The CREEPIEST Cases of People Disappearing

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Hello everyone, and welcome back to Scary Interesting. In this video, we’re going to go over two incredibly creepy, unsolved disappearances. In the second one, you will think you know what’s going on and that the story is cut and dry, but there is something found at the end, which completely changes everything, and it is horrifying. As always, viewer discretion is advised.

Attributions/Special Thanks for Photographs:
Fred Chess, Landsat, Copernicus, Data SIO, NOAA

"The End Is Coming" by CoAg

Writing and research by Rich Firth-Godbehere

This video contains light dramatic reenactment but no actual footage or pictures of anyone being harmed or who has been harmed.

And a huge thank you to the Scary Interesting team of writers, editors, captioners, and everyone else who make this channel possible.

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Hey everyone! A quick note about story two. The woman in the story is described as having blue eyes. In the picture, it doesn't seem that way. However, on her missing person's report, that's what's listed. The pictures available of her seem to either show very dark eyes or very light eyes, so maybe it's due to some photography weirdness. Anyway, I hope you all have a happy new year!


The best part of finding a new channel that has been around for a while is that you get to watch several videos to keep you entertained until a new upload


I've been climbing in that 50/50 flat area where Carl disappeared approximately 40 times. The thing that must never be underestimated about Shasta is its incredible size and scale. Understand that he was camped on a vast snow field of immense proportions. My bet is this man traversed sideways, which is normal from 50/50 flat, either left or right. This takes you to the natural gully that you would ascend upward. But what if he didn't realize when he came to the path upward and continued to traverse? The east side of 50-50 has more skiers than hikers so the path to cut uphill isn’t clear because of the ski tracks combined with the vastness of the gentle gully. In the dark he could possibly have gone way past the route turn up, and then misinterpreted the meaning of what he found way off course and wound up traversing out of Avalanche Gulch and further wound up going around the mountain until deciding to descend out of confusion, further east than ski bowl. He could have then perished in the vast unpopulated forest southeast of Shasta after going way around and then giving up and heading downhill.


I fear that Leah overshared with one or more of those men at the cafe and one of them is responsible for her disappearance. I am from the American South and sadly people here are often too friendly and too open with strangers. Leah probably told them she had run off to find herself and was all alone and that got one of them to thinking of something sinister.


I once got lost in the woods in the winter in Canada when I was 12 or 13. I had been hiking and lost track of time. Before I knew it, it was completely dark and I didn't even have a flashlight. I started trying to retrace my steps (I hadn't followed any trails and I was pretty deep in the woods) but it is nearly impossible in the woods in the pitch black darkness. It was pretty mild for the winter. There was snow on the ground but it started to rain (freezing rain) which made things even more miserable. I eventually came upon an old dilapidated shack. I wanted to go inside to get out of the rain but when I got to the door I could hear an animal moving around inside and decided to stay outside. Shortly afterwards I heard wolves howling in the distance and decided to climb a tree and stay put for the night. I was already lost and didn't want to get even more lost or stumble on a pack of wolves in the dark (they say they leave humans alone but I didn't want to test that theory).
In the morning (after a sleepless night balancing on a tree branch and getting pelted with freezing rain) I set out to try to find my way out of the woods. I soon heard what sounded like cars driving on a highway and ran towards the sound, thinking that soon I'd be home free. Unfortunately, it was just a river. I had never noticed how much rushing water sounded like cars cutting through the air while driving down a highway before that moment. This cruel joke happened to me multiple times that day and became very frustrating, to say the least. Eventually I remembered I had heard or read somewhere that rivers lead to civilization and decided to follow one of the rivers and see where it went (in the worst case, I knew wouldn't be wandering in circles). Eventually I came to a small bridge over the river which lead to a trail. Following the trail, I found 4-wheeler tracks and followed them. Eventually I could hear a 4-wheeler and found a hunting camp. I told the people at the camp what had happened and they took me back to the highway in a pickup truck. I recognized the area and was able to direct them to my house. It turns out I had walked more than 20 km through the woods (That's 20 km if I were traveling in a straight line. I'm sure I hadn't walked in a straight line) and was lucky I didn't end up going deeper and deeper into a huge forest.
Anyway, it's very easy to get disoriented and lost in the woods. I am fortunate that I decided to stay put overnight and wait until morning to try to find my way out. I also never got to a point where I was worried about finding my way out, although, in hindsight, I probably should have been. Anyway, my advice to anyone who ever finds themselves lost in the woods overnight is to stay put until morning, try to stay positive, and try to find a river to follow.


In the case of Leah, the second man gives me the chills too. There's just something about him. I hope that the police keep tabs on his whereabouts in the coming years because, oftentimes, villains don't act alone. As well, it sounds like Leah's car crashed while she was running from this individual. If she put her ring under the rug of the car, maybe it's because she didn't want her precious valuable stolen. I hope she wasn't trafficked or anything.


Bro, please stop saying you hope to see me in the next one, I don't wanna end up in one of your videos


First story is the perfect example of experts becoming too confident and making rookie mistakes. Never split up like that. Such a simple mistake.


Leah's story had a lot of similarities to Chris McCandless's, at least in terms of how she dropped out chasing romantic notions inspired by literature and then ended up in the PNW. After that, it sounds more like she met with foul play from some creep :(


Another stellar video & narration. Absolute professional-level production. One of the few channels I eagerly await for new weekly content. Cheers!


Have you heard the story of the two climbers that went missing on Mount Adams, Washington in November of 1980? I worked at the same hospital they did and hospital staff always wondered what happened to them until their bodies were discovered, trapped in the ice, by a guy and his dog in October, 2001. Their names were Gary Claeys, 28, and Matt Larson, 25. News articles can still be found online about their discovery.

Thanks for all the great videos.


From Victoria, BC - love your videos, keep up the awesome work!


I definitely prefer the cave diving, climbing, horrible fates videos but I’ve found myself looking for anything you’ve made that I haven’t listened to before. So thank you for the work you do, this is not the content I normally consume but there’s something about the way you do it that has made your channel one of the few that I can’t miss new videos.


I wonder if Carl had another instance of the trots, but there was nowhere private to squat on the plateau, so he wandered a long way to go.


I've climbed Shasta many times, the idea someone could get lost between 50/50 and Helena lake is mind boggling.


Leah Roberts story has always disturbed me. I always wonder what happened to her because it was so odd.


I have traveled a lot around the country alone as a female. The first story is spooky because honestly the Mt. Shasta area always gave me weird spooky vibes. I have camped there and never felt comfortable. The second story with the young women, I do not think she was suicidal at all, the fact she engaged with up to 3 men possible and divulged her destination plans, bad move. I would never discuss where I was headed with anyone and especially avoided men while traveling alone. There are surprisingly quite a lot of creepy men in the pacific northwest even though it has some what of a hippie reputation and feel. It would be nice if content like this ending with some good safety tips especially for those traveling alone. Do not share your travel and camping plans with strangers ever.


I doubt that if the Lemurians were real and are exactly as described they were going to the 7eleven for cheetos and a coke.


The Leaha Roberts story was on unsolved mysteries back in the day


"Like many writers, she was forgetful" you didn't have to call us out man 😂
