained that your best friend works 45 hours a week, is married with a baby and toddler, so of course he is not going to put you first. Was watching the news about soldiers who had died in a bombing being bought back from overseas in coffins. My then husband said "that could have been me" When I asked what he meant? He repeated himself, Confused. I said what are you on about? He said well that could have been me. I tried to explain that he is not a soldier, because he never wanted to join the armed forces, plus would never travel to such as dangerous place like these soldiers have been sent to. He really could not understand where I was coming from. When I got cancer he charged me petrol money to take me to some of my apps I was unable to take myself to. He refused to look after me and when I asked why? He said because "I'm not the one getting the attention". He was very tight with money, but not on himself. I asked once to borrow £10. But was asked so many questions about how long would it take me to pay it back and what do I want to spend it on etc? I said don't bother. Since the divorce he has taken me to court several times. I have read this is quite common as a way to try and get back at you, even control you. He has now brainwashed our only child. Courts are now involved and the report made confirmed my belief that he is alienating our child, not only against me, my side of the family. Again I have read this is quite common with a narcissist. My family believe because I have coped well since the divorce, bought a house, car and seem happy (because I'm free) I don't ask about him, because I don't think about it, therefore I show no interest in him and this is what is driving him mad, Sorry for the long message, but if any of this sounds like what you are going through with a partner who only thinks things from their point of view and really can not understand yours or anyone else's and do selfish things, do what they want etc... Yet criticises you or others for doing the same, but can not understand the fact they are being a hypocrite, then you will never get them to see, because I honestly believe they are born like that and their minds work differently and therefore just don't have the capacity to see what non narcissistic people can. Of course there are different levels or narcissism, but something can make it worse. Like having parent/parents who think you can never do/be wrong. Doing well at their job, giving them a big ego, getting lots of attention which they find flattering, so many things can sett off their dormant narcissistic traits or make them even worse. If you are involved with a narcissist. Don't bother to argue with them. Because they are never wrong, blame failings on other factors, will never say sorry, show little to no empathy and don't like to compromise. Just walk away and say "WHATEVER" They can't stand it. Again sorry for the long message. I hope it may help?


My ex flat out lied to me about her cheating. No accountability.
I left her and she was devastated with abandonment. Rejection.
She has been stalking me in the most bizarre ways. She can’t stand that I’ve moved on


I recently left my narcissistic BF because I did my own healing work. It feels wonderful to be free to be me again! There is hope-choose YOU! ❤


Which is why my ex threatened me with a long lascerated knife .because i was questioning his behaviour and just wanted to calmly talk about what was going on .nut he saw this as a threat i guess , and the fear of having to own up to the behaviour is something he didn't appreciate. Well i am happy to say i am no longer married to him .freedom for me and my children is just bliss.


I put up from this for years but thank God I believe he removed me from this and now I feel so free. Don't give up people you are so loved 🥰🥰🥰


So true, thank you. It's always good to be reminded that I did the right thing. There is no pleasing, helping or changing them. I left. Covid gave me my freedom back & I've spent the last 2 & a half years learning about the human psychy & behaviours & healing, finding, working on myself & recovering from narcissistic & sociopathic abuse.


I’m moving out tomorrow! I’m so scared but proud at the same time I’m glad I found this video today !!!
