The CREEPIEST Cases Of People Disappearing

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Hello everyone and welcome back to Scary Interesting. In this video, we’re going to go over three more creepy cases of people disappearing, and each of them is progressively more sinister. In particular, in the final story, you probably won’t know what to make of it until a final piece of evidence is found at the end. At which point, your whole view of the story may change. This is part 12.

Attributions/Special Thanks for Photographs:
Wellcome Images, Archives of Ontario, Auckland Museum, Archives New Zealand, dave_7

"The End Is Coming" by CoAg

Writing and research of story 1 and 3 by Rich Firth-Godbehere

Writing and research of story 2 by Jay Adams

This video contains light dramatic reenactment but no actual footage or pictures of anyone being harmed or who has been harmed.

And a huge thank you to the Scary Interesting team of writers, editors, captioners, and everyone else who make this channel possible.

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The story of the pattersons is so glaringly obvious it’s kinda funny. “Oh man yeah they left last night somewhere but said I can have their whole store, nothing to read into here…”


The end of that first story…how sick do you have to be to write a fake ransom letter to a family you know is missing a child? That just makes my blood boil.


That broke my heart that her parents bought her bday and Christmas gifts for her to open when she came home. 😢


"Give everything to my rival and do it as quietly as possible", you aint fooling no one kirk 😭😭


I couldn't imagine the feelings people feel when a relative just vanishes.


The background sound effects are 50% of the terrifying element but also Your voice is perfect for narrating these types of stories. Your voice Makes the stakes feel super high and the vibe your voice gives off is perfect for this channel


I do really hope that Tara’s case will be solved someday soon. Anything’s possible nowadays since we’ve even got to know who the Boy in the Box and the Somerton Man were, a few others Jane Doe cases been solved too.


Side comment - 'Snowdrop' has got to be the cutest dang name I've heard in a while, my goodness!


The way SI just isolates himself with the viewer in a monotone investigation just slaps for binge watching.


The last one has the talented Mr Ripley all over it. Boats, blood stains, fake letters, fraud. Interestingly, the book was published just a few years before Pat disappeared in 1957.


Gotta love this smooth narration - just what I need on a Sunday. I love these disappearance videos, so fascinating.


0:00 Introduction
0:36 Alfred Beilhartz
5:59 Tara Calico
13:50 William and Margaret Patterson
22:13 Conclusion


One thing I learned from these videos is that small children can and will disappear in the blink of an eye. Maybe those baby leashes that the capucchino mothers hate so much had their use after all...


If you want a story, I’m in Florida my brother went missing for seven years. His car was found along 275 north by Livingston Avenue and everything was in his car and the police told us they searched all up the side of the interstate. Well he was up there in the woods for seven years, they didn’t search like they said they did and that’s it. It was in the paper a couple of times, and they came and talked to my mom, but nothing was done. Every time they found a body in United States they would send my brothers dental records to see if it was him, but it never was. This was a 1981. A farmer found a skull on his property and they did a dental check and it was my brother. The Doctor held his skull up on the news & said this is a 50 year old man, my brother was 23. Remember this was the 80s. They found his wallet & other things, we never received any of it. My parents went through hell and I did too. I am the only son now and I sure miss him.


There is absolutely nothing harder on a parent than to have a child disappear with no news ever.


I feel so many of these disappearances can be explained away by searcher incompetence. A lot of people who were found later on were in areas that had supposedly been searched already. Just look at Geraldine who went missing on the Appalachian trail. She was less than one mile off the trail. It's also clear that searchers always underestimate how far children can travel. Kids can scale unbelievably treacherous terrain without breaking a sweat.


i had no idea about the developments in tara's case, wow!


This is my favorite series on your channel it’s so eerie how people can disappear without a trace. I’m feel so bad for the families, I wouldn’t know how to move on knowing a loved one is missing.


I don't about the other two cases but Kirk and or Herb definitely murdered them and the telegram and letter sent to cover up the crime.


The cat in the third sad. That tells me something, someone who feeds their cat caviar doesn't just abandon it without second thoughts.
