The CREEPIEST Cases of People Disappearing

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Unfortunately, countless cases of people disappearing under strange and creepy circumstances exist. Here are two that are particularly disturbing.

Attributions/Special Thanks for Photographs:
Tim Kiser, Myotus, Bjørn Fjørtoft, Jay Phagan, Sam Howzit, Syafiq Sulaiman, Matti Mattila, JJBers, Greg Gjerdingen

Writing and research by Rich Firth-Godbehere

This video contains light dramatic reenactment but no actual footage or pictures of anyone being harmed or who has been harmed.

19: 33 is not a real image!

And a huge thank you to the Scary Interesting team of writers, editors, captioners, and everyone else who make this channel possible.

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As a parent myself - having your son disappear literally while talking to you on the phone and feeling so helpless is a worst nightmare. Those poor parents. That would haunt them forever.


Brandon’s story is so haunting from his parent’s perspective. Unfortunately, it seems like he was probably much more drunk than his parents or he realized, given that he ran off the road and also was mistaken about his location.


Parents: "We were speaking to Brandon, we were trying to find eachother, as he called us to pick him up. Something happened that shocked him and he went silent, and would no longer answer his phone."

Cop: "he has the right to be missing, and will probably show up."

He may have the right to be missing, but nothing about what happened indicates that was his intention at all! What an idiot.

Sad you have to pass a law forcing people to use common sense.


I have heard the first story before and have had time to think about it. Brandon went missing on or by farmland, which is the only place that hasn't been throughly searched. Neither Brandon or his remains have turned up and since he couldn't have been given a ride in the middle of a field, he is still there. By his expletive, something happened that caused immediate physical alarm. Either he dropped into a hole of some sort or someone snuck up on him silently. Until there is a thorough search of that farm, nothing will happen.


Brandon falling into a cistern that was left open at night makes a lot of sense and explains the "Oh shit!" then immediate silence, and following loss of scent trail. Anyone owning the land would not want the liability of an injury/death on their farm. It makes sense that no one wants their land searched in that case. Such a sad situation


I don’t want to blame the parents, but Brandon should have 100% stayed in the car until morning. A locked car is shelter providing protection from the elements, dangerous animals, and unarmed people. He could have simply passed out until morning then get picked up by his parents, AAA, or the police.


Lesson to be learned, never leave one's car at night. Regardless of what happened to him, it's almost certain he would still be alive and safe if he had stayed in his car until morning. With seems likely that who ever made her disappear was someone she knew and trusted. If she had actually run away, most likely she would have been discovered by now.


-"GW" had regular passing contact with Cindy
-"GW" as a maintennance worker had easy access to products which could be used to make chloroform
-"A smell like nail polish remover" could describe badly made DIY chloroform
-Cindy disappeared with no sign of a struggle
-"GW" may or may not have had the opportunity to misdirect police regarding the time of Cindy's disappearance

Who, where, and why was the mystery caller afraid of being caught giving information to the police? What colour was GW's house?


Cindy’s buzzer not being connected to the police or centre security certainly makes more sense with the knowledge the lawyers were running drugs out of the office.
Also, how did they know that the page her book was open to was the only violent scene in the whole book? Were the lawyers also fans of romance novels or did they sit down and have a skim through before calling the cops? It’s just such an odd and specific detail…


Cindy's case reminds me of another case involving another Cindy, Cindy James. She'd been getting harassing calls and messages for about 7 years, she was stalked, her home broken into, her home set on fire, dead animals left on her porch, obscene letters left, and on a few occasions had been assaulted and tied up. Like I said this had happened over the course of years and there were those were disinclined to believe her because they thought Cindy was doing all this to herself. It's awful, all of it, I think you should cover it here if you haven't already. There's a lot of weird details and oddities with this one.


I have a strange disappearance story that I still think about. When I was about 14 and living in a subdivision in the woods of northern AZ I had a good friend who lived nearby whos family had taken in a friends kid for awhile. The kid was about 9 and was a very strange kid. One day we were going to go on a hike through the woods like we often did for something to do. My friends mom told us to take the kid with us. We went out with him and were walking for a good while when suddenly the kid just vanishes. He was right there with us, then suddenly he wasn't. We looked all around, called for him, tried looking for any tracks he may have left, but no sign of him anywhere. We were freaking out. We knew he wouldn't be able to find his way back on his own, but we had to go back and tell someone we lost him and get help to find him. We walk all the way back to my friends house, calling his name the whole way thinking maybe he turned back and tried going to the house for some reason. We get back to the house, dreading having to tell everyone we lost him, and as soon as we walk in there he is. Sitting on the couch. My friends mom immediately gets on my friend saying that we were supposed to take him, but we left without him. We're standing there completely confused and start asking him how he got back and why did he turn around and go back without us. He says he never left with us and his mom says he's been sitting in the living room with her the whole time. We thought for sure they are messing with us, we knew for a fact he was with us for a good while. We kept saying he was with us, but his mom keeps telling us that no he wasn't. If they were messing with us it sure would be out of character for his mom to do that and it would be pretty surprising that the kid made it all the way back alone. We asked his mom more than a few times throughout the years after if she was just screwing with us but she always said no and would say we were screwing with her telling her the kid was with us. Did we slip into a parallel universe or something? We don't know, but it freaked us out, and always will.


I live in Minnesota and I'm the same age as Brandon. I've been haunted by his case ever since it happened. It does seem like he was probably more drunk than he knew or was admitting to, but it's still disturbing that he just vanished while on the phone with his parents.


Whoever abducted Cindy must've been very close to her on a regular basis. Like, someone in her workplace. Of course the phone calls and graffiti sound like stalking. But her book being open to that violent scene (unless it's a complete coincidence / red herring)... seriously, what kind of an abductor is going to _hang around_ at the scene, skimming through though their victim's book looking for something like that? All the while, risking getting caught in the act, and for what... just to play stupid mind games? It sounds totally staged.


If you suddenly find yourself lost or unsure of where to go, STAY THE HELL WHERE YOU ARE. DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER. Especially if you have a means of contacting someone. The fact that Brandon was directly communicating with his parents but still chose to aimlessly wander across an unfamiliar terrain in the dead of night is maddening. Such an easily avoidable situation... Truly awful.


While it's obvious law enforcement handled Brandon's case very poorly given how he went missing, it is important that adults "have the right to go missing." Abuse victims and other victims of violence and threats unfortunately rely on that right to survive. Police ought to be discerning. A search for Brandon should have begun immediately, but also don't lead abusers to their victims.


The idea that you can't search a farm for a missing teenager because it might inconvenience a farmer is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.


I'm halfway through this video and have heard Brandon's case before but this is the best version by a long shot! Very sad case, thanks for your great videos.


From personal experience I think the first case definitely fell into a hole or the river.

A while ago I almost fell into a river at night trying to relieve myself after pulling over on the side of the road, it was in wilderness area I know very well and my reaction was just to say "oh shit" and had I been holding a phone it definitely would've been dropped.


disappearing without a trace is one of my greatest fears


You're right. The last story did indeed make my skin crawl. In fact, it crawled from one side of the room to the other.
