Natural Mobility Training for Beginners

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Feeling stuck in your body? This Follow Along Natural Mobility for Beginners Routine will improve your body's flexibility gently, but surely! If you'r looking to gain hip mobility, shoulder flexibility, ankle mobility and open up your spines range of motion... you are in the right place 😀.

For those looking to dive a bit deeper....

Want to FREE your body to MOVE and FEEL BETTER?

This Follow Along Natural Mobility Training features just 2 mobility exercises. The Squat and the Hang. Both of these exercises are done passively in order to gently load your joints improving flexibility and active and useable mobility. This Follow along routine will help hip flexibility and hip mobility, ankle mobility, shoulder mobility through shoulder flexion and thoracic spine mobility through thoracic extension. These exercises can be used by beginners on there way to unlocking more range of motion in their body and can also be used by more advanced practitioners to maintain proper movement capacity. If you haven't ever tried this combo... you are in for a treat!

Learn more & stay connected with Josh

Natural Flexibility Exercises, Natural Flexibility Stretches.
Рекомендации по теме

I've now reached day 100 for squatting 30 minutes each day and day 70 for hanging!😃 Massive improvements!! Never stopping now!


I’ve had two spine surgeries and nerve damage to my genitals. I am beginning a new program and following you. Praying for healing. Your statement about how your body can adapt to new stimuli resonated with me. I will be spending much more time In that squat.Thank you.


Thank you so much for creating your follow along videos to increase mobility, strength and range of motion. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis a year ago but the progression of this autoimmune disease for 8 years before it had a name.
MS has reduced my mobility which leads to underused muscles, more tightness, less mobility... I do yoga, go to the gym for strength training but have found your simple to follow and very organic routines to be the most effective.
Thank you so much, your videos are healing and give me so much hope for improving if not completely recovering my full mobility!!!! Love, light, gratitude and radiant health to you and everyone desiring a better quality of life ❤️!!!


Thanks so much. I am 80, squats have been part of my daily routine for many years. I have a hanging bar, so that's also wonderful. Thank you for confirming
that I am 'on the right road'. Sincerely, Valerie.


Dude 2 days of this has helped with my patello femoral pain syndrome!!


Wow I’m a competitive paddler and out with a bulging disk and tons of pain. Also still recovering from a broken ankle. Years of paddling and not much stretching. Found you while looking for help online. I’ve started your videos and they are giving me instant results. I’m committed to better mobility with your videos ! Thank you for improving our health! ❤️


Wow, suffer of PTSD and longtime-hardcore-addiction and been until now just treating myself with stuff like Jin Shin Jyutsu, not only because iam lazy, also because i feel really uncomfortable in my body, -or should i say "felt", cause today in the morning i finally got my self there to start something more physical.. -amazing! Its afternoon now and i just want to continue. Long time ago, that i felt so vital and integrated in my body. Thanks!!


I subscribed like a month ago, I did your knee bullteproofing thing. It works! Walking up steps are easier and it eases my knee tendinitis!


I was never able to sit in a squat until i went to bali n watched a guy build a wall in the squat position i then realized how western life styles are so different..
30min 30 days my new challenge for November... thanks


Love this, nothing flash, Basic, Sound, Wise!! Thank you.


Love it Thankyou 🙏🏼 After round three I was feeling so much freedom, Iv traveled through Asian countries and loved the way the old people sit so comfortably in a squat and there bodies look so healthy, it's gotta be good. 💟


So simple yet so challenging - 🙏 I have never been able to sit like this so I need it the most - and I will manifest the change and keep you posted. A year ago I was assaulted and couldn’t walk without pain and a cane- today I am doing squats and hangs with you - I am transforming - thank you for helping me on my journey!


Just did this for the first time. Surprised how refreshing it feels!
A real wake up call on my decreased mobility...
Really like all your vids, but can’t do half of them yet lol. Funny how we take our flexibility and mobility for granted over the years!


"hopefully there´s some ground where you´re at"


Hanging is AMAZING. My shoulders feel so much healthier since I've incorporated it in my life.


I think this is something I've always wanted! I've never really been a fan of the gym. This seems so free, flexible and liberating. Only requires yourself and possibly a park 😂 New subscriber!


I've been doing this most mornings for about 2 weeks now and my grip has gone from 5 seconds to 30! That first squat is quite stiff but by the 3rd I'm like "I'm never using chairs again!" 👍🏻✌🏻


Your explanations are very informative, especially about putting stress on your body and then allowing it to adjust during the period of discomfort never thought of it that way.


My very first day doing this. I knew I lack upper body strength but hanging for 60 seconds was panick/agony so it’s clear I need it. Thank you Josh.


Iam a big Guy over 300lbs. I tried this. At first my knees really hurt I had to hold on to something. I did the hanging and I find that stretches everything out nice. Iam in my Mid 50s I highly recommend this as a morning stretch. In the end I feel great!!! Ive done weights on and off for yrs. Its nice just to dosome Body weight exercise. Thanks for your Channel bro!!!
