The CREEPIEST Cases of People Disappearing

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On July 6th, 1940, a man was fishing on a Lake infamous in the mountains of Washington state. As he drifted along in his boat, he saw some sort of figure in the water. When he got closer, it looked to be something wrapped in a blanket. Then, when he reached in to grab whatever it was, he immediately recoiled in horror. What he just felt was unmistakably a human limb. These are the creepy disappearances and legends around Lake Crescent. As always, viewer discretion is advised

Attributions/Special Thanks for Photographs:
Albert Herring, Virginia State Parks, Boston Public Library, Museoviraston Kuvakokoelmiin, Kms5333

Ambient Song:
"The End Is Coming" by CoAg

Writing and research of story 1 and 2 by Jay Adams

This video contains light dramatic reenactment but no actual footage or pictures of anyone being harmed or who has been harmed.

The thumbnail and image at 0 :11 are not a real images

And a huge thank you to the Scary Interesting team of writers, editors, captioners, and everyone else who make this channel possible.

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The amount of work put into the warrens case is crazy. Thats amazing a total stranger with no ties or obligations to the family put so much time and dedication into their case. Incredible. Its so sad that the kids endured that. That would be horrible believeing both ur parents just abandoned u.


I feel so bad for the two sons who grew up thinking their parents abandoned them. Thats really unfortunate. Thanks for another great upload, Sean!


One thing I absolutely love about these stories is that it doesn't just stop at the people who disappeared but also explains what happened to those they left behind.


As someone who lives in the area and has personally done many dives in Lake Crescent, including a visit to the Warren car, this video is extremely well researched! I'm so used to YouTubers spouting off misinformation, especially when it comes to the few things I actually consider myself knowledgeable in (such as diving), that I was expecting the worst, but you really did an excellent job here. Great video!


Crater lake is near my hometown, and a fun fact is that the black and white disc they use for measuring the depth of lake water got so deep in Crater lake that they could drop it so far down and still see it before it was just too small and too far away, so they had to make a bigger one specifically for Crater lake because it was just that clear! Unfortunately, not long after Crater lake was discovered someone had the genius idea of stocking the lake with fish. They allow (even encourage) fishing, however you must use artificial bait only. There are also 2 men in a helicopter at the bottom of the lake. They crashed and got approval from their families to leave them down there because bringing them up to the surface would disturb so much of the silt and reduce the clarity of the lake.


I was really hopping that Charles and Frank would learn what actually happened to their parents and that they didn’t abandon them as they had believed all those years.


I feel bad for the kids who died thinking their parents abandoned them, when instead they crashed and then remained so close yet hidden.


It was so haunting that the first things the divers found were a piece of car and a piece of washing machine, like something left from both Russell and Blanche saying "yes we're here" so long after. What a sad accident and story.


Regarding 22:40 or so, this actually happened a lot. My great grandmother and father ran into a similar situation. They went off the road and landed in water. My great grandfather was able to undo my grandmother's seatbelt and get his window down, but his seatbelt wouldn't release. So he was able to get her out safely, but he drowned. She ended up re-marrying a couple decades later and one of her sons ended up getting the measles just before D-Day and he and the woman he met ended up having my mom.

Life is F'n crazy.


The Warren case is just crazy, spooky, and sad. Couple goes missing and drowns in mythologically important, supposedly haunted lake. Their sons believe they abandoned them their whole life, and the entire town treats them as pariahs for it. One of the brothers dies at sea, the other drinks himself to death. They both died “wet, ” one of them literally, like his parents. The lake is said to never give up its dead, so when a bit of the missing man’s remains are found, the family finally finds peace. Almost like a curse was lifted.


It always amazes me when i hear stories about how absolutely selfless people can be and how much care they put into doing things for complete strangers. Especially when their only reward is the satisfaction of seeing it done. When I hear stories like this last one, it really makes me want to be a better person.


I've grown up around the Puget Sound, and this area has so many dissapearances and strange cases. The Olympic National Forest is notorious for people vanishing. Thanks so much for covering a couple stories from my spooky home <3


That story about Russell and Blanche was terrifying and heartbreaking.


The Warrens case is just heartbreaking. Generational trauma is horrible, and their story is a perfect example of how it can begin. It's really lucky that the bodies were found, so that hopefully there won't be any further generational trauma.


Who is addicted to these horror stories 💀


It's so amazing and beautiful that so many people poured their time and resources into searching for Blanche and Russell! It's a shame that dives hadn't been conducted sooner where the initial tire marks and broken glass were spotted, but they solved the mystery eventually!


I feel so bad for that family, believing they were abandoned for so long


the blanche and russel case really moved me. im so glad so many people invested their time in finding them


Russell and Blanches case broke 💔 my heart. Those poor boys. Charles and Frank...what a shame. Warren's you deserve peace. I'm so glad nobody stopped looking for them, but it's unbelievable Frank is lost at sea himself. Tragedies.


I live in WA and my family and I went to lake crescent every year for about 15 years! We grew up telling these stories around the campfire! So many memories at the lake!
