The CREEPIEST Cases Of People Disappearing

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Hello everyone, and welcome back to Scary Interesting. In this video, we’re going to go over three more cases of people who completely vanished in a short period of time, and despite almost immediate and extensive searches, not a single trace of them has been found. Well, almost. You’ll see what I mean in the final story. As always, viewer discretion is advised. This is part 10.

Attributions/Special Thanks for Photographs:
Carol Griswold, Logan Rickert, Kari Hakli, Nicole Klauss, Luke Jones, pkdon50, James Brooks

"The End Is Coming" by CoAg

Writing and research of story 2 and 3 by Rich Firth-Godbehere

This video contains light dramatic reenactment but no actual footage or pictures of anyone being harmed or who has been harmed.

And a huge thank you to the Scary Interesting team of writers, editors, captioners, and everyone else who make this channel possible.

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Okay but for a total stranger to break the fall INTENTIONALLY, for another person ….wow. What an amazing human


Peggy waiting at the finish line for her husband Michael and him never coming broke my heart 😢😢😢


The first case: She was struggling to keep up, was older and a heavy smoker. She overexerted herself to tease her friends. My first suspicion was she had a health emergency, became disoriented and went off the trail. She could have easily have ended up in a river.


Every time I watch a video on ppl disappearing I think of my aunt Nikki who went missing when I was around ten years old in the late nineties. Just gone without a trace. We hired PI's and everything but still not a word or trace. I hope these ppl and my aunt get found eventually~ living or otherwise. It's nice to have some kind of closure. Not knowing hurts the most.


this has turned into one of the best creepy channels on youtube. It has great atmospheric music and narration that really sets up the scene for these stories.


It's borderline amazing that anyone could actually finish that race up and down the hill in 1915 because you KNOW those dudes were smoking like freight trains.


"She didn't have her wallet or keys. Just her cigarettes"

That part kinda made me chuckle and then get sad. It just reminds me of my mother. Like, if she disappeared, I could see her not having those other essentials but she'd def have her cigs


Whenever I watch a show like this, afterwards I walk through my place and narrate the things people might find if I disappeared. "On her desk there was a silver ring with a green stone that no one had ever seen her wear before!" (yeah, because I needed to lose weight first for it to fit again). "Only weeks before her disappearance, she wrote a testament and mailed it to her sister!" (yeah, those things need updating from time to time). "It is unknown why she suddenly moved her bedroom to another room in her apartment" (because my neighbours are very loud).


I know we are confounded how someone can vanish so quickly and then have the subsequent massive searches turn up nothing. But just given the sheer number of these stories (as this channel does a great job of retelling), it does stand to reason that yes, people can vanish way faster than is comfortable even contemplate.

Now I think about this every time I go on a solo hike somewhere...


never change your intro music, it signals to my body that I'm in the comfort zone :D


I love that I can just listen to these without actually watching. It makes falling asleep so much easier (not that these are boring, his voice is just soothing and I enjoy weird story telling for bedtime)


Diane's story hit brother was a paranoid schizophrenic and we dreaded the phone calls


Hey man, just want to thank you for the amazing free content. So happy you're getting the recognition you deserve. This channel is pristine.


To give an idea about how easy it is to vanish in Alaska, bones were found near Mt. Marathon a few years ago, but they were from a *different* missing person. It's similar to some of the more remote areas of the SW.


Thelma's friends could have been in on the plans, which is why they had such an "organic story", and why they left her alone and continued on alone to the end of the trail so that she would have had enough time to get away.


If you take medication to manage a psychiatric condition like I do, please please don’t just stop taking it. If you don’t want to take it anymore, it’s safer to taper off slowly. Also, there are many medications these days; as irritating as the process of trying new meds can be, it’s far better than just not getting it treated, especially for something as serious as bipolar disorder.

The result of such a yo-yoing cycle is that it erodes your baseline functioning over time, I.e. your ‘normal’ becomes less and less so. I’ve seen it.


On the first story, kinda sounds like she was trying to lag behind to fall outta sight. Then when she realized her friends weren't gonna let her lag that far behind, she had to change plans after her friends called her out. So she might have gone ahead far enough to get out of view, duck off the side of the trail, maybe behind trees or bushes, or over a hillside. Then when the friends passed by, she circled back to the start of the trail where a possible friend was waiting. He wouldn't have needed to have a specific time to be there, just sometime after the women had started their walk, and Thelma would show up as soon as she could ditch the others


Just a comment on the found finger. The police stated they weren't sure if it was foul play or not. Couldn't a big hint be the way it was severed? Losing your digit in a car door looks vastly different than one that was removed with a sharp blade. Lastly, I understand that they would have to consider the victim doing it herself with her large history of mental illness. But I would believe you could make an educated guess if it was an accident or done maliciously. Love all the stories that give me my Sunday "chill".


So glad I found this channel. I like the rational and logical approach to these cases. No speculating that a ‘portal’ may be responsible for the disappearance.


These videos always make me look over my shoulder and turn the lights on in my car when it’s dark…. but damn I can’t stop watching them
