Was I Wrong About The No Contact Rule?

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In a candid and introspective session, renowned relationship coach, Coach Lee, revisits one of the pillars of his coaching advice – The No Contact Rule. After years of advocating for its effectiveness, he takes a step back and poses the challenging question: "Was I Wrong About No Contact?"

Throughout this video:
🔸 Coach Lee dives into the genesis of the No Contact philosophy, recalling the early days of its introduction to his coaching arsenal.
🔸 Reflects on success stories, failures, and the in-betweens that have shaped his understanding of this method.
🔸 Ponders over the possibility of having misjudged or oversimplified its application for diverse relationship scenarios.
🔸 Invites feedback from the community, opening the floor for genuine conversations and stories about real-life experiences with the No Contact Rule.

Whether you've been a long-time subscriber or are just tuning in, join Coach Lee in this journey of reflection and discovery. Your insights might just reshape the future of relationship recovery!

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I stuck to my guns with no contact although it felt hopeless and i feel though as if she's stubborn and wont reach out. after 5 weeks she cracked. and we're back together now. don't lose faith in the process its most certainly your best bet.


No contact does work 100% of the time. If they return, it worked because they missed you, and the idea of losing you made them appreciate you enough to come back to you. If they dont return, no contact worked because they didn't miss your presence and were ok without you in their life. In either situation, you win. You either got them back or stopped wasting your time being manipulated by that person.


I did the no contact thing for me, he got into a monkey branch rebound relationship. Once all of my stuff was out of his house and my mail was transferred I went into no contact. That was 9 weeks ago, I did it for me for me to prove my value not only to myself but to him. So you go into no contact for yourself. Your own respect and your own growth. You don't go into no contact to think your ex is going to miss you so much. They're going to come flying back. Raise your own value and see what else is out there for you.


Almost all of my Exes that broke up with me have wanted me back at some point. I think a large reason for this is that I was always good to them and just a very kind person overall. The consolation prize for being a good person is that your ex will one day regret breaking up with you. Doesn’t stop them from breaking up with you of course unfortunately. I think how you treated them plays a big part in whether they regret breaking up with you or not.


She came back to me on Day 60 exactly!! Nightime text. Nighttime is when they are at their weakest. I said....holy shit....it worked!! She told me she was dying in silence without me. She was shocked that I didn't chase her. Stay strong people. When you get that text or call...you will see too that it works. They are hurting sometimes worse than you.... don't let their silence get to you. Let your silence mess them up in the head and they will break!!


If they don’t comeback, no contact will get you over your Ex, and you will be able to move on!


I think it would be great to see a testimonial video interviewing actual couples who have broken up and git back together, perhaps ones you've worked with, to gain their personal insights on what they experienced from both sides of the situation.


No contact definitely works. It gives them the space to miss you and makes them realize your place in their life. It shows that you can move on and that you have your life together and that’s a very attractive quality. Keep going day by day because it’s worth it. It’s worked every time for me.


It’s been a year of NC, and she never reached out. Not saying it does or doesn’t work but NC is the only option. If they don’t want you, the only option is to go no contact. It may not get them back, but it is better than chasing, thinking they will come back, or not coming to the realization that it’s over. Go NC and never look back. Stay strong everyone!


I think people misunderstand what “No Contact” is. If you’re just going to mope around and Wait and wait and wait with no contact and do nothing with themselves, nothing is going to happen. The purpose of No Contact is to break free of you obsession with this person and work on yourself to where your ex or whomever can see your growth and that’s what attracts you back. Coach Lee knows this. I’ve used his techniques before and they do work but you have to do things right.


I just wanted to share this with you all: after 3.5 months of no contact my ex came up to me in the gym and said that he just wanted to let me know I look like I've made great progress. He then kept close by and basically followed me around. Eventually we shared a friendly conversation but I kept it casual. The entire time he looked like a lost little puppy dog and I even felt bad for him. Believe me, no contact works if you work it.

Needless to say I've been focusing on myself during these months. And you know what? I don't plan on stopping. This journey of mine is so past the point of just getting back with my ex.


When you apply no contact you have to tell to yourself that she or he is never gonna come back, you should have this kind of mindset and move on to something else, there are a lot of beautiful people who want to be with you.
Thank you coach Lee.


In my head...it makes sense. If they don't come back to you, of their own will...then, they aren't for you. So you're better off. If they don't come back, and you meet someone, who DOES want to be with you.... you are better off. So, again, in my mind, it is a win-win scenario...

But, man, in my heart...it hurts like a muther!!!


Truth is no contact is simply the only way to maintain your self-respect; win, lose or draw.


Coach Lee, I just want to thank you from bottom of my heart. Not because my ex came back, but because I m feeling much better compared to 2 months ago when I started NC. I booked vacation, went back to gym, read various books and feeling like old myself again. Tbh, I am not sure do I want her back even if she reaches out. For everyone out there here is a saying of my grandpa:
“When two people break up, it is not the one who is left who loses, but the one who gave less in the relationship”.


Thank you for your help in getting my ex back, she left me after a 5 year relationship, we also have a 3 year old son together after a couple of months of constant fights, things went sour, I was blind to my faults and needed a reality check, I was mostly in the wrong to be honest. I wanted to chase her, but then I viewed your videos and gave her the breakup, after 3 weeks she reached out, it's now week 5 and we have a date setup for the end of the month to go on a weekend trip. Without your knowledge I would have fucked it up. You really are a sincere person, keep it up.


No contact is your ONLY reasonable option. In the meantime, everything that you admired about your ex is what you need to develop in yourself. Be strong, Kings.


I think Coach Lee is without a doubt one of the best relationship coaches in the field today. I feel blessed to have stumbled across his content a few years ago as his direction has really helped my personal growth.

Thank you Coach, I really appreciate it.


I think you made a point here, no contact works but there has to be a mutual dynamic between both parties during the relationship. I’d only one person was invested then I feel that the truth is they never wanted it. It’s possible you were a buffer for being bored.


7 weeks NC and still as painful as day 1.😢 is there a period where it eases of for us dumpees. I'm seeing a therapist and working on myself.

Update- 8 months NC now and I cant believe how emotionally strong i feel now. I did 4 months of therapy and workout regularly. I share time with my daughter in the week. I feel great and I dont think id ever get back now.
NC works for you. Ive re found myself and the love for me. Good luck everyone. You dont alwyas get them back but you find yourself in time.
