CHAIR EXERCISES for Seniors with 1950's themed music

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Since I created a standing version with 1950's themed music, I wanted to create a seated workout for those of you who can't do the standing one. This is an intermediate level workout so if you find it too fast, please just slow the pace down for yourself. I will create a gentle/beginner one soon. These chair exercises include 15 minutes of cardio, and the rest of the workout includes strength, balance and stretching exercises (which is why I call it an all-in-one workout). Please use your judgment on when to modify exercises. If you feel a move isn't good for you, please change the exercise to a move that is more suitable for you.

If you enjoyed the workout, please hit the like button (thumbs up) and write a comment! All of your thumbs up and comments tell the YouTube algorithms that you enjoyed the workout so that way it will get 'out there' more, and more people will be able to discover the workout. If you want to see more of these workouts, please hit the subscribe button and ensure you turn your notifications on so you see future videos from this channel (to turn notifications on, hit the bell beside the subscribe button).

Thank you so much for all of your support. Wishing you improved health,

00:00 Cardio
15:15 Strength
19:19 Balance
22:45 Stretching
29:00 Ending Words

#exerciseforseniors #1950workout #workouttothe50s

Disclaimer: You should always consult your physician before starting any 'Improved Health' fitness program or any other fitness program. You should understand when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge 'Improved Health' from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of participating in these exercise videos.
Рекомендации по теме

First, this was a knockout all around exercise routine! I chose to do one seated to tend to some tender parts, but realized that a seated workout as you designed it is as effective--if not more so-than standing! The walking/marching actually challenged my quads--and I've worked hard to get the strong and hard! Your smiles, facial messaging, and music brought joy to what normally can bring about some grunts and frowns. And Maya Angelou's topper was wonderful. I'm a fan of hers! Thank you so much, Jules. I normally do about 40 minutes of various routines daily, but today, I've gotten so much more out of 30 minutes!...Anastasia


Thank you for your smiling countenance. A great way to begin the day


Love this work out
! Thank you once again x


You certainly know how to rock a chair! Thank you so much for another treat of a workout!


This is the third video of yours I've tried; a bit challenging but very good. Thank you Jules.


Actually I was done with this day but then I heard the wonderful music and I had to do this workout. Thank you!


Hi Jules, I had a funny accident, I slipped on the stairs a little, but I regained my balance and felt nothing was amiss. Hours later a shooting pain came, and my ankle became more painful by the minute and it got swollen. And I did not sprain it! Anyway, I could never imagine a) to do your seated exercises b) that I would be happy for them! I did one of those shorter ones a 15 minutes long workout before going to work because I felt I should not put weight on my left foot exercising, it will be enough that I have to walk. I loved it and some parts were still hard for me with the arms, but that is my weakest part of my body. I just thought I would tell you because you are my dear cheerleader and my great support!


Great workout as always Jules. So thoughtful about all those people out there too who either are in a wheelchair or cannot stand due to some medical reasons. I did this today for a change and really enjoyed it. All in one and music as a bonus. Love it. Stay blessed❤️


As always a great start to the day see knee surgeon tomorrow I feel from doing these exercise videos everyday my knees and legs are so much stronger to help in recovery in the late spring . I love all your back drops you must have a 100 they make it pleasant to watch while working out not that your smile doesn't do that already thanks for caring and doing all these videos they changed my life in 2019 to have some form of exercise I could do every day Have a great day


Hullo Jules...i'd subscribed to your channel about 10 months ago, and have enjoyed working out with you every single session, and eagerly look forward to continuing doing so, for a long time to come:)
Yours are easily the best all-inclusive workouts out there...❤...the details you go into, the acting on suggestions given by viewers, your smiles!!!!
Thank you for all you do, stay blessed.
This workout sounded tame, but, posed a nice sweaty challenge!! It's made my day.🙏


Thank You Jules for this intermediate video. I loved it and I grew up in the 50's so the music was so awesome and brought back so many good memories of dancing to these songs doing the "Lindy Hop". Have a blessed day.


Really enjoyed this workout. Made me work. Felt so good. Thank you.


OMG.. What a superb workout
Being an active senior I moderate my practice in a seated position twice a week.. This is an excellent blend of balance and Cardio. Thank you so much Jules


I just did this routine with my 3 year old granddaughter and it was so fun.


We did this one today, but I had to modify a couple of moves. Struggling today. Felt so good yesterday, but today has been a bit rough. Retirement has definitely been a roller coaster. But each day we get up and do the best we can.


Ok, so I have been very reluctant to do chair exercises; I think I didn’t want to admit I really needed them.
I was surprised at what a great workout this really was. I kept up and got through it with no pain to my knee! I am ecstatic! Thank you so much for suggesting this. Again, Jules, you are by far the


Hi Jules! My sister and I have been woking out with you for over two years during our hysterectomy, mastectomy, chemotherapy. Am now dealing with rheumatoid arthritis and my sister will undergo open heart surgery. All your videos are easy follow, fun, and relaxing! Thank you so much. You make us stronger and happy 😊❤


Thanks to you I can stand and do the workout. A year ago I used the chair and felt in confident while walking. Many thanks, Dear Jules!!!


We opted to do this all-in-one today. It’s a challenge, yet easier on the joints, as you very well know….lol….
I keep repeating, but it’s so important, that it’s so great to have so many options to fit our daily needs.


Love your videos. You are my daily encourager to keep moving. Fast, slow, in between, at least I'm moving.
