Avoid These Junk Cars That Will Be Dead at 100 000 Miles

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You might think that every modern car or SUV will last forever because of their great looks and incredible technology, however you'd be wrong. I'm going to show you 5 vehicles that just won't last and in today's video these cars won't last 100 000 miles.

With some of the prices of these cars new or used, you'll probably want to steer clear. These can be some of the least reliable cars, or the most unreliable luxury cars you'll own if you're not careful.

Exotic car play place, where we believe that Life's Too Short To Drive Boring Cars so we just don't and you shouldn't either.

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The CVT transmission is a HUGE issue with Nissan. Our Altima had 80, 000 miles and the CVT transmission went out. Of course the manufacturer is saying we should’ve had an extended warranty, but who is thinking the transmission will go out under 100, 000?!? Definitely an expensive lesson learned.


The King 🤴 of England can’t even keep up with the repair bill on a Range Rover 🤣


I have a 2007 Altima with 102, 000 miles. However, it's got the 3.5 V6 and it's fully loaded. So it has leather seating (no rips or tears) CVT trans (which I haven't touched and still works great!) upgraded white pearl paint (no rust or peeling), on and on. Also, it's mostly garage kept so that helps. At 90, 000 miles it needed a new alternator, serpentine belt and one motor mount. Otherwise, I've maintained it myself. I agree, it's not the most exciting car, but at 15 years and counting, I'll drive it into the ground.


I owned a 2013 Nissan Altima and the transmission started to fail at 97k miles. What he said about Nissan is very true


I'm a proud owner of a 3rd gen Altima. 493k original miles. Engine and transmission are SOLID. From new I always used full synthetic oil and always changed the transmission oil every 15k miles. I'm blessed this generation didn't have the horrendous cvt tranny. The QR25 if properly maintained can outlive any toyota or honda 4cylinder of that Era. And I've never had a head gasket issue or timing chain issue. If it breaks the car will be junked


I think a vital part of car ownership is living within your means and doing moderate to significant research prior to purchasing. I buy and sell E46-E92 series BMW’s with two of my close friends; one of whom is a Porsche technician and the other a BMW. The reason why we’ve found it to be a relatively successful side hustle is due in part to the fact that there’s no shortage of individuals who want to appear that they’re socioeconomically more successful than they truly are. Most of these buyers would be just fine sustaining the cost of ownership of mid 2000’s Civic’s, Accords, Camry, Corolla’s etc. However they see that BMW badge and lose all semblance of logic and reasoning. We’ve sold over a dozen 328’s and 325’s to people who admittedly know absolutely nothing about them, not even the common knowledge of the series naming in relation to the engine, 3 series 2.8L. To be clear when we sell these cars the 3 of us bring them up to the best possible condition mechanically and cosmetically within budget and we clearly explain to the uneducated perspective buyers the average annual cost of ownership in addition to any well known points of failure backed by empirical data. Regardless over the years we’ve bought back quite a few E46 M3’s and M5’s after the owners beat the hell out of them and failed to follow any sort of routine maintenance as they simply couldn’t afford it. What sense does it make buying an M5 to impress the opposite sex when you can’t even afford to keep the tank full or keep it operating optimally.


I have an 06 Nissan Altima and it's still going strong at 280, 000 miles with very little maintenance cost


I have a 20 year old Altima going strong. Needed two alternators, muffler, water pump, but that’s it. Knock wood, plan on keeping in a few more years.


Brilliant quick pic of Scotty when talking about great mechanics


My Cruze made it past 100, 000 miles but it’s trash 🗑


_"You might think that every modern car or SUV will last forever because of their great looks and incredible technology"_ - actually it's because of all of this "incredible technology" is the precise reason I think they WON'T last forever.


Here in southern USA, sunroofs/moonroofs are IMO actually a drawback. It gets way too hot with the shade pulled back. I can see the advantage in Canada year around though.


My 2010 Nissan Altima with a 2.5 engine and a CVT transmission has over 235, 000 miles. No major issues. Still runs strong and smooth. I think it has a good chance to make it to 300, 000 miles.


My uncle bought a BMW once. Window motor went out within a month. 😅😂. Fixed it. Then sold it.


They call it the Fiat 500 because you will be lucky if you can drive it 500 miles before something breaks..


Wife’s 2015 Altima made it to 160, 000 miles, I kept up with the maintenance had no problems with the engine or the trans. Drove the car to Las Vegas in the summer countless times, never let us down. But I did notice the car started to lose power. We sold it to Carmax. And I got her a brand new SUV. But yea i didn’t like the car at all even when it was new, I’ll never buy another Nissan.


I agree with your comments about Range Rovers! I have owned three - never again!


I think it's interesting you reviewed a Nissan Altima that has got to be pushing 19 years old ?


Cars are terrible things. They cost you money from day one and never stop. Just buy the one you want, otherwise buy the one you can afford.


I’m a car geek . You’re a car geek . But you are way smarter and more entertaining. Thanks . And keep going !!!!
