Does Baptism Save a Person?

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This doesn't mean that an unbaptized person can't be saved without baptism because one is saved by believing in Christ. If someone who believes in Jesus dies before being baptized they are undoubtedly saved. Baptism is simply the ordinary means whereby God makes dead sinners alive.


The problem here is that the assumption is that Baptism is a work we do for God and to show our faith. This is not what Baptism is. God saves us through the waters of baptism as 1 Peter 3:21 says. Baptism doesn't save because God sees that someone has done this good work. Baptism saves because it is solely a work of God wherein He unites us to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 6, and Colossians 2), which alone save. We are saved entirely by works. Just not our own works. They are all the works of God which we simply receive by faith alone. This is a reason why infants should be baptized because it is so clear that they can't do anything to save themselves and God does all the saving. He even gives us the faith to believe.
