Ways I manage my anxious dog at the vet.

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Sometimes stressful events are unavoidable, and for my dog Tucker - going to the vet has always been difficult for him.
We’ve tried behavior medication but it seemed to only confuse him rather than relieve him of anxiety.
I hope that some of the things I do to for my dog can help give you ways to help your dog 🙏
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Sweet Tucker! My boy Shiloh is the same way. We are actually headed to the vet in just a few minutes to get his nails done. He gets pre-meds at home and then mild sedation at the vet. So glad Tucker has a great momma like you!


For anyone reading this: I know that dog training can be difficult sometimes, but you're doing great. Keep up the good work, and your dog (and your own sanity) will thank you for it! ❤️💕


Good boy Tucker I have the same thing with my dog so I can relate I’m so glad you guys have a good vet


Sweet Tucker♥️ It is so hard to watch your baby struggle.
My second dog had paw surgery right after we got him and every vet appointment was traumatic for a while. So after his surgery follow-ups were completed, I continued to go to the vet's office once a week and have the vet staff talk to him, pet him, and give him treats. Then I would weigh him, give him a treat and leave. We did that every week for a month, then every other week for a while, then once a month. Eventually he learned that there are more good times than bad, at the vet. (Unless they took him in the back without me. But I found a vet that included me in every thing, from x-rays to laying in the kennel with him during surgery post-op♥️).
And my current girl was trained by her brother, on how to be calm at the vet♥️ Because of Covid, she now goes in by herself with a vet tech....once every week to have her anal glands expressed. She could care less! She is more concerned about the chew treat she gets from the vet. She's the only dog that races into the vet's office 🤷‍♀️😂 And the vet says she doesn't even use a vet tech to hold her, because as soon as the vet gets into the room, my dog swings her butt around because she knows the drill😂 When she had to get her annual physical (and get the front end examined), she was confused but cooperative, the vet said😂😂😂


This is great! Thank you as always for the strategies.


Oh he was so good! I'm so glad that you've found ways to say least take the edge off of the anxiety for him, and I hope all was well as far as the reason for your visit!


I have a dachshund with severe anxiety and I might have to try some of these when we do stressful things with him. Thank you for sharing 💜


My 2 year old rescue lab/Chesapeake bay retriever/ collie?(43lbs) Mix (got her when she was a puppy) used to be fine at the vet, them all of the sudden she is TERRIFIED of the wet. Like she wets herself (and anything/one near her) multiple time. Every time they touch her. She does the whole panting and alot of whining. Then by the time that's over she is so worked up she often throws up, just as we are almost home! And we only live 13ish minutes away. I have found if I take her for a ice cream it helps with the but We have been struggling with that wet business. She hates car rides too.
Our vet folks used to take there time, but we have had 2 local vets retire (one from this place) and in the last 2 years 2 vets die. So they are over run and over worked.
I need to learn how to train her to do tricks and try this out. As you know, this breed of dog is VERY into their food and treats lol!


Please could you do a video on how to teach a dog to do anxiety alerts? For example scratching/skin picking. Crying or heavy breathing.


My Border Collie gets anxious around strangers. Do you have any more tips for daily life? He is not that food motivated, especially not when he's anxious.


Hi! What breed is Tucker? He could literally pass for my pups twin down to matching collar. She was a rescue and we love her regardless but just curious ♥️ also thank you for the video, she gets really nervous at the vet.
