The 'NO CONTACT' Rule Explained (How To Do It CORRECTLY)

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One of the worst things to do post breakup or after you have detached from somebody else is to keep an open loop and the energy going back and forth.

Now, in this video, I'm gonna share with you the solution that changes everything, makes it so much easier, actually makes it a higher probability that you are in your own frame, in your own energy, and then there's an attractive energy there so it actually magnetizes more to you.

I'm gonna show you exactly what to do, how to do it, and why it is absolutely necessary as a next step. Now, the first thing with this process is let's talk about what the no contact rule is. And let's also talk about what happens when you go through a breakup or you go through a separation for someone else.

What normally happens is there is an energy that is entangled when you are with somebody else and you are thinking of this person a lot, you are maybe even physically around this person a lot, and what ends up happening is there's a lot of energy that's going back and forth and there's energy that's literally entangled with this other person.

Now what happens is when there is a breakup that happens or there is some type of separation that happens, the energy then starts to separate. Now what happens is
sometimes one of the people, may not want that separation to happen so they energetically cling on.

Now what happens is when somebody is energetically clinging on even after the relationship has fulfilled its purpose or at least it's ended, what happens is as we think about people, we are literally sending them energy.

I know this sounds a little bit esoteric, but it is something that quantum physics shows us
is that everything exists here and now and you have probably maybe even experienced this before when you think of somebody and then they call you or you have a certain intuition on different things.

It's important to understand how this energy dynamic works because when you are thinking of somebody else, you are sending them energy. Now, if you went through a breakup with someone, you may be thinking about how what happened wasn't something that you wanted to happen.

You may be feeling lack. You may be feeling very sad. You may be feeling that attachment doesn't feel so good. So, the energy that's being sent to them is I feel lack, I feel sad, and that energy, they are feeling.

Now, in general when you go through a process of like unmeshing or de separation or unattaching, sometimes it can be because maybe somebody else wants space. Maybe they want to be in their own energy field and they don't, especially when you talk about attachment styles, you talk about anxious and avoidant and dettachment styles, what tend to attract each other, there is secure attachment, anxious attachment, avoidant attachment.

Secure attachments, you're able to give and receive love easily. A lot of times they tend to be in relationships, not always but a lot of times. Anxious attachment people lean in for love and sometimes they're trying to fix other people, are trying to make the relationship work and then avoidant people on the other side of that, avoidant attachment style, normally is pushing away love, is a little bit afraid to get, there's an intimacy block there and they feel more safe, independent and in their own energy.

So what can happen many times is an anxious attachment style person and avoidant attachment style, attract each other, and this can fluctuate back and forth. It's important not to get attached to the labels necessarily because I've found in the past that I was anxious at times, and then in different situations been more avoidant.

So it's like, I think we all have some of these energies in us depending on our own emotional availability. However, you'll find that the anxious may lean in, the avoidant may kinda back up, but when it comes to this energy, sometimes, especially if this person's avoidant, they may just want space.

They want space, they wanna be in their own energy field. So the anxious of contacting them, checking in on them, trying to see how they're doing and projecting energy at them, they're gonna feel it, and they're gonna wanna run away more.

Now, here is the magic of this whole thing. I've seen this happen so many times. No kidding. I've seen this happen with friends, I've seen this happen in my own life, I've seen this happen with family members, it's incredible how powerful this is.

But what happens is, very common, someone may go through a breakup. Somebody is really distraught about it, really wants someone back, is maybe even projecting them energy. And then what they do is as they're projecting energy at this person they want them, they're maybe even texting them consistently.
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Man. If there's a person made a positive difference in my life. It's you


If you're reading this I'm praying something amazing happens for you today.❤️🙏🏼


Incredible person who is reading this. Want to let you know that EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT. Blessings upon blessings come to you daily. Everything you need it’s on its way to you! Be ready to receive! You are healthy. You are strong. You are capable. True wealth is coming for you. You are blessed beyond measure. You are loved so much by many. Receive this TRUTH! Bless you always with everything great you deserve. You are greatness!


"Stop abandoning yourself!" That did it for me!


"stop abandoning ourselves" ❤


You can forgive a person for all the hurt that they put you through, but don’t be gullible enough to take them back and find yourself in the same position all over again.
💙YouTuber That Helps People Overcome Toxic Relationships


Never make permanent decisions based on temporary feelings🖤👁💫


You didn't stumble upon this comment by accident you have a unique gift within you. You have something to share with the world. You may not know what that that gift is but you have it. Greatness awaits you!
Much love


When I was a child I grew up with a physically abusive mother and stepfather. As an adult, I tried very hard to heal myself. I tried to have conversations about the past with my parents but every time I did they would tell me to just get over the severe physical abuse and just move on. They told me I was being negative. Eventually, I knew the best way for me to heal was to go noncontact. At first, they sent me polite e mails but when I didn't respond the e mails turned angry. I kept a promise to myself not to respond to them no matter how triggering the messages became. I have gone about eight years without messaging them or speaking to them. It has been very healing for me. I am finally finding myself and loving life.


I never listened to you before but thank you..a man a truly care for just gave me the silent treatment it's been 2 months...we live in a small town so its hard to avoid him so I actually packed up my car drove 7 hours to a beautifull location..staying here because I needed the break from seeing him. Wow never commented before either..I'm slowly but surely letting go but not being there right now is good for me.


This is literally resonating with what is happening in my life. Wow


I have to let go because I have to love myself more. I've forgotten my goals, and it's not too late to start it over again. I'll date me.


This concept of pulling back the energy has changed my life. And its only been a 2 day discovery !!! Thank you so much


This is nuts I just discovered you yesterday and this is what I was attempting to do today
Laws of attraction and confirmation for sure that I am on the right path !


Now I comprehend this! This is the first time for me that this aspect of personal energy has been explained properly!


Didn't expect a video like this at the same moment when I'm suffering right now. Thanks!


This was exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you Aaron! 🙏🏻🥰


Going through a really difficult time, have been in a toxic cycle with someone I love. It's so painful for and I have to let to but I've been struggling. Your video came at the perfect time🙏


Thanks Aaron! I love the way you said:" its not their job to make us happy.."


An idea came to me on this when I sat down to meditate. I’ve been taught to visualize my energy field expanding in meditation. Seeing how big I can make my electromagnetic field. Less matter, more energy. So, I feel like it’s not about bringing your energy in, rather don’t narrow your energy in on someone else. Doing that concentrates our energy, making it dense and dim… well at least when the focus is in lack of the person. That doesn’t attract. Food for thought.
