Why do narcissists try to hurt you after the relationship ends | The Narcissists' Code Ep 734

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why do narcissists try to hurt you after the relationship ends and you leave them? Why are they so vindictive?

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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They are NARCISSISTS. They just can't fathom you not wanting them.


Once i see betrayal. Once i see evil. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. IM GONE FOREVER.


They even hate it when you don't react when THEY break up with YOU!


What i do not understand is how you can convince someone that left you to return to you by smearing them, causing harm to them in any way possible. How do you get them back after removing your mask and showing your real evil face to them.


My Toxic ex should have thought about how he was treating me!! He just thought I was never going to end the relationship !!! I stayed in the relationship longer than I should have !!!! I wasn't going to let him continue to emotionally, physically and mentally abuse me!! I gave him too many chances to get it right!!!


The idea of “an eye for an eye” seems so unfair. While in the relationship the narcissist abused and hurt you a million times and a million ways. Then when you leave they have to “get you back?!” The pain in the relationship already is disproportionate, then they have to hurt you more?!


What was crazy for me is that you have to be so patient with a narcissist and fuzz out so many boundaries that when they goad you on the way out, there's a really good chance they will get you to leap to their level. My narc breakup I absolutely was so burned out and broken down I unleashed the fires of hell and everything I could not say. Good news is no kids, no shared property. But it's crazy how someone can poke you until you are at their level. I became someone I don't even understand. Carrying that memory with me confuses me even now


It’s post separation abuse . This is another reason no contact is absolutely important forever.
Pride and ego but also splitting, domestic abuse ( power and control), shame and guilt, to take there trauma out on you . The wiring of a cluster b is simply not right . They are feeling and living from deep mental illness but it’s masked by how functional they are they live in trauma and you simply can’t sink into it . It’s better you break you’re own heart by leaving it staying no contact than being tortured.


"You're walking around thriving and I hate it!"🤣😂


I don't understand why when they cheat, they make it your fault. When you go no contact and file for divorce, they say you abandoned them and the family. The smear campaign, pettiness, lies, etc. become so intense!


So true. I have learned so much. Don't worry about the smear campaign. People who know you will stay with you. Others who believe in the smear campaign aren't worth any of your real estate in your brain. Staking, smear campaign absolutely. It is so worth it to be you and Never go back. Love you Andrews. Hopefully one day these narcissists will go to jail for defamation of character and stalking. We need to change the laws. We can do it.


Basically dont like rejection so it all becomes our fault.


I've seen this a lot with truly petty people. This is why I try to avoid them because someone who is so willing to keep coming after you after you've left them is struggling with some serious self esteem issues. I just walk away when I realize someone isn't for me. Any adult should be able to do the same peacefully and if you cannot, that is what therapy is for.


This have to be teach in the school! I was almost killed by my narcissist husband.Married very young, loved him very much!Sorry for losing 20 years from my life, and my children was traumatised 🥹Now, after another 20 years I am happy living my best life 😀💪✌️🌈Thank you for sharing ✌️🌹🌈❤️


they make us an outlet and what they do sometimes leave you in ruins!!! It's completely terrible!


I myself could never be in a romantic relationship with anyone remotely like these people. My problem is I have an ex son-in-law who is a covert malignant narcissist I believe. Who refuses to let me see my grandson that I raised the first seven years of his life and it's killing me I never met a crueler person in my life


It's true, women can be narcissists. My mother was a narcissist. My former mother and sister in-law are narcissists. They are evil.


This is the most irritating thing however bc it’s not like those who don’t have NPD don’t have to face shame in their life—they do! They just put their adult pants on and face it. It’s called being mature and accountable. I’m glad you’re able to do this Lee bc so many are not and I find it despicable. Utterly pathetic and completely abusive. Disgusting. Thank you for this.


Some avoid shame by pointing out what “you” should feel shame about. They deflect. You call them on their behavior and they say, “you’re not perfect. What about when you said that you wanted me leave the house? What kind of woman does that to someone they love?” They will never say, “I was emotionally abusive to you, I ignored you, I intimidated you and the children and I have to deal with the consequences of my actions.” A Narcissist will even bring another horrible person into the discussion and say, “at least I’m not like Sam who beats his wife daily.” You will end having a conversation about everything except the narc’s behavior. Classic deflection in a convo. And don’t try to hold them accountable because you never ever will win. Save your energy. Let them believe everything is someone else’s fault until they decide to work on themselves.


My spouse finally said he checked out the marriage he told me in the time of the rental lease to just keep distance in the house & so far its been that way. I don’t feel safe never know when the mood will swing however in the timing of silent treatment & being alone while he plotting his tricks of long suffering Im trying to figure away out of here, an escape back to my home state, no more caring if he cheating or gaining happiness i just want to get away from all this evil & get into a stable lifestyle. Keep me in your prayers for recovery healing safety and to a place I can call home. 🙏🏾
