3 Things Narcissists Do To Make You Look Like The Crazy One #npd #narcissism

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My ex did all of these things. She would bring up a sensitive subject, and then keep putting words in my mouth until I stood up to her and then she went around telling her friends I was starting fights for no reason. She also ran smear campaigns WHILE we were together, and used that to gaslight and triangulate me with her friends, her family, AND her therapist. The last one I actually have physical evidence of - she sent me an abusive letter calling me a coward, and blaming me for the emotional and psychological abuse she inflicted on me.

Craziest two years of my life. It'll take a while to recover.


She did the pushing me over the edge, then the covert manipulation with plausible deniability, mirroring, dog whistling, gas lighting and Smear campaign.


All three. Even did everything today.


Mine has done all 3. I’m trying to get out and he’s sending a recording of me reacting to him, to everyone…including my own family. But at least my family knows better and made it clear to him that they aren’t buying it.


Mine cyber stalks with their flying monkeys! I ignore because my tolerance is finished. I just don't care about their ignorance anymore!


I’ve experienced all three with a narc relative. I am going No Contact, and will never be sucked in again. Never again.


I think once you accept they do this, see it how they see it, explain it how the explain it, you just go, i remember what happened, what was said and how it affected me, not just in that moment but always after that. They claim perfection and thats when i bow out. Im done.


Go no contact and end the charade. A narcissist can't accuse you of anything if you do not associate with them


Mine used to gaslight me in front of a crowd of people.


My ex used to push my buttons right before we were going on trips with friends, I looked like the raving lunatic and he looked like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth.


Number 2 mostly when interviewer asks actors questions


This makes me sad to know that all these videos on this channel are so exactly spot on true that this man must have gone through this too and now helping others. Grateful and inspiring but sad too that he suffered this too or there would be no other way of knowing all this. We don’t learn this from a book. We’ve lived it.😢🙏🏼❤️💪❤️


My mom is a master at these and all things narc.


So true! My ex is a drug addict and I'm not. I caught him and a mutual friend smoking meth in my kitchen and kicked them out. He made me look like the bad person even tho both knew I never allowed drugs in my house.
He'd also take my money before we would go into a bar so it looked like he was paying for everything for us. Then i looked nuts for saying he never paid for anything.
The day I was able to get him out of my life and my kid's life, he went nuts and police were involved. That week he was interviewed by local newspaper's reporter doing an article on the homeless. My ex turned the story into me being the abuser in the article. I hadnt seen it. My neighbor and someone else contacted the reporter and told him to look up my ex's record bcs i was given a 10 year injunction on him. The reporter fixed the article.
Sorry this is long.


All three.But i did not know that he was a narcissists at first.I was thinking this was normal🤦‍♀️


I’ve experienced this when I was pregnant out of nowhere he would provoke me accusing mo of things that untrue and even questioning who’s the father of my baby then when I got mad he would video recorded me


It's currently happening to me and I'm learning to catch it.

I take my own video for my own use. Not to share.

But all three. I've been in and out of narcissistic relationships and this time it's my close friends who have isolated me. I no longer have friends of course. I never was able to catch on and always thought I was a narcissist. But no, this time around I have been researching and it's definitely not me. I'm an empath and take on certain traits of the narcissist but I found by doing this it can further allow me the empath to know if I am being abused. By simply tasting their bait, I don't like the taste and I run.


This is why it's so important to document


It took me 33 years and a narcissistic relationship of my own to realize this is what my mother has been doing to my father for years. Sick!


He use to hide my phone, to make me feel I was losing my mind, the other baiting me into a reaction, so I'm the problem.😏🚩🏃‍♀️
