The CREEPIEST Cases of People Disappearing

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In this video, we’re going to go over two more creepy cases of people disappearing. The first one is just outright disturbing, and the second one, is one of the most infamous cases in all of history, and to this day, both cases remain officially unsolved.

Attributions/Special Thanks for Photographs:
Thomas R Machnitzki, Bart Everson, Jeff Hitchcock, Dwight Burdette, HarshLight, Sebastian Stabinger Paethon, Auckland Museum, Wellcome Images, Earl Of Sandwish

Ambient Song:
"The End Is Coming" by CoAg

Writing and research of story 1 by Jay Adams

Writing and research of story 2 by Jordan Gottschick

This video contains light dramatic reenactment but no actual footage or pictures of anyone being harmed or who has been harmed.

And a huge thank you to the Scary Interesting team of writers, editors, captioners, and everyone else who make this channel possible.

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Who the fuck wouldn't call the police about a man with obviously fresh bloody shoes!!?!?


Shows up wearing bloody shoes, saying your boss was arrested, and you wait two weeks to make a call about it??


The staggering incompetence of the police in that first story is infuriating. The restaurant manager too; known criminal shows up with bloody shoes and you're just like "cool, have some 'za, man" rather than let the cops know? Not that it might have helped with those clown shoes.


First story is less "disturbing" and more just frustrating. Just one horrible decision after the other, the first being to let Kenneth out on parole in the first place, when he had a history of violence. Second was the Everett going to the home alone without contacting police first, knowing Kenneth is armed with a weapon. And I don't think I need to list the various police blunders afterwards.


What I don’t understand about the first case is why Lydia called Everett and not the police, and why Everett ran out without calling the police. If a violent criminal was in my home with an ax, I’m not going in there unless I’m carrying or the cops go in first. Clearly, the cops could have gotten there quicker than Everett.
Then the manager sees someone who isn’t Everett get out of the van with bloody shoes and doesn’t think it’s strange enough to call the police? The whole thing is just very strange in regards to how everyone behaved.


It's kind of amazing how genius those guys who escaped from Alcatraz were. Making a fricking improvised drill with some random stuff. Wild


The first case is very weird. I don't know why Lydia didn't have Kenneth thrown out when he threatened her 2 days before. If legally there was nothing she could do, she should have left with the kids and asked for some outside help. I don't know why Everett didn't just call the police, either. Kenneth 100% killed them.


That first story is especially sad. Looking at everything presented, it's very clear to me what happened, but the police missed so many chances to get to the culprit early and get the evidence.


Wow the first story pissed me off! So many people failed that poor family. Everett leaves the store because his brother-in-law is threatening his family with an axe (AGAIN) and then the shop doesn't call the cops when said BIL comes in for some snacks with his shoes covered in blood later in the day?? Or in the 2 weeks after when Kenneth doesn't show up for work?? And when the cops are finally called they barely investigate, despite how suspicious the circumstances are?? Just what the hell...


it's safe to say that Everett snr and his family are all dead..
how could someone do that to a sibling??
how sad 😢


thanks for covering lydia and her family's case. i researched it for an assignment on missing people and it's such a sad story.


Mythbusters redid the Alcatraz escape and it was possible, they made it to shore.


Okay so in the first story, Kenneth takes off in his van. Then his coworkers see his van pull up, but its not Kenneth. The guy tells them he got in a wreck. How did they believe this? His van was right there ffs


There is one thing I am certain of as to the second story. The 1979 film "Escape From Alcatraz" starring Clint Eastwood is an excellent watch!


The first story is makes you wonder how police could be so incompetent, especially with the information they had to start with!


Honestly, willingly moving to Scay Gary is just about the most evidence you need that somebody's not right.


[1:50] Wait, lemme get this straight. Everett had to cut his call with his father short and bolt out of his restaurant in a hurry because his terrified wife (Lyrdia) called and said her and their children had just locked themselves in a bedroom after Lydia's violent, convicted felon brother (Kenneth) was threatening to kill them all with an axe (for the second time in two days!). A couple hours later, Kenneth, the axe-wielding brother, shows up to Everett's restaurant in Everett's van and the manager immediately notices his shoes are caked in blood... yet, for some reason, it took *TWO WEEKS* of nobody hearing from Everett for his father to call the police and request a welfare check??

And if that wasn't bad enough on its own, the cops then show up for the welfare check... Kenneth answers the door and tells them Everett, on a whim, loaded the family into the van and took off for Philadelphia... completely failing to realize the van was sitting right there in the driveway?? THEN, a couple days later, the police pull the van over for a traffic violation and it's Kenneth driving the van alone... and they AGAIN fail to realize that this is the van that Everett, according to Kenneth, had supposedly taken to Philadelphia??

What the hell is going on? Why was *everybody* involved in this case so abysmally incompetent?! Regardless, my sincere condolences to Kenneth and Lydia's remaining family and loved ones.


I think the Anglin brothers got away. A friend of theirs said growing up in Florida they would attach a rope to boats and catch rides from place to place without ever being noticed, and there was one boat trip from the island to the mainland at the same time they would have been in the water. Also i don't think anyone would plan an escape with that much detail without a solid plan for what to do once they made it out.


The picture you show at the beginning is buddy's pizza at 33605 Plymouth road in Livonia, Michigan. I recognized it because I've been there a hundred times.


"Honey help my life is in danger he'S ABOUT TO BREAK THE DOOR DOWN WITH AN AXE"
Her husband: Hold my beer, Mr manager, "On my way honey, no need to call the cops"
