The CREEPIEST Cases of People Disappearing

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This series explores some of the creepiest and most perplexing disappearances of all time.

Attributions/Special Thanks for Photographs:
Frankie Leon, Landsat / Copernicus, NOAA, Data SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO

This video contains dramatic reenactment but no actual footage or pictures of anyone being harmed or who has been harmed.

And a huge thank you to the Scary Interesting team of writers, editors, captioners, and everyone else who make this channel possible.

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Hey everyone! This might be the start to a new series, or it might just be a standalone video. Haven't decided exactly yet! Let me know down in the comments if you want to see more like this. Have a great week! - Sean


That last story is haunting. The staff's inappropriate behaviour creates a claustrophobic feeling that there was an underlying human trafficking operation onboard, and that so many young women would have unknowingly been in those horrific crosshairs.


The guy that left her there after she told him she was being held against her will is a special kind of coward, I hope that haunts that guy’s dreams


That kidnapping story makes me shiver. One day when I was around 12 or 13, me and my family were helping our grandmother clear out her house of junk and old furniture. Then this random car pulled up in the driveway. A guy of about 25 or so got out of the car and had a box of baseball cards in his hand. He came over my little sister (5yrs old at the time), tried to get close, and was trying to hand the cards to her. I saw all of this, called out to my sister and came over. He saw me, dropped the cards, ran to his car and sped off. I grabbed my sister and held her tightly while screaming for our parents. Both of us were crying and terrified. That was one of the scariest moments of my life, because if I hadnt been paying attention, I could have lost my sister that day...


Re: Amy's story. If you're that navy officer and a girl at a brothel says she's being held against her will, you go to do something about that, any other consequences you just got to take on the chin man. That's some heartless shit.


It's so heartbreaking to think that Anthonette maybe could've been saved had the waitress picked up on her signals sooner. Ugh. What a terrible story, I feel so sorry for her and her family


It's been really really really downplayed over the years how many horrendous crimes happen on cruise ships and how often they go unsolved. You could do a series of videos just about cruise ship mysteries


this video just reinforced my firm stance that human traffickers deserve the death penalty


The story of Amy is just harrowing. That naval officer who was in a position to save her, rescue her from a life of brutal sex slavery, yet he didn't out of fear of his own career, is a complete coward. Here he had one of his Nations citizens, someone the armed services are supposed to know they're putting themselves on the line to protect, yet he thinks of his bloody promotions instead and abandons her. What a bloody disgrace to the republic.


I've always been sadly fascinated by Amy's disappearance. This was the most information I've ever heard about what could have happened to her aside from going overboard, which was terrifying enough.


I feel sick by the first story, i can’t imagine the horrible feeling of first thinking your daughter is gone, and then knowing she’s alive but in circumstances i can’t even speak, and then to lose contact of her again

I don’t blame the waitress, but PLEASE, if anyone uses any body language to shift to you and away from the people they’re with, err on the side of caution and call the police


The one and only time I was in the Carribean we were on Aruba and my drink was spiked. The only reason nothing bad happened was because I had a large group of friends who realized something was wrong with me. Without them who knows what could have happened.

I think this is really interesting content from you, Sean! I hope it winds up continuing. It's less horrifying than some of the events you cover, but in its own way more chilling because the situations seem so mundane and accessible. We all drive alone sometimes, we were all left up alone as kids, we've all been on vacations to places that we might not have made it back from if things played out only slightly differently.


The story of Amy Bradley has been covered extensively. What concerns me the most is that cruise ship companies utilize the registrations of their corporations in small Caribbean countries to the benefit of lower taxes in conjunction with circumventing the laws of the US. Every square inch of these cruise ships are surveilled with cameras and their rights to NOT share the critical information regarding missing people is unconscionable!!! We have seen it play out not only with Amy Bradley, but also countless others that have “disappeared” on cruise lines. If these cruise line companies were prohibited from filing their corporations on these Caribbean islands, LE as well as the FBI would have complete access to the most critical data available to them regarding missing people. But cruise liners exploit the laws to their full advantage leaving families reeling from horrendous tragedy that no one could possibly imagine. Only to “protect” the cruise lines from liability as well as protecting their reputation for safety among their ships.


I can't imagine anything more sould destroying than spending your whole life thinking your child has been kidnapped by human traffickers.


I have heard Amy's story so many times and you're the only one who gave those details about the unwanted attention from crew members. It made it even more creepy. I appreciate the fresh look at it with new info!


That first case... :(

I remember when I first saw it on Unsolved Mysteries when I was a kid. So terrifying.


Amy's story is so infuriatingly tragic. No one should go on vacation just to experience a horror like that happening to their loved one. A woman's whole life destroyed and her family basically destroyed emotionally too... The whole damn staff of the ship should have been arrested but ofc I know there's only so much humans can do in the face of institutional evil, and this was definitely supported by players in charge... Keep your loved ones safe, esp your girls, even on a vacation don't think it's safe to sleep out in the open...


Dude ... Disappearances is seriously the most bizarre / interesting cases . You should do as many as you can. I search disappearances cases every single day and have a hard time coming across new cases I haven't heard but still listen . Always eye opening to know how strange this world is.. keep it up


The first story although I've heard it a couple of times is by far the worst for me because of the child's age and her numerous attempts at freedom despite abduction.... so sad that she probably died a sad lonely death and no one may ever know...


I 100% believe Amy was trafficked, and the crew of the ship / band was involved in it
