10-Minute Daily Habits: Do They Really Change Your Life?!

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I tried four new 10-minute daily habits for 7 days to see what happened.
If you want to change and improve your life, try a 10-minute challenge this week too!

00:00 Introduction
01:09 Challenge # 1: Exercise
03:15 Challenge # 2: Self-Care
05:20 Challenge # 3: Writing
07:06 Challenge # 4: Learn Something
09:48 Get Organized HQ
11:14 End Story


Podcast Channel on Youtube: @ClutterbugPod

#organization #homeorganizing #homehacks
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Most people look forward to Friday or the weekends. I look forward to every Clutterbug video.


I called in a 'stink' that I smelled while driving through an intersection in our "old" town ... it turned out to be a gas leak. I've always been taught "better safe than sorry." 👍😊


Umm, I don’t know how you say you don’t follow through on anything, you have a successful business, have written books, care for your home and family, AND you are in firefighter training?!!!! YOU are rocking it already! But I understand there’s room for growth! ❤


"I could sand wood with my feet."-Cass, I laughed so hard. Thank you for consistently being open & entertaining-It is just as helpful as your advice!


I'm a person who calls. One time after midnight, there was crazy couple fighting across the hwy, I went outside and my neighbor was out and said he had called the police to which I replied "me too" ... fight over. Another time I came home and smelled smoke but found nothing. Called the fire dept, they came out checked my house, found nothing, even got in the attic! A neighbor from the next street over came to me and asked if I was smelling smoke as about 5 homes on the other street had been smelling smoke since 3pm (now 6pm). I told the fire chief and he RAN to the other homes as he pointed to me and yelled "your house is okay". The chief came back to my house and said my call saved those 5 other houses from burning down. It ended up a transformer that those 5, plus my 1 house was severly overcharging. I don't remember the exact details, but it was approx 5 times the safe level. That transformer had been hit by lightening twice in the few short years I lived in the house (FL). It's a phone call. Better safe than sorry, so if you think you should call.. CALL! Thanks for yet another great video Cas!! Keep being AWESOME!!❤


I smelled a “stink” on the side of our house where the gas line is. My husband said he couldn’t smell anything, and that it was probably nothing. However, I couldn’t let it go. I called the power company. They sent a technician out. Sure enough, we had a small gas leak. So glad I called. You did the right thing!


*She's MIGHT just be the most humble and HEART WARMING PERSON to EXIST*


I got one. I was traveling home from work late at night on some back country roads on a really foggy night . I was on the phone with my husband and I saw blue lights out of nowhere. Told my hubby I was going to pull off and ask the officer if we could go to the gas station about 5 miles away. Pulled over just past the crossroads...the lights were gone..no cop. Got back on the road, went about a mile and bam! Blue lights again. Called hubby, pulled over just passed a turn off. Lights disappeared again. I get back on the road turn on our street and bam! Blue lights again hubby states " you're only a half mile away. Just come home. I'll meet you in the yard.". So I turn on my flashers to signal that I was aware the cop was behind me and slowly made my way home. Pull in and see my husband laughing as he approaches the back of our van. He had hung my son's "police" light up shoes on the back of the seat . The shoes were pulling me over.


"Should you call in a stink?" Yes. My reasoning: I live near an intersection that has a weirdly high number of car accidents and I have a window that gives me a direct view. I called the first few times I saw an accident and was told "you're the second/third/fourth person to call, we're already handling it." A few months ago, I saw an accident and questioned whether I should call it in because "other people probably already called." I ended up deciding I'd rather be annoying than let someone die because I was too scared of being annoying, so I called.

That time, both drivers were severely injured and unconscious and I guess I was the only one awake at 3 am to see it happen, so nobody had called yet. Now I call every time unless I can see that everyone's walking around and nobody's panicking. I just can't risk being the one person who could have prevented something awful but was too scared of potential future embarrassment to save lives.


Your funny smell story made me think about one my son, who is a firefighter, told me. They were called out by people who “smelled gas.” The people who were new residents, from a foreign country, said they could smell it outside and in their house. The dispatcher told them to get everyone out of the house. The family complied and then secured their dogs in their car so they wouldn’t be frightened by the fire trucks and run away. Turns out the dogs had crawled under the porch and were sprayed by a skunk. They then came into the house. Now the skunky dogs are in the family car!! It was hard for the firefighters not to laugh hysterically while breaking the news to the family. Guess they now knows what a skunk smells like.


I have been doing duo lingo for 133 days now about 10-15 minutes a day! I’m studying Italian!!!’ Always enjoy listening to you Cass!!!!💕


My eldest son keeps telling me it's not until after 2 weeks that your body starts rewarding you for exercising. So hang in there, @Cassandra.


From childhood I aspired to be an artist. Two plus years ago I learned to do zen doodles. Fascinated, I challenged myself to do one a day for a year. I completed the challenge and then challenged myself to do pencil drawings everyday for a year. I still do them, I keep a small sketch pad in my purse, so wherever I go I can draw. I have drawings from the Dr’s office, the people at McDonald’s, the ER waiting room (with my grandson), flowers, ideas from Pinterest, etc. I draw every chance I get. My next challenge was to paint (watercolor) everyday. I do these things everyday without fail, gratifying and validating.


Cass I am so eternally grateful to you and your channel! About a year ago I watched a video where you put your clothes into boxes amongst some other tips. I have ADHD and struggle with object permanence (if I can’t see it I don’t have it!) so all my clothes would be on the floor constantly so I could see what I had. Then I’d get overwhelmed at the task of putting them back or they’d be dirty because they’d touched the floor. It was a nightmare. I put my clothes into clear boxes, one for tops, one for bottoms, etc. Now I can see what I’ve got and just take out one box at a time rather than the whole wardrobe. I figured like most things it wouldn’t stick and I’d be back to my old habits but it’s been over 10 months and not a single item of clothing has touched the floor🥹🥹 However small that might seem it has literally changed my life. Sending so much love to you and yours❤❤


So, I discovered clutterbug at the same time as starting adhd meds. The two things changed my life and consequently, my households life. 2 months later I'm home sick, in a clean, uncluttered house. So much different. Such a better place to heal! Thank you Cas!


Writing a book, working out/wellness, walking, cooking/baking...so many things!!!


My husband noticed I was enjoying watercolor videos on social media and bought me a set of watercolors and brushes last year. They came out very infrequently until my husband nudged me to sign up for a class - the watercolors have stayed out and used ever since. Not daily but definitely weekly


As a therapist, I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!! Awesome job! And, you are such an amazing example for all of us!!!


I called the Fire department for a smell. I was staying in my grandma's home with a few of my siblings (she was living with family because she needed care). I got home late from some college classes and could smell smoke. They came and didn't find anything and kept accusing us of just burning brownies even though none of us had cooked that night.
A few days later we tried to do some laundry and the washing machine REALLY started smoking so we found out what did it. We weren't crazy.


Throw out, donate or recycle one thing every day!
