The Creepiest Cases of People Disappearing

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In this video, we're going to go over three more incredibly creepy but only partially unsolved disappearances. Because sometimes, even if a person is found, that can make the circumstances of their disappearance even stranger. As always, viewer discretion is advised

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Writing and research by Jay Adams

And a huge thank you to the Scary Interesting team of writers, editors, captioners, and everyone else who make this channel possible.

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If I was a teacher who disappeared twice on the first day of the fall semester and couldn't remember anything I'd honestly just pick a different career at that point.


"She had a particularly low tolerance for stress and conflict....She later became a teacher" If this isn't a great recipe for a Scary Interesting story, i don't know what is.


That submerged car story is just wild. Imagine having entire subdivisions of suburbs built around where your corpse/car was and nobody notices it until decades later.


I'd feel like after the second time I blacked out with no memory from the previous few days nearly dead in a body of water I would just stop doing that shit and find a less stressful and safer way of life.


The 1930s must have been a wild time if he thought his wife would be happy to see him bring home a little girl, instead of furious and full of questions.


24:10 What is wrong with people? Yeah, happy mother's Day I stole a kid.


“She had a low tolerance for stress and conflict … so she moved to New York City”

LOL. That’s absolutely hilarious!!!


A girl who twice ended up in the water, not knowing how she got there, works on an ISLAND as a teacher.


"I accidentally hit this little kid with my car, causing zero damage to her but knocking her unconscious. Then she woke up, and I was like 'I might as well give her as a gift to my wife, since we can't have kids' because that seems easier than taking her back to where I hit her and finding her family." -- Guy who is obviously a bad liar.


What's really sad about Hannah's story is that there are measures in place to protect people like her. If referred to the right people, they would likely have put a tag on her to track her and found her before she disappeared forever.

The fact it happened 2 times prior and nobody seemed to put any measures in place to stop her wandering into the water is really sad.


What the hell is the dude in that last story's problem? Like seriously! You just decide to kidnap a child as a gift for your wife? And the wife was fine with it??


Regarding the guy found in his car, just because someone appears sober after drinks doesnt mean s/he can't lose sobriety when they retreat back to a safe or private space. I have witnessed that firsthand a few times, where they seem fully sober when they left the bar, but needed my help getting in the car parked outside maybe 30 feet away. So to me, it's entirely plausible that William was drunk but held up his image in the bar. On his way home or wherever, he misses a few turns and then finally drove into the pond


Something tells me that Hannah may have had some sort of fear of teaching or other school-related trauma. I'm a longtime teacher, and while I have no major traumas related to school, dreams frequently feature my fears: nightmares have me waking up well after the school day starts; I am in an unfamiliar building trying to find my classroom; I don't know anyone at all; I'm being fired. (Never been fired in 30+ years.) If Hannah had problems in the fall, something traumatic likely happened, whether school related or impacting school starting.


Man, I know a lot of people have problems with anxiety and stress aversion, but I can't imagine being so anxious about starting a new job that I completely dissociate


I can’t believe he just decided to “keep” the kid he hit with his car!! Omg


It's shocking to me how many missing people in cars end up being found in the water.


So third dude hits a kid, freaks out and instead of taking her to a hospital thinks, "hey, my daughter just died, she'd be perfect replacement" like he'd just found a lost puppy on the side of the road? He should have lost more than an arm


I often go “I’ll listen to that later” for other channels but yours I just can’t resist. Your intro always has me feeling well already!


3 things to add to the first story that I think make this feel all but solved atleast IMO. 1. Quakerism & Pendle Hill 2. Her father's mission work 3. Her Montessori degree

The first 2 are wrapped in eachother. You correctly touched on the religious aspect of her life but this is pretty important because her parents werent just casual Western Christians... the split you reference was her father being closer to a missionary but the kind of evangelist who does the literally "building" work in small nations or ones where the gospel isn't even known. One belief of note that her mother and father starkly deviated was homosexuality and her father's staunch belief in favor of "biblical morality" without "compromise with sexual deviance". After their divorce, her mother went to not just any compound, but Pendle Hill. Which is a well established Quaker Mecca of sorts. Interestingly, Quakerism is a bit split on homosexuality. Atleast it's not as clear cut as her father's position. Which is notable because it was confirmed in a New Yorker article in 2018 that had heavy involvement with her mother and it seems very thorough and credible that Hannah was dating a woman as early as her junior year at Bryn Mawr. Most reports only cite her graduation from Pace but that was graduate school. She went to Bryn though which is important because of it's ties to Quakerism and also her possible developing sexuality.

When you add on her trips to see her father while also spending time with her mother at Pendle Hill where she also worked by the way, you can imagine how one might be EXTREMELY torn in their personality with this aspect of their life extremely divided by her parents no less who don't even speak to eachother. You cant be half committed to the life either parent was living. And Hannah was stuck in the middle. Which is complicated by the aforementioned relationship - only relevant to point to the kind of stress one would be under. she usually took these trips to see her father in the summer or during breaks. The interesting thing for me is this first incident was her 2nd year teaching at Thurgood, not her first. so the first day jitters wouldn't have applied here. she's already experienced this. However, imo something could have changed in her personal life. I also think it's possible she made a trip to see her father before but I can't 100% confirm this however this would make perfect sense. add on the stress of a new year, it could have easily put her over the top and into fugue. I actually think this is very credible. You mention she "checked" her email at the apple store but police confirmed she never actually read an email. so she either stared at the screen scanning email subjects or did it as a habit of muscle memory which i think the latter is more likely. So a fugue here seems highly credible. Also worth noting - this was the EXACT same time as the major stock market crash. no one ever mentions that for some reason. she's literally in the financial capital of the world. I was worked on a high yield & a high grade bond desk at that time - sht was insane. her world would be upside down at this time in september 2008. it

Her 2nd disappearance would be much of the same. This was the first day of work away from Pendle Hill & her support structure. I'm not sure what reports you saw mention it being prestigious but still it would be HIGHLY stressful especially bc for some reason taking the job in Maryland. I would imagine she would stay near to a support structure. She seemed to be constant in a fight for change away from her traumatic event which may have potentially provided the exact kind of fuel to trigger it again. Which appears happened in her second fugue state.

As for her third, this is where #3 comes into play. This is when she proved she could successfully negotiate such a major change in her life but keep in mind she wasn't head teacher in St. Thomas.She only just finished her degree to do so that summer so now she's be able to lead her own class in the Montessori system. So it seemed as she aged she became much better equipped to handle the stress. she showed up for the first day, then the first week no problem. it wasn't only until Force majeure would kick off the next and final fugue: an act of god so profoundly unlucky in the form of consecutive hurricanes in Irma and Maria. When add you in the fact that she was likely already under a lot of pressure and stress to finally make this work with the weight of a class on her shoulders (montessori's system are unique to teaching in normal schools and she was a huge believer in the system), the devastation of Irma and maria would add immense pressure because keep in mind - this place had essentially changed her and in many ways saved her from her previous fear of losing herself. she didn't want to leave. in fact the investigation showed she spoke to an ex who was ferrying ppl to safety and she told him directly she was can't leave. But she certainly should have.

One last thing i found interesting picking this back up was Barbara told The New Yorker journalist something she hadn't mentioned before which was she herself had actually experienced what her daughter is experiencing when she got her divorce - disassociating for a much shorter time but the event she described is powerful. I found that fascinating and something i'lll likely look at later. thanks for re-opening this! hard to explain how much this gripped new york around this time. I was there actually and this was in the midst of that crash and it still grabbed headlines!


I would definitely watch this as a segmented series. I've always wondered how many people were kidnapped, and grew up to live normal lives not realizing they were kidnapped.
