The CREEPIEST Cases of People Disappearing

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Unfortunately, there are countless cases of people disappearing under strange and creepy circumstances. In this video, we’re going to look at 3 cases where people disappeared and then were just never seen again. But not only did they completely disappear, the circumstances of each of them seem impossible. It’s seems like finding them should be easy, but even years later, there are even more questions than answers. This is part 7 of the series creepiest disappearances.

Attributions/Special Thanks for Photographs:
David Restivo, National Park Service, Landsat, Copernicus, Data SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO

Writing and research of story 2 by Jay Adams

Writing and research of story 3 by Rich Firth-Godbehere

The thumbnail is not a real image

This video contains light dramatic reenactment but no actual footage or pictures of anyone being harmed or who has been harmed.

And a huge thank you to the Scary Interesting team of writers, editors, captioners, and everyone else who make this channel possible.

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It's so easy to get lost in the forest. I remember looking at something out in the distance and when I turned my family was gone. I've never been more terrified.


Given the location of where Doc disappeared, my thought is a sinkhole. They were at an abandoned mining area digging in softer sand and dirt, it's possible that Doc's digging site might have sunk down underneath him, resulting in basically everything disappearing. The soft sand then shifts around to fill back in the hole, and all the evidence of him being there is gone. That'd also explain why his scent couldn't be picked up by the dogs, either. I'm willing to bet that an exploration/excavation of mineshafts or under the sandpit in general will probably yield something.


Patty’s story is the scariest. When my mother had lithium poisoning, she truly believed she was seeing and experiencing the strangest, most illogical things. It would come and go which I found worse. That dawning fear of “you’re right, that doesn’t make sense and I can’t make this stop” was horrifying. Tumor or psychosis, I feel so bad for her and the family that never stopped trying to find her.


What is most amazing to me about that last story is that both women survived a head-on crash while going highway speeds, and were able to walk away! Poor Patty. That one really got to me.


I live in Montana and my family has 120 acres. A man went missing near our property and we basically knew he was there somewhere. It still took 2 years to find his body. It's a really big place to be missing. I hope Patty is found safe someday.


I live in Montana and can verify that there's a huge amount of unpopulated space. It's kinda freaky to think you could die here and never be found.


Hi there ! I am from Spain and Juan Pedro´s case is sadly a very well known case, and is likely there was some drug traffic involved, it seems they were carrying heroine inside the tanker .I remember watching in a newspaper that traces had been found inside, somehow things went south and likely drug dealers took the boy before the accident.Tachograph of the truck was checked and made clear they had to make few very short stops in the middle of the road and then some crazy chase down the mountain, seems they were chasing a car with their son already inside a different car, scary just to imagine . Dont know if the father knew what was inside the tank but is a horrible case and not a single trace of the boy.


I've heard several stories about people wandering or running off confused after an accident or in a mental health crisis and then they're never found, imagine you don't even know what you're doing and then die alone, lost in some wilderness area.


Honestly, not knowing what happened to a loved one, not knowing if they're dead or alive is worse than having a confirmed death. The constant uncertainty must be awful. You never have closure.


That "doc" story sounds very suspicious. I've heard it a couple of times. The holes where he had been digging had all been filled in? No footprints anywhere in the area? No signs that he had been there at all? What if he had never been there? Did anyone see them both arrive? If that happened today i'm sure his friend David would be of a lot more interest to the authorities.


I think doc disturbed an old air pocket in the sand, fell in a small sinkhole, and then it filled with sand, removing traces of the other holes he was digging.


Did no one consider that Doc was swallowed by the earth under him? It could be silent and fill in all of the hole he dug because of the moved earth? Sounds more reasonable than the other stuff.


I recon Maurice/Doc's digging disturbed the sandy ground enough that he and his tools sank into it like quicksand, possibly down a crater in the ground. The sandy soil simply moved back into place and covered over any trace of him.


I'm curious if the last woman simply suffered a psychotic break. It would explain why she was acting oddly leading up to the crash and also the crash itself. People who have been found after disappearing under psychosis usually have amnesia of what happened during the event so they can't even explain where they were or what happened during that time. But considering where she was wandering it's a large possibility she ended up dying due to exposure, animal attack, or injury.


I watch a lot of tragedy videos and this channel still manages to find so many very interesting stories I haven't heard of before. Keep up the top notch content! 😊


I’m from Colorado and visited Devil’s Head a few times when I was around ten (probably 2010-2012). I remember lots of steep ledges. My mom fell off of one of the ledges at the top and broke her tailbone. She was okay because we were there to help her down but we never went back. I obviously had no idea about this guy going missing, but it’s scary to think what would happen if my mom was hiking up there alone. I always wondered if something similar happened to that poor old man :(


i got lost in the woods once, and i thought i could easily get out of it because there was a tall mountain i could see in the skyline and i knew there was a road at the foot of it so i just trekked towards that mountain. when i was getting close, i was surprised the road i was expecting wasn't there and i noticed the face of the mountain looked different from what i remembered when i first decided to make it my point of reference. turns out when i thought i was walking in a straight path towards it, i somehow curved around it and was seeing the back of it with the road at its other side. thankfully i was able to reach the road and got home eventually, but that was scary. i was humbled into being a more cautious person. i thought i had a good sense of direction, but woods can be tricksters.


My theory for Patty is she was fatigued from driving and nodded off at the wheel. She either had amnesia or was scared about what questions she was going to have to answer and so she fled without a plan. She then hitchiked around until someone took advantage of her situation. If the couple who says they took her in for the night are telling the truth, it makes it easy to see how someone could have taken advantage of her.


That Juan Pedro case is super interesting because i suspect 100% foul play in his disapperence but could never imagine what could of took place


Montana is "MT"; Minnesota is "MN". Great coverage of REALLY interesting happenings...! Please keep up the great work. You are truly appreciated!
